@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Therefore, procedures like stemming and lemmatization are not useful for Chinese
### Tokenization
**Tokenizing breaks up text data into shorter pre-set strings**, which help build context and meaning for the machine learning model.
**Tokenizing breaks up text data into shorter pre-set strings**, which help build context and meaning for the machine learning model.
These “tags” label the part of speech. There are 24 part of speech tags and 4 proper name category labels in the `**jieba**` package’s existing dictionary.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ These “tags” label the part of speech. There are 24 part of speech tags and
### Stop Words
In NLP, **stop words are “meaningless” words** that make the data too noisy or ambiguous.
In NLP, **stop words are “meaningless” words** that make the data too noisy or ambiguous.
Instead of manually removing them, you could import the `**stopwordsiso**` package for a full list of Chinese stop words. More information can be found [here](https://pypi.org/project/stopwordsiso/). And with this, we can easily create code to filter out any stop words in large text data.
@ -209,4 +209,4 @@ TN: 基于规则的方法
## Reference
* [Text Front End](https://slyne.github.io/%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80%E8%AF%BE/2020/10/03/TTS1/)
* [Chinese Natural Language (Pre)processing: An Introduction](https://towardsdatascience.com/chinese-natural-language-pre-processing-an-introduction-995d16c2705f)
* [Beginner’s Guide to Sentiment Analysis for Simplified Chinese using SnowNLP](https://towardsdatascience.com/beginners-guide-to-sentiment-analysis-for-simplified-chinese-using-snownlp-ce88a8407efb)
* [Beginner’s Guide to Sentiment Analysis for Simplified Chinese using SnowNLP](https://towardsdatascience.com/beginners-guide-to-sentiment-analysis-for-simplified-chinese-using-snownlp-ce88a8407efb)
#A parser for the CC-Cedict. Convert the Chinese-English dictionary into a list of python dictionaries with "traditional","simplified", "pinyin", and "english" keys.
#Make sure that the cedict_ts.u8 file is in the same folder as this file, and that the name matches the file name on line 13.
#Before starting, open the CEDICT text file and delete the copyright information at the top. Otherwise the program will try to parse it and you will get an error message.
#Characters that are commonly used as surnames have two entries in CC-CEDICT. This program will remove the surname entry if there is another entry for the character. If you want to include the surnames, simply delete lines 59 and 60.
#This code was written by Franki Allegra in February 2020.
# usage: bin ccedict dump.json
@ -50,9 +56,10 @@ with open(sys.argv[1], 'rt') as file: