# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import os import numpy as np import paddle from paddle.io import BatchSampler from paddle.io import DataLoader from tqdm import tqdm from yacs.config import CfgNode from paddlespeech.audio.metric import compute_eer from paddlespeech.s2t.utils.log import Log from paddlespeech.vector.io.batch import batch_feature_normalize from paddlespeech.vector.io.dataset import CSVDataset from paddlespeech.vector.io.embedding_norm import InputNormalization from paddlespeech.vector.models.ecapa_tdnn import EcapaTdnn from paddlespeech.vector.modules.sid_model import SpeakerIdetification from paddlespeech.vector.training.seeding import seed_everything logger = Log(__name__).getlog() def compute_dataset_embedding(data_loader, model, mean_var_norm_emb, config, id2embedding): """compute the dataset embeddings Args: data_loader (paddle.io.Dataloader): the dataset loader to be compute the embedding model (paddle.nn.Layer): the speaker verification model mean_var_norm_emb : compute the embedding mean and std norm config (yacs.config.CfgNode): the yaml config """ logger.info( f'Computing embeddings on {data_loader.dataset.csv_path} dataset') with paddle.no_grad(): for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(tqdm(data_loader)): # stage 8-1: extrac the audio embedding ids, feats, lengths = batch['ids'], batch['feats'], batch['lengths'] embeddings = model.backbone(feats, lengths).squeeze( -1) # (N, emb_size, 1) -> (N, emb_size) # Global embedding normalization. # if we use the global embedding norm # eer can reduece about relative 10% if config.global_embedding_norm and mean_var_norm_emb: lengths = paddle.ones([embeddings.shape[0]]) embeddings = mean_var_norm_emb(embeddings, lengths) # Update embedding dict. id2embedding.update(dict(zip(ids, embeddings))) def compute_verification_scores(id2embedding, train_cohort, config): """Compute the verification trial scores Args: id2embedding (dict): the utterance embedding train_cohort (paddle.tensor): the cohort dataset embedding config (yacs.config.CfgNode): the yaml config Returns: the scores and the trial labels, 1 refers the target and 0 refers the nontarget in labels """ labels = [] enroll_ids = [] test_ids = [] logger.info(f"read the trial from {config.verification_file}") cos_sim_func = paddle.nn.CosineSimilarity(axis=-1) scores = [] with open(config.verification_file, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): label, enroll_id, test_id = line.strip().split(' ') enroll_id = enroll_id.split('.')[0].replace('/', '-') test_id = test_id.split('.')[0].replace('/', '-') labels.append(int(label)) enroll_emb = id2embedding[enroll_id] test_emb = id2embedding[test_id] score = cos_sim_func(enroll_emb, test_emb).item() if "score_norm" in config: # Getting norm stats for enroll impostors enroll_rep = paddle.tile( enroll_emb, repeat_times=[train_cohort.shape[0], 1]) score_e_c = cos_sim_func(enroll_rep, train_cohort) if "cohort_size" in config: score_e_c, _ = paddle.topk( score_e_c, k=config.cohort_size, axis=0) mean_e_c = paddle.mean(score_e_c, axis=0) std_e_c = paddle.std(score_e_c, axis=0) # Getting norm stats for test impostors test_rep = paddle.tile( test_emb, repeat_times=[train_cohort.shape[0], 1]) score_t_c = cos_sim_func(test_rep, train_cohort) if "cohort_size" in config: score_t_c, _ = paddle.topk( score_t_c, k=config.cohort_size, axis=0) mean_t_c = paddle.mean(score_t_c, axis=0) std_t_c = paddle.std(score_t_c, axis=0) if config.score_norm == "s-norm": score_e = (score - mean_e_c) / std_e_c score_t = (score - mean_t_c) / std_t_c score = 0.5 * (score_e + score_t) elif config.score_norm == "z-norm": score = (score - mean_e_c) / std_e_c elif config.score_norm == "t-norm": score = (score - mean_t_c) / std_t_c scores.append(score) return scores, labels def main(args, config): """The main process for test the speaker verification model Args: args (argparse.Namespace): the command line args namespace config (yacs.config.CfgNode): the yaml config """ # stage0: set the training device, cpu or gpu # if set the gpu, paddlespeech will select a gpu according the env CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES paddle.set_device(args.device) # set the random seed, it is the necessary measures for multiprocess training seed_everything(config.seed) # stage1: build the dnn backbone model network # we will extract the audio embedding from the backbone model ecapa_tdnn = EcapaTdnn(**config.model) # stage2: build the speaker verification eval instance with backbone model # because the checkpoint dict name has the SpeakerIdetification prefix # so we need to create the SpeakerIdetification instance # but we acutally use the backbone model to extact the audio embedding model = SpeakerIdetification( backbone=ecapa_tdnn, num_class=config.num_speakers) # stage3: load the pre-trained model # generally, we