
2938 lines
106 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# NIST. (2009). The 2009 (RT-09) Rich Transcription Meeting Recognition Evaluation Plan.
# Source (dscore):
# BSD 2-Clause License
# Copyright (c) 2018, Neville Ryant
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
use strict;
my $version = "22";
# History:
# version 22: * JGF: added an option '-m FILE' to hold a CSV speaker map file.
# version 21: * JGF: added a flag '-n' to not remove the directory paths from the source
# files in the UEM file.
# version 20: * change metadata discard rule: rather than discard if the midpoint
# (or endpoint) of the metadata object lies in a no-eval zone, discard
# if there is ANY overlap whatsoever between the metadata object and
# a no-eval zone. This holds for system output objects only if the
# system output metadata object is not mapped to a ref object.
# * optimize IP and SU mapping by giving a secondary bonus mapping score
# to candidate ref-sys MD map pairs if the end-words of both coincide.
# version 19: * bug fix in subroutine speakers_match
# * bug fix in tag_ref_words_with_metadata_info
# version 18: * cosmetic fix to error message in eval_condition
# * added conditional output options for word coverage performance
# * added secondary MD word coverage optimization to word alignment
# * further optimize word alignment by considering MD subtypes
# * further optimize MD alignment by considering MD subtypes
# * add a new SU discard rule: discard if TEND in no-eval zone
# * enforce legal values for su_extent_limit
# version 17: create_speaker_segs modified to accommodate the same speaker
# having multiple overlapping speaker segments. (This is an
# error and pathological condition, but the system must either
# disallow (abort on) the condition, or perform properly under
# the pathological condition. The second option is chosen.)
# version 16: * If neither -w nor -W is specified, suppress warnings about
# ref SPEAKER records subsuming no lexemes.
# * Output the overall speaker diarization stats after the
# stats for the individual files
# * Do not alter the case of alphabetic characters in the filename
# field from the ref rttm file
# * Made the format of the overall speaker error line more similar to
# the corresponding line of output from SpkrSegEval, to facilitate
# use of existing "grep" commands in existing scripts.
# version 15: * bug fix in create_speaker_segs to accommodate
# contiguous same-speaker segments
# * added conditional file/channel scoring to
# speaker diarization evaluation
# version 14: bug fix in md_score
# version 13: add DISCOURSE_RESPONSE as a FILLER subtype
# version 12: make REF LEXEMES optional if they aren't required
# version 11: change default for noscore MD regions
# version 10: bug fix
# version 09:
# * avoid crash when metadata discard yields no metadata
# * make evaluated ref_wds sensitive to metadata type
# * defer discarding of system output metadata until after
# metadata mapping, then discard only unmapped events.
# * extend 1-speaker scoring inhibition to metadata
# * eliminate demand for SPKR-INFO subtype for speakers
# * correct ref count of IP and SU exact boundary words
# * add official RT-04F scores
# * add conditional analyses for file/chnl/spkr/gender
# version 08:
# * bug fixes speaker diarization scoring
# - count of EVAL_WORDS corrected
# - no-score extended to nearest SPEAKER boundary
# version 07:
# * warning issued when discarding metadata events
# that cover LEXEMEs in the evaluation region
# version 06:
# * eliminated unused speakers from speaker scoring
# * changed discard algorithm for unannotated SU's and
# complex EDIT's to discard sys SU's and EDIT's when
# their midpoints overlap (rather than ANY overlap).
# * fixed display_metadata_mapping
# version 05:
# * upgraded display_metadata_mapping
# version 04:
# * diagnostic metadata mapping output added
# * uem_from_rttm bug fix
# version 03:
# * adjusted times used for speaker diarization
# * changed usage of max_extend to agree with cookbook
# version 02: speaker diarization evaluation added
# version 01: a merged version of df-eval-v14 and su-eval-v16
#global data
my $epsilon = 1E-8;
my $miss_name = " MISS";
my $fa_name = " FALSE ALARM";
my %rttm_datatypes = (SEGMENT => {eval => 1, "<na>" => 1},
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
NO_RT_METADATA => {"<na>" => 1},
