#!/usr/bin/env bash # Begin configuration section. nj=4 cmd=run.pl verbose=0 filetype="" preprocess_conf="" # End configuration section. help_message=$(cat << EOF Usage: $0 [options] <input-scp> <output-scp> [<log-dir>] e.g.: $0 data/train/feats.scp data/train/shape.scp data/train/log Options: --nj <nj> # number of parallel jobs --cmd (utils/run.pl|utils/queue.pl <queue opts>) # how to run jobs. --filetype <mat|hdf5|sound.hdf5> # Specify the format of feats file --preprocess-conf <json> # Apply preprocess to feats when creating shape.scp --verbose <num> # Default: 0 EOF ) echo "$0 $*" 1>&2 # Print the command line for logging . parse_options.sh || exit 1; if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ $# -gt 3 ]; then echo "${help_message}" 1>&2 exit 1; fi set -euo pipefail scp=$1 outscp=$2 data=$(dirname ${scp}) if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then logdir=$3 else logdir=${data}/log fi mkdir -p ${logdir} nj=$((nj<$(<"${scp}" wc -l)?nj:$(<"${scp}" wc -l))) split_scps="" for n in $(seq ${nj}); do split_scps="${split_scps} ${logdir}/feats.${n}.scp" done utils/split_scp.pl ${scp} ${split_scps} if [ -n "${preprocess_conf}" ]; then preprocess_opt="--preprocess-conf ${preprocess_conf}" else preprocess_opt="" fi if [ -n "${filetype}" ]; then filetype_opt="--filetype ${filetype}" else filetype_opt="" fi ${cmd} JOB=1:${nj} ${logdir}/feat_to_shape.JOB.log \ feat-to-shape.py --verbose ${verbose} ${preprocess_opt} ${filetype_opt} \ scp:${logdir}/feats.JOB.scp ${logdir}/shape.JOB.scp # concatenate the .scp files together. for n in $(seq ${nj}); do cat ${logdir}/shape.${n}.scp done > ${outscp} rm -f ${logdir}/feats.*.scp 2>/dev/null