# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Modified from espnet(https://github.com/espnet/espnet) from typing import List from typing import Union import paddle from paddle import nn from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.activation import get_activation from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.conformer.convolution import ConvolutionModule from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.conformer.encoder_layer import EncoderLayer as ConformerEncoderLayer from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.layer_norm import LayerNorm from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.attention import MultiHeadedAttention from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.attention import RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.embedding import PositionalEncoding from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.embedding import RelPositionalEncoding from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.embedding import ScaledPositionalEncoding from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.encoder_layer import EncoderLayer from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.multi_layer_conv import Conv1dLinear from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.multi_layer_conv import MultiLayeredConv1d from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.positionwise_feed_forward import PositionwiseFeedForward from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.repeat import repeat from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.transformer.subsampling import Conv2dSubsampling class BaseEncoder(nn.Layer): """Base Encoder module. Args: idim (int): Input dimension. attention_dim (int): Dimention of attention. attention_heads (int): The number of heads of multi head attention. linear_units (int): The number of units of position-wise feed forward. num_blocks (int): The number of decoder blocks. dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate. positional_dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate after adding positional encoding. attention_dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate in attention. input_layer (Union[str, nn.Layer]): Input layer type. normalize_before (bool): Whether to use layer_norm before the first block. concat_after (bool): Whether to concat attention layer's input and output. if True, additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + linear(concat(x, att(x))) if False, no additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + att(x) positionwise_layer_type (str): "linear", "conv1d", or "conv1d-linear". positionwise_conv_kernel_size (int): Kernel size of positionwise conv1d layer. macaron_style (bool): Whether to use macaron style for positionwise layer. pos_enc_layer_type (str): Encoder positional encoding layer type. selfattention_layer_type (str): Encoder attention layer type. activation_type (str): Encoder activation function type. use_cnn_module (bool): Whether to use convolution module. zero_triu (bool): Whether to zero the upper triangular part of attention matrix. cnn_module_kernel (int): Kernerl size of convolution module. padding_idx (int): Padding idx for input_layer=embed. stochastic_depth_rate (float): Maximum probability to skip the encoder layer. intermediate_layers (Union[List[int], None]): indices of intermediate CTC layer. indices start from 1. if not None, intermediate outputs are returned (which changes return type signature.) encoder_type (str): "transformer", or "conformer". """ def __init__(self, idim: int, attention_dim: int=256, attention_heads: int=4, linear_units: int=2048, num_blocks: int=6, dropout_rate: float=0.1, positional_dropout_rate: float=0.1, attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, input_layer: str="conv2d", normalize_before: bool=True, concat_after: bool=False, positionwise_layer_type: str="linear", positionwise_conv_kernel_size: int=1, macaron_style: bool=False, pos_enc_layer_type: str="abs_pos", selfattention_layer_type: str="selfattn", activation_type: str="swish", use_cnn_module: bool=False, zero_triu: bool=False, cnn_module_kernel: int=31, padding_idx: int=-1, stochastic_depth_rate: float=0.0, intermediate_layers: Union[List[int], None]=None, encoder_type: str="transformer"): """Construct an Base Encoder object.""" super().__init__() activation = get_activation(activation_type) pos_enc_class = self.get_pos_enc_class(pos_enc_layer_type, selfattention_layer_type) self.encoder_type = encoder_type self.conv_subsampling_factor = 1 self.embed = self.get_embed( idim=idim, input_layer=input_layer, attention_dim=attention_dim, pos_enc_class=pos_enc_class, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=positional_dropout_rate, padding_idx=padding_idx) self.normalize_before = normalize_before # self-attention module definition encoder_selfattn_layer, encoder_selfattn_layer_args = self.get_encoder_selfattn_layer( selfattention_layer_type=selfattention_layer_type, attention_heads=attention_heads, attention_dim=attention_dim, attention_dropout_rate=attention_dropout_rate, zero_triu=zero_triu, pos_enc_layer_type=pos_enc_layer_type) # feed-forward module definition positionwise_layer, positionwise_layer_args = self.get_positionwise_layer( positionwise_layer_type, attention_dim, linear_units, dropout_rate, positionwise_conv_kernel_size, activation) # convolution module definition convolution_layer = ConvolutionModule convolution_layer_args = (attention_dim, cnn_module_kernel, activation) if self.encoder_type == "transformer": self.encoders = repeat( num_blocks, lambda lnum: EncoderLayer( attention_dim, encoder_selfattn_layer(*encoder_selfattn_layer_args), positionwise_layer(*positionwise_layer_args), dropout_rate, normalize_before, concat_after, ), ) elif self.encoder_type == "conformer": self.encoders = repeat( num_blocks, lambda lnum: ConformerEncoderLayer( attention_dim, encoder_selfattn_layer(*encoder_selfattn_layer_args), positionwise_layer(*positionwise_layer_args), positionwise_layer(*positionwise_layer_args) if macaron_style else None, convolution_layer(*convolution_layer_args) if use_cnn_module else None, dropout_rate, normalize_before, concat_after, stochastic_depth_rate * float(1 + lnum) / num_blocks, ), ) self.intermediate_layers = intermediate_layers else: raise NotImplementedError("Support only linear or conv1d.") if self.normalize_before: self.after_norm = LayerNorm(attention_dim) def get_positionwise_layer(self, positionwise_layer_type: str="linear", attention_dim: int=256, linear_units: int=2048, dropout_rate: float=0.1, positionwise_conv_kernel_size: int=1, activation: nn.Layer=nn.ReLU()): """Define positionwise layer.""" if positionwise_layer_type == "linear": positionwise_layer = PositionwiseFeedForward positionwise_layer_args = (attention_dim, linear_units, dropout_rate, activation) elif positionwise_layer_type == "conv1d": positionwise_layer = MultiLayeredConv1d positionwise_layer_args = (attention_dim, linear_units, positionwise_conv_kernel_size, dropout_rate, ) elif positionwise_layer_type == "conv1d-linear": positionwise_layer = Conv1dLinear positionwise_layer_args = (attention_dim, linear_units, positionwise_conv_kernel_size, dropout_rate, ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Support only linear or conv1d.") return positionwise_layer, positionwise_layer_args def get_encoder_selfattn_layer(self, selfattention_layer_type: str="selfattn", attention_heads: int=4, attention_dim: int=256, attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, zero_triu: bool=False, pos_enc_layer_type: str="abs_pos"): if selfattention_layer_type == "selfattn": encoder_selfattn_layer = MultiHeadedAttention encoder_selfattn_layer_args = (attention_heads, attention_dim, attention_dropout_rate, ) elif selfattention_layer_type == "rel_selfattn": assert pos_enc_layer_type == "rel_pos" encoder_selfattn_layer = RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention encoder_selfattn_layer_args = (attention_heads, attention_dim, attention_dropout_rate, zero_triu, ) else: raise ValueError("unknown encoder_attn_layer: " + selfattention_layer_type) return encoder_selfattn_layer, encoder_selfattn_layer_args def get_pos_enc_class(self, pos_enc_layer_type: str="abs_pos", selfattention_layer_type: str="selfattn"): if pos_enc_layer_type == "abs_pos": pos_enc_class = PositionalEncoding elif pos_enc_layer_type == "scaled_abs_pos": pos_enc_class = ScaledPositionalEncoding elif pos_enc_layer_type == "rel_pos": assert selfattention_layer_type == "rel_selfattn" pos_enc_class = RelPositionalEncoding else: raise ValueError("unknown pos_enc_layer: " + pos_enc_layer_type) return pos_enc_class def get_embed(self, idim, input_layer="conv2d", attention_dim: int=256, pos_enc_class=PositionalEncoding, dropout_rate: int=0.1, positional_dropout_rate: int=0.1, padding_idx: int=-1): if input_layer == "linear": embed = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(idim, attention_dim), nn.LayerNorm(attention_dim), nn.Dropout(dropout_rate), nn.ReLU(), pos_enc_class(attention_dim, positional_dropout_rate), ) elif input_layer == "conv2d": embed = Conv2dSubsampling( idim, attention_dim, dropout_rate, pos_enc_class(attention_dim, positional_dropout_rate), ) self.conv_subsampling_factor = 4 elif input_layer == "embed": embed = nn.Sequential( nn.Embedding(idim, attention_dim, padding_idx=padding_idx), pos_enc_class(attention_dim, positional_dropout_rate), ) elif isinstance(input_layer, nn.Layer): embed = nn.Sequential( input_layer, pos_enc_class(attention_dim, positional_dropout_rate), ) elif input_layer is None: embed = nn.Sequential( pos_enc_class(attention_dim, positional_dropout_rate)) else: raise ValueError("unknown input_layer: " + input_layer) return embed def forward(self, xs, masks): """Encode input sequence. Args: xs (Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, idim). masks (Tensor): Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). Returns: Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, time, attention_dim). Tensor: Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). """ xs = self.embed(xs) xs, masks = self.encoders(xs, masks) if self.normalize_before: xs = self.after_norm(xs) return xs, masks class TransformerEncoder(BaseEncoder): """Transformer encoder module. Args: idim (int): Input dimension. attention_dim (int): Dimention of attention. attention_heads (int): The number of heads of multi head attention. linear_units (int): The number of units of position-wise feed forward. num_blocks (int): The number of decoder blocks. dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate. positional_dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate after adding positional encoding. attention_dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate in attention. input_layer (Union[str, paddle.nn.Layer]): Input layer type. pos_enc_layer_type (str): Encoder positional encoding layer type. normalize_before (bool): Whether to use layer_norm before the first block. concat_after (bool): Whether to concat attention layer's input and output. if True, additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + linear(concat(x, att(x))) if False, no additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + att(x) positionwise_layer_type (str): "linear", "conv1d", or "conv1d-linear". positionwise_conv_kernel_size (int): Kernel size of positionwise conv1d layer. selfattention_layer_type (str): Encoder attention layer type. activation_type (str): Encoder activation function type. padding_idx (int): Padding idx for input_layer=embed. """ def __init__( self, idim, attention_dim: int=256, attention_heads: int=4, linear_units: int=2048, num_blocks: int=6, dropout_rate: float=0.1, positional_dropout_rate: float=0.1, attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, input_layer: str="conv2d", pos_enc_layer_type: str="abs_pos", normalize_before: bool=True, concat_after: bool=False, positionwise_layer_type: str="linear", positionwise_conv_kernel_size: int=1, selfattention_layer_type: str="selfattn", activation_type: str="relu", padding_idx: int=-1, ): """Construct an Transformer Encoder object.""" super().__init__( idim, attention_dim=attention_dim, attention_heads=attention_heads, linear_units=linear_units, num_blocks=num_blocks, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=positional_dropout_rate, attention_dropout_rate=attention_dropout_rate, input_layer=input_layer, pos_enc_layer_type=pos_enc_layer_type, normalize_before=normalize_before, concat_after=concat_after, positionwise_layer_type=positionwise_layer_type, positionwise_conv_kernel_size=positionwise_conv_kernel_size, selfattention_layer_type=selfattention_layer_type, activation_type=activation_type, padding_idx=padding_idx, encoder_type="transformer") def forward(self, xs: paddle.Tensor, masks: paddle.Tensor, note_emb: paddle.Tensor=None, note_dur_emb: paddle.Tensor=None, is_slur_emb: paddle.Tensor=None, scale: int=16): """Encoder input sequence. Args: xs(Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, idim). masks(Tensor): Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). note_emb(Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, attention_dim). note_dur_emb(Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, attention_dim). is_slur_emb(Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, attention_dim). Returns: Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, time, attention_dim). Tensor: Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). """ xs = self.embed(xs) if note_emb is not None: xs = scale * xs + note_emb + note_dur_emb + is_slur_emb xs, masks = self.encoders(xs, masks) if self.normalize_before: xs = self.after_norm(xs) return xs, masks def forward_one_step(self, xs, masks, cache=None): """Encode input frame. Args: xs (Tensor): Input tensor. masks (Tensor): Mask tensor. cache (List[Tensor]): List of cache tensors. Returns: Tensor: Output tensor. Tensor: Mask tensor. List[Tensor]: List of new cache tensors. """ xs = self.embed(xs) if cache is None: cache = [None for _ in range(len(self.encoders))] new_cache = [] for c, e in zip(cache, self.encoders): xs, masks = e(xs, masks, cache=c) new_cache.append(xs) if self.normalize_before: xs = self.after_norm(xs) return xs, masks, new_cache class ConformerEncoder(BaseEncoder): """Conformer encoder module. Args: idim (int): Input dimension. attention_dim (int): Dimention of attention. attention_heads (int): The number of heads of multi head attention. linear_units (int): The number of units of position-wise feed forward. num_blocks (int): The number of decoder blocks. dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate. positional_dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate after adding positional encoding. attention_dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate in attention. input_layer (Union[str, nn.Layer]): Input layer type. normalize_before (bool): Whether to use layer_norm before the first block. concat_after (bool): Whether to concat attention layer's input and output. if True, additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + linear(concat(x, att(x))) if False, no additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + att(x) positionwise_layer_type (str): "linear", "conv1d", or "conv1d-linear". positionwise_conv_kernel_size (int): Kernel size of positionwise conv1d layer. macaron_style (bool): Whether to use macaron style for positionwise layer. pos_enc_layer_type (str): Encoder positional encoding layer type. selfattention_layer_type (str): Encoder attention layer type. activation_type (str): Encoder activation function type. use_cnn_module (bool): Whether to use convolution module. zero_triu (bool): Whether to zero the upper triangular part of attention matrix. cnn_module_kernel (int): Kernerl size of convolution module. padding_idx (int): Padding idx for input_layer=embed. stochastic_depth_rate (float): Maximum probability to skip the encoder layer. intermediate_layers (Union[List[int], None]): indices of intermediate CTC layer. indices start from 1. if not None, intermediate outputs are returned (which changes return type signature.) """ def __init__( self, idim: int, attention_dim: int=256, attention_heads: int=4, linear_units: int=2048, num_blocks: int=6, dropout_rate: float=0.1, positional_dropout_rate: float=0.1, attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, input_layer: str="conv2d", normalize_before: bool=True, concat_after: bool=False, positionwise_layer_type: str="linear", positionwise_conv_kernel_size: int=1, macaron_style: bool=False, pos_enc_layer_type: str="rel_pos", selfattention_layer_type: str="rel_selfattn", activation_type: str="swish", use_cnn_module: bool=False, zero_triu: bool=False, cnn_module_kernel: int=31, padding_idx: int=-1, stochastic_depth_rate: float=0.0, intermediate_layers: Union[List[int], None]=None, ): """Construct an Conformer Encoder object.""" super().__init__( idim=idim, attention_dim=attention_dim, attention_heads=attention_heads, linear_units=linear_units, num_blocks=num_blocks, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=positional_dropout_rate, attention_dropout_rate=attention_dropout_rate, input_layer=input_layer, normalize_before=normalize_before, concat_after=concat_after, positionwise_layer_type=positionwise_layer_type, positionwise_conv_kernel_size=positionwise_conv_kernel_size, macaron_style=macaron_style, pos_enc_layer_type=pos_enc_layer_type, selfattention_layer_type=selfattention_layer_type, activation_type=activation_type, use_cnn_module=use_cnn_module, zero_triu=zero_triu, cnn_module_kernel=cnn_module_kernel, padding_idx=padding_idx, stochastic_depth_rate=stochastic_depth_rate, intermediate_layers=intermediate_layers, encoder_type="conformer") def forward(self, xs, masks): """Encode input