[ASR] support wav2vec2 command line and demo ( #2658 )
* wav2vec2_cli
* wav2vec2 demo update: support different optimizer and lr_schedular, align mdoel, update input type, test=asr
* wav2vec2 demo update: support different optimizer and lr_schedular, align mdoel, update input type, test=asr
* wav2vec2 demo update: support different optimizer and lr_schedular, align mdoel, update input type, test=asr
* wav2vec2 demo update: support different optimizer and lr_schedular, align mdoel, update input type, test=asr
* Update RESULTS.md
* Update RESULTS.md
* Update base_commands.py
* wav2vec2 demo update: support different optimizer and lr_schedular, align mdoel, update input type, test=asr
* wav2vec2 demo update: support different optimizer and lr_schedular, align mdoel, update input type, test=asr
2 years ago
David An (An Hongliang)
add thanks into readme, append data for chinese unit ( #2312 )
* add chinese words correct phonic,test=tts
* added thanks into readme. add data of unit, test=tts
* added thanks into readme. add data of unit, test=tts
* modify data of unit, test=tts
* modify thanks, test=tts
2 years ago