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Low level signal processing utilities
* Peter Plantinga 2020
* Francois Grondin 2020
* William Aris 2020
* Samuele Cornell 2020
* Sarthak Yadav 2022
import numpy as np
import paddle
def blackman_window(window_length, periodic=True):
"""Blackman window function.
window_length : int
Controlling the returned window size.
periodic : bool
Determines whether the returned window trims off the
last duplicate value from the symmetric window
A 1-D tensor of size (window_length) containing the window
if window_length == 0:
return []
if window_length == 1:
return paddle.ones([1])
if periodic:
window_length += 1
window = paddle.arange(window_length) * (np.pi / (window_length - 1))
window = 0.08 * paddle.cos(window * 4) - 0.5 * paddle.cos(window * 2) + 0.42
return window[:-1] if periodic else window
def compute_amplitude(waveforms, lengths=None, amp_type="avg", scale="linear"):
"""Compute amplitude of a batch of waveforms.
waveform : tensor
The waveforms used for computing amplitude.
Shape should be `[time]` or `[batch, time]` or
`[batch, time, channels]`.
lengths : tensor
The lengths of the waveforms excluding the padding.
Shape should be a single dimension, `[batch]`.
amp_type : str
Whether to compute "avg" average or "peak" amplitude.
Choose between ["avg", "peak"].
scale : str
Whether to compute amplitude in "dB" or "linear" scale.
Choose between ["linear", "dB"].
The average amplitude of the waveforms.
>>> signal = paddle.sin(paddle.arange(16000.0)).unsqueeze(0)
>>> compute_amplitude(signal, signal.size(1))
if len(waveforms.shape) == 1:
waveforms = waveforms.unsqueeze(0)
assert amp_type in ["avg", "peak"]
assert scale in ["linear", "dB"]
if amp_type == "avg":
if lengths is None:
out = paddle.mean(paddle.abs(waveforms), axis=1, keepdim=True)
wav_sum = paddle.sum(paddle.abs(waveforms), axis=1, keepdim=True)
out = wav_sum / lengths
elif amp_type == "peak":
out = paddle.max(paddle.abs(waveforms), axis=1, keepdim=True)[0]
raise NotImplementedError
if scale == "linear":
return out
elif scale == "dB":
return paddle.clip(20 * paddle.log10(out), min=-80) # clamp zeros
raise NotImplementedError
def convolve1d(
rotation_index=0, ):
"""Use paddle.nn.functional to perform 1d padding and conv.
waveform : tensor
The tensor to perform operations on.
kernel : tensor
The filter to apply during convolution.
padding : int or tuple
The padding (pad_left, pad_right) to apply.
If an integer is passed instead, this is passed
to the conv1d function and pad_type is ignored.
pad_type : str
The type of padding to use. Passed directly to
`paddle.nn.functional.pad`, see Paddle documentation
for available options.
stride : int
The number of units to move each time convolution is applied.
Passed to conv1d. Has no effect if `use_fft` is True.
groups : int
This option is passed to `conv1d` to split the input into groups for
convolution. Input channels should be divisible by the number of groups.
use_fft : bool
When `use_fft` is passed `True`, then compute the convolution in the
spectral domain using complex multiply. This is more efficient on CPU
when the size of the kernel is large (e.g. reverberation). WARNING:
Without padding, circular convolution occurs. This makes little
difference in the case of reverberation, but may make more difference
with different kernels.
rotation_index : int
This option only applies if `use_fft` is true. If so, the kernel is
rolled by this amount before convolution to shift the output location.
The convolved waveform.
>>> from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio
>>> signal = read_audio('tests/samples/single-mic/example1.wav')
>>> signal = signal.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2)
>>> kernel = paddle.rand([1, 10, 1])
>>> signal = convolve1d(signal, kernel, padding=(9, 0))
if len(waveform.shape) != 3:
raise ValueError("Convolve1D expects a 3-dimensional tensor")
# Move time dimension last, which pad and fft and conv expect.
waveform = waveform.transpose([0, 2, 1])
kernel = kernel.transpose([0, 2, 1])
# Padding can be a tuple (left_pad, right_pad) or an int
if isinstance(padding, tuple):
waveform = paddle.nn.functional.pad(
x=waveform, pad=padding, mode=pad_type, data_format='NCL')
# This approach uses FFT, which is more efficient if the kernel is large
if use_fft:
# Pad kernel to same length as signal, ensuring correct alignment
zero_length = waveform.shape[-1] - kernel.shape[-1]
# Handle case where signal is shorter
if zero_length < 0:
kernel = kernel[..., :zero_length]
zero_length = 0
# Perform rotation to ensure alignment
zeros = paddle.zeros(
[kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1], zero_length], dtype=kernel.dtype)
after_index = kernel[..., rotation_index:]
before_index = kernel[..., :rotation_index]
kernel = paddle.concat((after_index, zeros, before_index), axis=-1)
# Multiply in frequency domain to convolve in time domain
import paddle.fft as fft
result = fft.rfft(waveform) * fft.rfft(kernel)
convolved = fft.irfft(result, n=waveform.shape[-1])
# Use the implementation given by paddle, which should be efficient on GPU
convolved = paddle.nn.functional.conv1d(
padding=padding if not isinstance(padding, tuple) else 0, )
# Return time dimension to the second dimension.
return convolved.transpose([0, 2, 1])
def notch_filter(notch_freq, filter_width=101, notch_width=0.05):
"""Returns a notch filter constructed from a high-pass and low-pass filter.
notch_freq : float
frequency to put notch as a fraction of the
sampling rate / 2. The range of possible inputs is 0 to 1.
filter_width : int
Filter width in samples. Longer filters have
smaller transition bands, but are more inefficient.
notch_width : float
Width of the notch, as a fraction of the sampling_rate / 2.
# Check inputs
assert 0 < notch_freq <= 1
assert filter_width % 2 != 0
pad = filter_width // 2
inputs = paddle.arange(filter_width) - pad
# Avoid frequencies that are too low
notch_freq += notch_width
# Define sinc function, avoiding division by zero
def sinc(x):
"Computes the sinc function."
def _sinc(x):
return paddle.sin(x) / x
# The zero is at the middle index
return paddle.concat(
[_sinc(x[:pad]), paddle.ones([1]), _sinc(x[pad + 1:])])
# Compute a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency notch_freq.
hlpf = sinc(3 * (notch_freq - notch_width) * inputs)
hlpf *= blackman_window(filter_width)
hlpf /= paddle.sum(hlpf)
# Compute a high-pass filter with cutoff frequency notch_freq.
hhpf = sinc(3 * (notch_freq + notch_width) * inputs)
hhpf *= blackman_window(filter_width)
hhpf /= -paddle.sum(hhpf)
hhpf[pad] += 1
# Adding filters creates notch filter
return (hlpf + hhpf).view(1, -1, 1)