sequence. Args: xs (Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, idim). masks (Tensor): Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). Returns: Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, time, attention_dim). Tensor: Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). """ if isinstance(self.embed, (Conv2dSubsampling)): xs, masks = self.embed(xs, masks) else: xs = self.embed(xs) if self.intermediate_layers is None: xs, masks = self.encoders(xs, masks) else: intermediate_outputs = [] for layer_idx, encoder_layer in enumerate(self.encoders): xs, masks = encoder_layer(xs, masks) if (self.intermediate_layers is not None and layer_idx + 1 in self.intermediate_layers): # intermediate branches also require normalization. encoder_output = xs if isinstance(encoder_output, tuple): encoder_output = encoder_output[0] if self.normalize_before: encoder_output = self.after_norm(encoder_output) intermediate_outputs.append(encoder_output) if isinstance(xs, tuple): xs = xs[0] if self.normalize_before: xs = self.after_norm(xs) if self.intermediate_layers is not None: return xs, masks, intermediate_outputs return xs, masks class Conv1dResidualBlock(nn.Layer): """ Special module for simplified version of Encoder class. """ def __init__(self, idim: int=256, odim: int=256, kernel_size: int=5, dropout_rate: float=0.2): super().__init__() self.main_block = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1D( idim, odim, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=kernel_size // 2), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm1D(odim), nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate)) self.conv1d_residual = nn.Conv1D(idim, odim, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, xs): """Encode input sequence. Args: xs (Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, idim, T). Returns: Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, odim, T). """ outputs = self.main_block(xs) outputs = self.conv1d_residual(xs) + outputs return outputs class CNNDecoder(nn.Layer): """ Much simplified decoder than the original one with Prenet. """ def __init__( self, emb_dim: int=256, odim: int=80, kernel_size: int=5, dropout_rate: float=0.2, resblock_kernel_sizes: List[int]=[256, 256], ): super().__init__() input_shape = emb_dim out_sizes = resblock_kernel_sizes out_sizes.append(out_sizes[-1]) in_sizes = [input_shape] + out_sizes[:-1] self.residual_blocks = nn.LayerList([ Conv1dResidualBlock( idim=in_channels, odim=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, ) for in_channels, out_channels in zip(in_sizes, out_sizes) ]) self.conv1d = nn.Conv1D( in_channels=out_sizes[-1], out_channels=odim, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, xs, masks=None): """Encode input sequence. Args: xs (Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, time, idim). masks (Tensor): Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). Returns: Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, time, odim). """ # exchange the temporal dimension and the feature dimension xs = xs.transpose([0, 2, 1]) if masks is not None: xs = xs * masks for layer in self.residual_blocks: outputs = layer(xs) if masks is not None: # input_mask B * 1 * T outputs = outputs * masks xs = outputs outputs = self.conv1d(outputs) if masks is not None: outputs = outputs * masks outputs = outputs.transpose([0, 2, 1]) return outputs class CNNPostnet(nn.Layer): def __init__( self, odim: int=80, kernel_size: int=5, dropout_rate: float=0.2, resblock_kernel_sizes: List[int]=[256, 256], ): super().__init__() out_sizes = resblock_kernel_sizes in_sizes = [odim] + out_sizes[:-1] self.residual_blocks = nn.LayerList([ Conv1dResidualBlock( idim=in_channels, odim=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, dropout_rate=dropout_rate) for in_channels, out_channels in zip(in_sizes, out_sizes) ]) self.conv1d = nn.Conv1D( in_channels=out_sizes[-1], out_channels=odim, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, xs, masks=None): """Encode input sequence. Args: xs (Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, odim, time). masks (Tensor): Mask tensor (#batch, 1, time). Returns: Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, odim, time). """ for layer in self.residual_blocks: outputs = layer(xs) if masks is not None: # input_mask B * 1 * T outputs = outputs * masks xs = outputs outputs = self.conv1d(outputs) if masks is not None: outputs = outputs * masks return outputs