# PaddleSpeech Server Command Line ([简体中文](./README_cn.md)|English) The simplest approach to use PaddleSpeech Server including server and client. ## PaddleSpeech Server ### Help ```bash paddlespeech_server help ``` ### Start the server First set the service-related configuration parameters, similar to `./conf/application.yaml`. Set `engine_list`, which represents the speech tasks included in the service to be started Then start the service: ```bash paddlespeech_server start --config_file ./conf/application.yaml ``` ## PaddleSpeech Client ### Help ```bash paddlespeech_client help ``` ### Access speech recognition services ``` paddlespeech_client asr --server_ip --port 8090 --input input_16k.wav ``` ### Access text to speech services ```bash paddlespeech_client tts --server_ip --port 8090 --input "你好,欢迎使用百度飞桨深度学习框架!" --output output.wav ``` ### Access audio classification services ```bash paddlespeech_client cls --server_ip --port 8090 --input input.wav ``` ## Online ASR Server ### Lanuch online asr server ``` paddlespeech_server start --config_file conf/ws_conformer_application.yaml ``` ### Access online asr server ``` paddlespeech_client asr_online --server_ip --port 8090 --input input_16k.wav ```