# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Dict from typing import Optional import paddle from paddle.io import DataLoader from paddle.io import DistributedBatchSampler from paddle.nn import Layer from paddle.optimizer import Optimizer from paddle.optimizer.lr import LRScheduler from deepspeech.training.reporter import report from deepspeech.training.updaters.updater import UpdaterBase from deepspeech.training.updaters.updater import UpdaterState from deepspeech.utils.log import Log __all__ = ["StandardUpdater"] logger = Log(__name__).getlog() class StandardUpdater(UpdaterBase): """An example of over-simplification. Things may not be that simple, but you can subclass it to fit your need. """ def __init__(self, model: Layer, optimizer: Optimizer, scheduler: LRScheduler, dataloader: DataLoader, init_state: Optional[UpdaterState]=None): super().__init__(init_state) # it is designed to hold multiple models models = {"main": model} self.models: Dict[str, Layer] = models self.model = model # it is designed to hold multiple optimizers optimizers = {"main": optimizer} self.optimizer = optimizer self.optimizers: Dict[str, Optimizer] = optimizers # it is designed to hold multiple scheduler schedulers = {"main": scheduler} self.scheduler = scheduler self.schedulers: Dict[str, LRScheduler] = schedulers # dataloaders self.dataloader = dataloader self.train_iterator = iter(dataloader) def update(self): # We increase the iteration index after updating and before extension. # Here are the reasons. # 0. Snapshotting(as well as other extensions, like visualizer) is # executed after a step of updating; # 1. We decide to increase the iteration index after updating and # before any all extension is executed. # 3. We do not increase the iteration after extension because we # prefer a consistent resume behavior, when load from a # `snapshot_iter_100.pdz` then the next step to train is `101`, # naturally. But if iteration is increased increased after # extension(including snapshot), then, a `snapshot_iter_99` is # loaded. You would need a extra increasing of the iteration idex # before training to avoid another iteration `99`, which has been # done before snapshotting. # 4. Thus iteration index represrnts "currently how mant epochs has # been done." # NOTE: use report to capture the correctly value. If you want to # report the learning rate used for a step, you must report it before # the learning rate scheduler's step() has been called. In paddle's # convention, we do not use an extension to change the learning rate. # so if you want to report it, do it in the updater. # Then here comes the next question. When is the proper time to # increase the epoch index? Since all extensions are executed after # updating, it is the time that after updating is the proper time to # increase epoch index. # 1. If we increase the epoch index before updating, then an extension # based ot epoch would miss the correct timing. It could only be # triggerd after an extra updating. # 2. Theoretically, when an epoch is done, the epoch index should be # increased. So it would be increase after updating. # 3. Thus, eppoch index represents "currently how many epochs has been # done." So it starts from 0. # switch to training mode for model in self.models.values(): model.train() # training for a step is implemented here with Timier("data time cost:{}"): batch = self.read_batch() with Timier("step time cost:{}"): self.update_core(batch) self.state.iteration += 1 if self.updates_per_epoch is not None: if self.state.iteration % self.updates_per_epoch == 0: self.state.epoch += 1 def update_core(self, batch): """A simple case for a training step. Basic assumptions are: Single model; Single optimizer; Single scheduler, and update learning rate each step; A batch from the dataloader is just the input of the model; The model return a single loss, or a dict containing serval losses. Parameters updates at every batch, no gradient accumulation. """ loss = self.model(*batch) if isinstance(loss, paddle.Tensor): loss_dict = {"main": loss} else: # Dict[str, Tensor] loss_dict = loss if "main" not in loss_dict: main_loss = 0 for loss_item in loss.values(): main_loss += loss_item loss_dict["main"] = main_loss for name, loss_item in loss_dict.items(): report(name, float(loss_item)) self.optimizer.clear_grad() loss_dict["main"].backward() self.optimizer.step() self.scheduler.step() @property def updates_per_epoch(self): """Number of steps per epoch, determined by the length of the dataloader.""" length_of_dataloader = None try: length_of_dataloader = len(self.dataloader) except TypeError: logger.debug("This dataloader has no __len__.") finally: return length_of_dataloader def new_epoch(self): """Start a new epoch.""" # NOTE: all batch sampler for distributed training should # subclass DistributedBatchSampler and implement `set_epoch` method if hasattr(self.dataloader, "batch_sampler"): batch_sampler = self.dataloader.batch_sampler if isinstance(batch_sampler, DistributedBatchSampler): batch_sampler.set_epoch(self.state.epoch) self.train_iterator = iter(self.dataloader) def read_batch(self): """Read a batch from the data loader, auto renew when data is exhausted.""" try: batch = next(self.train_iterator) except StopIteration: self.new_epoch() batch = next(self.train_iterator) return batch def state_dict(self): """State dict of a Updater, model, optimizers/schedulers and updater state are included.""" state_dict = super().state_dict() for name, model in self.models.items(): state_dict[f"{name}_params"] = model.state_dict() for name, optim in self.optimizers.items(): state_dict[f"{name}_optimizer"] = optim.state_dict() return state_dict def set_state_dict(self, state_dict): """Set state dict for a Updater. Parameters of models, states for optimizers/schedulers and UpdaterState are restored.""" for name, model in self.models.items(): model.set_state_dict(state_dict[f"{name}_params"]) for name, optim in self.optimizers.items(): optim.set_state_dict(state_dict[f"{name}_optimizer"]) super().set_state_dict(state_dict)