LEXEME => {lex => 1, fp => 1, frag => 1, "un-lex" => 1,
"for-lex" => 1, alpha => 1, acronym => 1,
interjection => 1, propernoun => 1, other => 1},
"NON-LEX" => {laugh => 1, breath => 1, lipsmack => 1,
cough => 1, sneeze => 1, other => 1},
"NON-SPEECH" => {noise => 1, music => 1, other => 1},
FILLER => {filled_pause => 1, discourse_marker => 1,
discourse_response => 1, explicit_editing_term => 1,
other => 1},
EDIT => {repetition => 1, restart => 1, revision => 1,
simple => 1, complex => 1, other => 1},
IP => {edit => 1, filler => 1, "edit&filler" => 1,
other => 1},
SU => {statement => 1, backchannel => 1, question => 1,
incomplete => 1, unannotated => 1, other => 1},
CB => {coordinating => 1, clausal => 1, other => 1},
"A/P" => {"<na>" => 1},
SPEAKER => {"<na>" => 1},
"SPKR-INFO" => {adult_male => 1, adult_female => 1, child => 1, unknown => 1});
my %md_subtypes = (FILLER => $rttm_datatypes{FILLER},
EDIT => $rttm_datatypes{EDIT},
IP => $rttm_datatypes{IP},
SU => $rttm_datatypes{SU});
my %spkr_subtypes = (adult_male => 1, adult_female => 1, child => 1, unknown => 1);
my $noeval_mds = {
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
NO_RT_METADATA => {"<na>" => 1},
my $noscore_mds = {
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
LEXEME => {"un-lex" => 1},
SU => {unannotated => 1},
MIN => {
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
SU => {unannotated => 1},
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
LEXEME => {frag => 1, "un-lex" => 1},
SU => {unannotated => 1},
FRAG => {
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
LEXEME => {frag => 1},
SU => {unannotated => 1},
NONE => {
my $noeval_sds = {
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
my $noscore_sds = {
NOSCORE => {"<na>" => 1},
"NON-LEX" => {laugh => 1, breath => 1, lipsmack => 1,
cough => 1, sneeze => 1, other => 1},
my %speaker_map;
my $default_extend = 0.50; #the maximum time (in seconds) to extend a no-score zone
my $default_collar = 0.00; #the no-score collar (in +/- seconds) to attach to SPEAKER boundaries
my $default_tgap = 1.00; #the max gap (in seconds) between matching ref/sys words
my $default_Tgap = 1.00; #the max gap (in seconds) between matching ref/sys metadata events
my $default_Wgap = 0.10; #the max gap (in words) between matching ref/sys metadata events
my $default_su_time_limit = 0.50; #the max extent (in seconds) to match for SU's
my $default_su_word_limit = 2.00; #the max extent (in words) to match for SU's
my $default_word_delta_score = 10.0; #the max delta score for word-based DP alignment of ref/sys words
my $default_time_delta_score = 1.00; #the max delta score for time-based DP alignment of ref/sys words
my $usage = "\n\nUsage: $0 [-h] -r <ref_file> -s <src_file>\n\n".
"Description: md-eval evaluates EARS metadata detection performance\n".
" by comparing system metadata output data with reference data\n".
" -R <ref-list> A file containing a list of the reference metadata files\n".
" being evaluated, in RTTM format. If the word-mediated alignment\n".
" option is used then this data must include reference STT data\n".
" in addition to the metadata being evaluated.\n".
" OR\n".
" -r <ref-file> A file containing reference metadata, in RTTM format\n\n".
" -S <sys-list> A file containing a list of the system output metadata\n".
" files to be evaluated, in RTTM format. If the word-mediated\n".
" alignment option is used then this data must include system STT\n".
" output data in addition to the metadata to be evaluated.\n".
" OR\n".
" -s <sys-file> A file containing system output metadata, in RTTM format\n\n".
" input options:\n".
" -x to include complex edits in the analysis and scoring.\n".
" -w for word-mediated alignment.\n".
" * The default (time-mediated) alignment aligns ref and sys metadata\n".
" according to the time overlap of the original ref and sys metadata\n".
" time intervals.\n".
" * Word-mediated alignment aligns ref and sys metadata according to\n".
" the alignment of the words that are subsumed within the metadata\n".
" time intervals.\n".
" -W for word-optimized mapping.\n".
" * The default (time-optimized) mapping maps ref and sys metadata\n".
" so as to maximize the time overlap of mapped metadata events.\n".
" * Word-optimized mapping maps ref and sys metadata so as to\n".
" maximize the overlap in terms of the number of reference words\n".
