# Prosody Prediction with CSMSC and AISHELL-3 ## Get Started ### Data Preprocessing ```bash ./run.sh --stage 0 --stop-stage 0 ``` ### Model Training ```bash ./run.sh --stage 1 --stop-stage 1 ``` ### Testing ```bash ./run.sh --stage 2 --stop-stage 2 ``` ### Prosody Prediction ```bash ./run.sh --stage 3 --stop-stage 3 ``` ## Pretrained Model The pretrained model can be downloaded here: [ernie-1.0_aishellcsmsc_ckpt_1.3.0.zip](https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/Parakeet/released_models/rhy_predict/ernie-1.0_aishellcsmsc_ckpt_1.3.0.zip) And you should put it into `exp/${YOUREXP}/checkpoints` folder. ## Rhythm mapping Four punctuation marks are used to denote the rhythm marks respectively: |ryh_token|csmsc|aishll3| |:---: |:---: |:---: | |%|#1|%| |`|#2|| |~|#3|| |$|#4|$| ## Prediction Results | | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| |Precision |0.90 |0.66 |0.91 |0.90| |Recall |0.92 |0.62 |0.83 |0.85| |F1 |0.91 |0.64 |0.87 |0.87|