# Parakeet - PAddle PARAllel text-to-speech toolKIT ## What is Parakeet? Parakeet is a deep learning based text-to-speech toolkit built upon paddlepaddle framework. It aims to provide a flexible, efficient and state-of-the-art text-to-speech toolkit for the open-source community. It includes many influential TTS models proposed by Baidu Research and other research groups. ## What can Parakeet do? Parakeet mainly consists of components below: - Implementation of models and commonly used neural network layers. - Dataset abstraction and common data preprocessing pipelines. - Ready-to-run experiments. Parakeet provides you with a complete TTS pipeline, including: - Text FrontEnd - Rule based Chinese frontend. - Acoustic Models - FastSpeech2 - SpeedySpeech - TransformerTTS - Tacotron2 - Vocoders - Parallel WaveGAN - WaveFlow - Voice Cloning - Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis - GE2E Parakeet helps you to train TTS models with simple commands.