# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Transformation module.""" import copy import io import logging from collections import OrderedDict from collections.abc import Sequence from inspect import signature import yaml from deepspeech.utils.dynamic_import import dynamic_import # TODO(karita): inherit TransformInterface # TODO(karita): register cmd arguments in asr_train.py import_alias = dict( identity="deepspeech.transform.transform_interface:Identity", time_warp="deepspeech.transform.spec_augment:TimeWarp", time_mask="deepspeech.transform.spec_augment:TimeMask", freq_mask="deepspeech.transform.spec_augment:FreqMask", spec_augment="deepspeech.transform.spec_augment:SpecAugment", speed_perturbation="deepspeech.transform.perturb:SpeedPerturbation", volume_perturbation="deepspeech.transform.perturb:VolumePerturbation", noise_injection="deepspeech.transform.perturb:NoiseInjection", bandpass_perturbation="deepspeech.transform.perturb:BandpassPerturbation", rir_convolve="deepspeech.transform.perturb:RIRConvolve", delta="deepspeech.transform.add_deltas:AddDeltas", cmvn="deepspeech.transform.cmvn:CMVN", utterance_cmvn="deepspeech.transform.cmvn:UtteranceCMVN", fbank="deepspeech.transform.spectrogram:LogMelSpectrogram", spectrogram="deepspeech.transform.spectrogram:Spectrogram", stft="deepspeech.transform.spectrogram:Stft", istft="deepspeech.transform.spectrogram:IStft", stft2fbank="deepspeech.transform.spectrogram:Stft2LogMelSpectrogram", wpe="deepspeech.transform.wpe:WPE", channel_selector="deepspeech.transform.channel_selector:ChannelSelector", ) class Transformation(): """Apply some functions to the mini-batch Examples: >>> kwargs = {"process": [{"type": "fbank", ... "n_mels": 80, ... "fs": 16000}, ... {"type": "cmvn", ... "stats": "data/train/cmvn.ark", ... "norm_vars": True}, ... {"type": "delta", "window": 2, "order": 2}]} >>> transform = Transformation(kwargs) >>> bs = 10 >>> xs = [np.random.randn(100, 80).astype(np.float32) ... for _ in range(bs)] >>> xs = transform(xs) """ def __init__(self, conffile=None): if conffile is not None: if isinstance(conffile, dict): self.conf = copy.deepcopy(conffile) else: with io.open(conffile, encoding="utf-8") as f: self.conf = yaml.safe_load(f) assert isinstance(self.conf, dict), type(self.conf) else: self.conf = {"mode": "sequential", "process": []} self.functions = OrderedDict() if self.conf.get("mode", "sequential") == "sequential": for idx, process in enumerate(self.conf["process"]): assert isinstance(process, dict), type(process) opts = dict(process) process_type = opts.pop("type") class_obj = dynamic_import(process_type, import_alias) # TODO(karita): assert issubclass(class_obj, TransformInterface) try: self.functions[idx] = class_obj(**opts) except TypeError: try: signa = signature(class_obj) except ValueError: # Some function, e.g. built-in function, are failed pass else: logging.error("Expected signature: {}({})".format( class_obj.__name__, signa)) raise else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not supporting mode={}".format(self.conf["mode"])) def __repr__(self): rep = "\n" + "\n".join(" {}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.functions.items()) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, rep) def __call__(self, xs, uttid_list=None, **kwargs): """Return new mini-batch :param Union[Sequence[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] xs: :param Union[Sequence[str], str] uttid_list: :return: batch: :rtype: List[np.ndarray] """ if not isinstance(xs, Sequence): is_batch = False xs = [xs] else: is_batch = True if isinstance(uttid_list, str): uttid_list = [uttid_list for _ in range(len(xs))] if self.conf.get("mode", "sequential") == "sequential": for idx in range(len(self.conf["process"])): func = self.functions[idx] # TODO(karita): use TrainingTrans and UttTrans to check __call__ args # Derive only the args which the func has try: param = signature(func).parameters except ValueError: # Some function, e.g. built-in function, are failed param = {} _kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in param} try: if uttid_list is not None and "uttid" in param: xs = [ func(x, u, **_kwargs) for x, u in zip(xs, uttid_list) ] else: xs = [func(x, **_kwargs) for x in xs] except Exception: logging.fatal("Catch a exception from {}th func: {}".format( idx, func)) raise else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not supporting mode={}".format(self.conf["mode"])) if is_batch: return xs else: return xs[0]