# Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import paddle import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddle import nn from .layers import Attention from .layers import ConvBlock from .layers import ConvNorm from .layers import LinearNorm from .layers import MFCC from paddlespeech.utils.initialize import uniform_ class ASRCNN(nn.Layer): def __init__( self, input_dim: int=80, hidden_dim: int=256, n_token: int=35, n_layers: int=6, token_embedding_dim: int=256, ): super().__init__() self.n_token = n_token self.n_down = 1 self.to_mfcc = MFCC() self.init_cnn = ConvNorm( in_channels=input_dim // 2, out_channels=hidden_dim, kernel_size=7, padding=3, stride=2) self.cnns = nn.Sequential(* [ nn.Sequential( ConvBlock(hidden_dim), nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=1, num_channels=hidden_dim)) for n in range(n_layers) ]) self.projection = ConvNorm( in_channels=hidden_dim, out_channels=hidden_dim // 2) self.ctc_linear = nn.Sequential( LinearNorm(in_dim=hidden_dim // 2, out_dim=hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), LinearNorm(in_dim=hidden_dim, out_dim=n_token)) self.asr_s2s = ASRS2S( embedding_dim=token_embedding_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim // 2, n_token=n_token) def forward(self, x: paddle.Tensor, src_key_padding_mask: paddle.Tensor=None, text_input: paddle.Tensor=None): x = self.to_mfcc(x) x = self.init_cnn(x) x = self.cnns(x) x = self.projection(x) x = x.transpose([0, 2, 1]) ctc_logit = self.ctc_linear(x) if text_input is not None: _, s2s_logit, s2s_attn = self.asr_s2s( memory=x, memory_mask=src_key_padding_mask, text_input=text_input) return ctc_logit, s2s_logit, s2s_attn else: return ctc_logit def get_feature(self, x: paddle.Tensor): x = self.to_mfcc(x.squeeze(1)) x = self.init_cnn(x) x = self.cnns(x) x = self.projection(x) return x def length_to_mask(self, lengths: paddle.Tensor): mask = paddle.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand( (lengths.shape[0], -1)).astype(lengths.dtype) mask = paddle.greater_than(mask + 1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) return mask def get_future_mask(self, out_length: int, unmask_future_steps: int=0): """ Args: out_length (int): returned mask shape is (out_length, out_length). unmask_futre_steps (int): unmasking future step size. Return: Tensor (paddle.Tensor(bool)): mask future timesteps mask[i, j] = True if i > j + unmask_future_steps else False """ index_tensor = paddle.arange(out_length).unsqueeze(0).expand( [out_length, -1]) mask = paddle.greater_than(index_tensor, index_tensor.T + unmask_future_steps) return mask class ASRS2S(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, embedding_dim: int=256, hidden_dim: int=512, n_location_filters: int=32, location_kernel_size: int=63, n_token: int=40): super().__init__() self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_token, embedding_dim) val_range = math.sqrt(6 / hidden_dim) uniform_(self.embedding.weight, -val_range, val_range) self.decoder_rnn_dim = hidden_dim self.project_to_n_symbols = nn.Linear(self.decoder_rnn_dim, n_token) self.attention_layer = Attention( attention_rnn_dim=self.decoder_rnn_dim, embedding_dim=hidden_dim, attention_dim=hidden_dim, attention_location_n_filters=n_location_filters, attention_location_kernel_size=location_kernel_size) self.decoder_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(self.decoder_rnn_dim + embedding_dim, self.decoder_rnn_dim) self.project_to_hidden = nn.Sequential( LinearNorm(in_dim=self.decoder_rnn_dim * 2, out_dim=hidden_dim), nn.Tanh()) self.sos = 1 self.eos = 2 def initialize_decoder_states(self, memory: paddle.Tensor, mask: paddle.Tensor): """ moemory.shape = (B, L, H) = (Batchsize, Maxtimestep, Hiddendim) """ B, L, H = memory.shape dtype = memory.dtype self.decoder_hidden = paddle.zeros( (B, self.decoder_rnn_dim)).astype(dtype) self.decoder_cell = paddle.zeros( (B, self.decoder_rnn_dim)).astype(dtype) self.attention_weights = paddle.zeros((B, L)).astype(dtype) self.attention_weights_cum = paddle.zeros((B, L)).astype(dtype) self.attention_context = paddle.zeros((B, H)).astype(dtype) self.memory = memory self.processed_memory = self.attention_layer.memory_layer(memory) self.mask = mask self.unk_index = 3 self.random_mask = 0.1 def forward(self, memory: paddle.Tensor, memory_mask: paddle.Tensor, text_input: paddle.Tensor): """ moemory.shape = (B, L, H) = (Batchsize, Maxtimestep, Hiddendim) moemory_mask.shape = (B, L, ) texts_input.shape = (B, T) """ self.initialize_decoder_states(memory, memory_mask) # text random mask random_mask = (paddle.rand(text_input.shape) < self.random_mask) _text_input = text_input.clone() _text_input[:] = paddle.where( condition=random_mask, x=paddle.full( shape=_text_input.shape, fill_value=self.unk_index, dtype=_text_input.dtype), y=_text_input) decoder_inputs = self.embedding(_text_input).transpose( [1, 0, 2]) # -> [T, B, channel] start_embedding = self.embedding( paddle.to_tensor( [self.sos] * decoder_inputs.shape[1], dtype=paddle.long)) decoder_inputs = paddle.concat( (start_embedding.unsqueeze(0), decoder_inputs), axis=0) hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments = [], [], [] while len(hidden_outputs) < decoder_inputs.shape[0]: decoder_input = decoder_inputs[len(hidden_outputs)] hidden, logit, attention_weights = self.decode(decoder_input) hidden_outputs += [hidden] logit_outputs += [logit] alignments += [attention_weights] hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments = self.parse_decoder_outputs( hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments) return hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments def decode(self, decoder_input: paddle.Tensor): cell_input = paddle.concat((decoder_input, self.attention_context), -1) self.decoder_rnn.flatten_parameters() self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell = self.decoder_rnn( cell_input, (self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell)) attention_weights_cat = paddle.concat( (self.attention_weights.unsqueeze(1), self.attention_weights_cum.unsqueeze(1)), axis=1) self.attention_context, self.attention_weights = self.attention_layer( self.decoder_hidden, self.memory, self.processed_memory, attention_weights_cat, self.mask) self.attention_weights_cum += self.attention_weights hidden_and_context = paddle.concat( (self.decoder_hidden, self.attention_context), -1) hidden = self.project_to_hidden(hidden_and_context) # dropout to increasing g logit = self.project_to_n_symbols(F.dropout(hidden, 0.5, self.training)) return hidden, logit, self.attention_weights def parse_decoder_outputs(self, hidden: paddle.Tensor, logit: paddle.Tensor, alignments: paddle.Tensor): # -> [B, T_out + 1, max_time] alignments = paddle.stack(alignments).transpose([1, 0, 2]) # [T_out + 1, B, n_symbols] -> [B, T_out + 1, n_symbols] logit = paddle.stack(logit).transpose([1, 0, 2]) hidden = paddle.stack(hidden).transpose([1, 0, 2]) return hidden, logit, alignments