# This is the parameter configuration file for PaddleSpeech Serving. ################################################################################# # SERVER SETTING # ################################################################################# host: port: 8090 # The task format in the engin_list is: _ # task choices = ['asr_online', 'tts_online'] # protocol = ['websocket', 'http'] (only one can be selected). # websocket only support online engine type. protocol: 'websocket' engine_list: ['asr_online'] ################################################################################# # ENGINE CONFIG # ################################################################################# # ################################### ASR ######################################### # ################### speech task: asr; engine_type: online ####################### # asr_online: # model_type: 'deepspeech2online_aishell' # am_model: # the pdmodel file of am static model [optional] # am_params: # the pdiparams file of am static model [optional] # lang: 'zh' # sample_rate: 16000 # cfg_path: # decode_method: # force_yes: True # am_predictor_conf: # device: # set 'gpu:id' or 'cpu' # switch_ir_optim: True # glog_info: False # True -> print glog # summary: True # False -> do not show predictor config # chunk_buffer_conf: # frame_duration_ms: 80 # shift_ms: 40 # sample_rate: 16000 # sample_width: 2 # vad_conf: # aggressiveness: 2 # sample_rate: 16000 # frame_duration_ms: 20 # sample_width: 2 # padding_ms: 200 # padding_ratio: 0.9 ################################### ASR ######################################### ################### speech task: asr; engine_type: online ####################### asr_online: model_type: 'conformer2online_aishell' am_model: # the pdmodel file of am static model [optional] am_params: # the pdiparams file of am static model [optional] lang: 'zh' sample_rate: 16000 cfg_path: decode_method: force_yes: True am_predictor_conf: device: # set 'gpu:id' or 'cpu' switch_ir_optim: True glog_info: False # True -> print glog summary: True # False -> do not show predictor config chunk_buffer_conf: window_n: 7 # frame shift_n: 4 # frame window_ms: 25 # ms shift_ms: 10 # ms sample_rate: 16000 sample_width: 2