get the last model from the epoch args.load_checkpoint = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(args.load_checkpoint)) # load model checkpoint to sid model state_dict = paddle.load( os.path.join(args.load_checkpoint, 'model.pdparams')) model.set_state_dict(state_dict) logger.info(f'Checkpoint loaded from {args.load_checkpoint}') # stage4: construct the enroll and test dataloader # Now, wo think the enroll dataset is in the {args.data_dir}/vox/csv/enroll.csv, # and the test dataset is in the {args.data_dir}/vox/csv/test.csv enroll_dataset = CSVDataset( os.path.join(args.data_dir, "vox/csv/enroll.csv"), feat_type='melspectrogram', random_chunk=False, n_mels=config.n_mels, window_size=config.window_size, hop_length=config.hop_size) enroll_sampler = BatchSampler( enroll_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False) enroll_loader = DataLoader(enroll_dataset, batch_sampler=enroll_sampler, collate_fn=lambda x: batch_feature_normalize( x, mean_norm=True, std_norm=False), num_workers=config.num_workers, return_list=True,) test_dataset = CSVDataset( os.path.join(args.data_dir, "vox/csv/test.csv"), feat_type='melspectrogram', random_chunk=False, n_mels=config.n_mels, window_size=config.window_size, hop_length=config.hop_size) test_sampler = BatchSampler( test_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False) test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_sampler=test_sampler, collate_fn=lambda x: batch_feature_normalize( x, mean_norm=True, std_norm=False), num_workers=config.num_workers, return_list=True,) # stage5: we must set the model to eval mode model.eval() # stage6: global embedding norm to imporve the performance # and we create the InputNormalization instance to process the embedding mean and std norm logger.info(f"global embedding norm: {config.global_embedding_norm}") if config.global_embedding_norm: mean_var_norm_emb = InputNormalization( norm_type="global", mean_norm=config.embedding_mean_norm, std_norm=config.embedding_std_norm) # stage 7: score norm need the imposters dataset # we select the train dataset as the idea imposters dataset # and we select the config.n_train_snts utterance to as the final imposters dataset if "score_norm" in config: logger.info(f"we will do score norm: {config.score_norm}") train_dataset = CSVDataset( os.path.join(args.data_dir, "vox/csv/train.csv"), feat_type='melspectrogram', n_train_snts=config.n_train_snts, random_chunk=False, n_mels=config.n_mels, window_size=config.window_size, hop_length=config.hop_size) train_sampler = BatchSampler( train_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_sampler=train_sampler, collate_fn=lambda x: batch_feature_normalize( x, mean_norm=True, std_norm=False), num_workers=config.num_workers, return_list=True,) # stage 8: Compute embeddings of audios in enrol and test dataset from model. id2embedding = {} # Run multi times to make embedding normalization more stable. logger.info("First loop for enroll and test dataset") compute_dataset_embedding(enroll_loader, model, mean_var_norm_emb, config, id2embedding) compute_dataset_embedding(test_loader, model, mean_var_norm_emb, config, id2embedding) logger.info("Second loop for enroll and test dataset") compute_dataset_embedding(enroll_loader, model, mean_var_norm_emb, config, id2embedding) compute_dataset_embedding(test_loader, model, mean_var_norm_emb, config, id2embedding) mean_var_norm_emb.save( os.path.join(args.load_checkpoint, "mean_var_norm_emb")) # stage 9: Compute cosine scores. train_cohort = None if "score_norm" in config: train_embeddings = {} # cohort embedding not do mean and std norm compute_dataset_embedding(train_loader, model, None, config, train_embeddings) train_cohort = paddle.stack(list(train_embeddings.values())) # stage 10: compute the scores scores, labels = compute_verification_scores(id2embedding, train_cohort, config) # stage 11: compute the EER and threshold scores = paddle.to_tensor(scores) EER, threshold = compute_eer(np.asarray(labels), scores.numpy()) logger.info( f'EER of verification test: {EER*100:.4f}%, score threshold: {threshold:.5f}' ) if __name__ == "__main__": # yapf: disable parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__) parser.add_argument('--device', choices=['cpu', 'gpu'], default="gpu", help="Select which device to train model, defaults to gpu.") parser.add_argument("--config", default=None, type=str, help="configuration file") parser.add_argument("--data-dir", default="./data/", type=str, help="data directory") parser.add_argument("--load-checkpoint", type=str, default='', help="Directory to load model checkpoint to contiune trainning.") args = parser.parse_args() # yapf: enable # https://yaml.org/type/float.html config = CfgNode(new_allowed=True) if args.config: config.merge_from_file(args.config) config.freeze() print(config) main(args, config)