@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ if [ ${stage} -le 6 ] && [ ${stop_stage} -ge 6 ]; then
you can train the model by yourself, or you can download the pretrained model by the script below:
you can train the model by yourself, or you can download the pretrained model by the script below:
wget https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_offline_aishell_ckpt_1.0.1.model.tar.gz
wget https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/aishell/asr0/asr0_deepspeech2_offline_aishell_ckpt_1.0.1.model.tar.gz
tar asr0_deepspeech2_offline_aishell_ckpt_1.0.1.model.tar.gz
tar xzvf asr0_deepspeech2_offline_aishell_ckpt_1.0.1.model.tar.gz
You can download the audio demo:
You can download the audio demo: