import os import platform import subprocess from pathlib import Path import distutils.sysconfig from setuptools import Extension from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext __all__ = [ "get_ext_modules", "CMakeBuild", ] _THIS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() _ROOT_DIR = _THIS_DIR.parent.parent.resolve() _PADDLESPEECH_DIR = _ROOT_DIR / "paddleaudio" def _get_build(var, default=False): if var not in os.environ: return default val = os.environ.get(var, "0") trues = ["1", "true", "TRUE", "on", "ON", "yes", "YES"] falses = ["0", "false", "FALSE", "off", "OFF", "no", "NO"] if val in trues: return True if val not in falses: print(f"WARNING: Unexpected environment variable value `{var}={val}`. " f"Expected one of {trues + falses}") return False _BUILD_SOX = False if platform.system() == "Windows" else _get_build( "BUILD_SOX", True) _BUILD_MAD = _get_build("BUILD_MAD", False) _BUILD_KALDI = False if platform.system() == "Windows" else _get_build( "BUILD_KALDI", True) _PADDLESPEECH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST = os.environ.get("PADDLESPEECH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST", None) def get_ext_modules(): if platform.system() == "Windows": return [] modules = [ Extension(name="paddleaudio.lib.libpaddleaudio", sources=[]), Extension(name="paddleaudio._paddleaudio", sources=[]), ] return modules # Based off of # class CMakeBuild(build_ext): def run(self): try: subprocess.check_output(["cmake", "--version"]) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("CMake is not available.") from None super().run() def build_extension(self, ext): # Since two library files (libpaddleaudio and _paddleaudio) need to be # recognized by setuptools, we instantiate `Extension` twice. (see `get_ext_modules`) # This leads to the situation where this `build_extension` method is called twice. # However, the following `cmake` command will build all of them at the same time, # so, we do not need to perform `cmake` twice. # Therefore we call `cmake` only for `paddleaudio._paddleaudio`. if != "paddleaudio._paddleaudio": return extdir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(self.get_ext_fullpath( # required for auto-detection of auxiliary "native" libs if not extdir.endswith(os.path.sep): extdir += os.path.sep cfg = "Debug" if self.debug else "Release" cmake_args = [ f"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={cfg}", # f"-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path}", f"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={extdir}", "-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON", f"-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR={distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()}", #f"-DPYTHON_LIBRARY={distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')}", f"-DBUILD_SOX:BOOL={'ON' if _BUILD_SOX else 'OFF'}", f"-DBUILD_MAD:BOOL={'ON' if _BUILD_MAD else 'OFF'}", f"-DBUILD_KALDI:BOOL={'ON' if _BUILD_KALDI else 'OFF'}", # f"-DBUILD_RNNT:BOOL={'ON' if _BUILD_RNNT else 'OFF'}", # f"-DBUILD_CTC_DECODER:BOOL={'ON' if _BUILD_CTC_DECODER else 'OFF'}", "-DBUILD_PADDLEAUDIO_PYTHON_EXTENSION:BOOL=ON", # f"-DUSE_ROCM:BOOL={'ON' if _USE_ROCM else 'OFF'}", # f"-DUSE_CUDA:BOOL={'ON' if _USE_CUDA else 'OFF'}", # f"-DUSE_OPENMP:BOOL={'ON' if _USE_OPENMP else 'OFF'}", # f"-DUSE_FFMPEG:BOOL={'ON' if _USE_FFMPEG else 'OFF'}", ] build_args = ["--target", "install"] # Pass CUDA architecture to cmake if _PADDLESPEECH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST is not None: # Convert MAJOR.MINOR[+PTX] list to new style one # defined at _arches = _PADDLESPEECH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST.replace(".", "").replace( " ", ";").split(";") _arches = [ arch[:-4] if arch.endswith("+PTX") else f"{arch}-real" for arch in _arches ] cmake_args += [f"-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES={';'.join(_arches)}"] # Default to Ninja if "CMAKE_GENERATOR" not in os.environ or platform.system() == "Windows": cmake_args += ["-GNinja"] if platform.system() == "Windows": import sys python_version = sys.version_info cmake_args += [ "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cl", "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=cl", f"-DPYTHON_VERSION={python_version.major}.{python_version.minor}", ] # Set CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL to control the parallel build level # across all generators. if "CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL" not in os.environ: # self.parallel is a Python 3 only way to set parallel jobs by hand # using -j in the build_ext call, not supported by pip or PyPA-build. if hasattr(self, "parallel") and self.parallel: # CMake 3.12+ only. build_args += ["-j{}".format(self.parallel)] if not os.path.exists(self.build_temp): os.makedirs(self.build_temp) print( f"cmake {_ROOT_DIR} {' '.join(cmake_args)}, cwd={self.build_temp}") subprocess.check_call( ["cmake", str(_ROOT_DIR)] + cmake_args, cwd=self.build_temp) print(f"cmake --build . {' '.join(build_args)}, cwd={self.build_temp}") subprocess.check_call( ["cmake", "--build", "."] + build_args, cwd=self.build_temp) def get_ext_filename(self, fullname): ext_filename = super().get_ext_filename(fullname) ext_filename_parts = ext_filename.split(".") without_abi = ext_filename_parts[:-2] + ext_filename_parts[-1:] ext_filename = ".".join(without_abi) return ext_filename