#!/bin/bash if [ $# != 3 ];then echo "usage: $0 config_path ckpt_prefix jit_model_path" exit -1 fi ngpu=$(echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES | awk -F "," '{print NF}') echo "using $ngpu gpus..." config_path=$1 ckpt_path_prefix=$2 jit_model_export_path=$3 # export can not using StreamdataDataloader, set use_stream_dta False # u2: reverse_weight should be 0.0 # u2pp: reverse_weight should be same with config file. e.g. 0.3 python3 -u ${BIN_DIR}/export.py \ --ngpu ${ngpu} \ --config ${config_path} \ --opts use_stream_data False \ --checkpoint_path ${ckpt_path_prefix} \ --export_path ${jit_model_export_path} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed in export!" exit 1 fi exit 0