" that are subsumed within the overlapping time interval.\n".
" -a <cfgs> Conditional analysis options for metadata detection performance:\n".
" c for performance versus channel,\n".
" f for performance versus file,\n".
" g for performance versus gender, and\n".
" s for performance versus speaker.\n".
" -A <cf> Conditional analysis options for word coverage performance:\n".
" c for performance versus channel,\n".
" f for performance versus file,\n".
" -t <time gap> The maximum time gap allowed between matching reference\n".
" and system output words (in seconds). Default value is $default_tgap.\n".
" -T <time gap> The maximum time gap allowed between matching reference\n".
" and system output metadata (in seconds). Default value is $default_Tgap.\n".
" -l <SU extent limit> The maximum SU extent used to compute overlap\n".
" between reference and system output SU's. For time-optimized SU\n".
" mapping this is the maximum time extent. For word-optimized SU\n".
" mapping (using the -W option) this is the maximum number of words.\n".
" SU extent is limited to the last part of the SU. Default value is\n".
" $default_su_time_limit for time-optimized mapping, $default_su_word_limit for word-optimized mapping.\n".
" -u <uem-file> A file containing the evaluation partitions,\n".
" in UEM format.\n".
" -g <glm-file> A file containing word transformations used to\n".
" standardize the representation of words.\n".
" -o to include overlapping speech in MD evaluation. With this option,\n".
" separate recognition passes are made for each reference speaker.\n".
" -c <collar> is the no-score zone around reference speaker segment\n".
" boundaries. (Speaker Diarization output is not evaluated within\n".
" +/- collar seconds of a reference speaker segment boundary.)\n".
" Default value is $default_collar seconds.\n".
" -1 to limit scoring to those time regions in which only a single\n".
" speaker is speaking\n".
" -y <name> to select named no-eval conditions for metadata\n".
" -Y <name> to select named no-score conditions for metadata\n".
" -z <name> to select named no-eval conditions for speaker diarization\n".
" -Z <name> to select named no-score conditions for speaker diarization\n".
" -e to examine metadata mapping\n".
" -d to print word alignment and error calculation details\n".
" -D to print metadata event alignment and error calculation details\n".
" -m to print speaker mapping details for speaker diarization\n".
" -M FILE to print speaker mapping details for speaker diarization to a CSV file called 'FILE'\n".
" -v to print the event sequence for each diarization source file\n".
" -n to keep the directory names of the UEM source file entries\n".
" Performance statistics are written to STDOUT.\n".
# Intro
my ($date, $time) = date_time_stamp();
print "command line (run on $date at $time) Version: $version ", $0, " ", join(" ", @ARGV), "\n";
use vars qw ($opt_h $opt_w $opt_W $opt_d $opt_D $opt_R $opt_r $opt_S $opt_s $opt_l $opt_c $opt_x);
use vars qw ($opt_t $opt_T $opt_g $opt_p $opt_P $opt_o $opt_a $opt_A $opt_u $opt_1 $opt_m $opt_v $opt_e);
use vars qw ($opt_y $opt_Y $opt_z $opt_Z $opt_n $opt_M);
$opt_y = $opt_Y = $opt_z = $opt_Z = "DEFAULT";
use Getopt::Std;
getopts ('nhdDwWox1mvec:R:r:S:s:t:T:g:p:P:a:A:u:l:y:Y:z:Z:M:');
not defined $opt_h or die
defined $opt_r or defined $opt_R or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: no reference data specified$usage";
not defined $opt_r or not defined $opt_R or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: both reference file list and reference file specified$usage";
defined $opt_s or defined $opt_S or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: no system output data specified$usage";
not defined $opt_s or not defined $opt_S or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: both system output file list and system output file specified$usage";
my $word_gap = defined $opt_t ? $opt_t : $default_tgap;
my $md_gap = $opt_W ? $default_Wgap : (defined $opt_T ? $opt_T : $default_Tgap);
my $su_extent_limit = defined $opt_l ? $opt_l :
($opt_W ? $default_su_word_limit : $default_su_time_limit);
$opt_W ? ($su_extent_limit >= 1 or die "\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: SU extent limit must be at least 1 for word-based MD alignment$usage") :
($su_extent_limit > 0 or die "\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: SU extent limit must be positive for time-based MD alignment$usage");
my $max_wd_delta_score = $opt_w ? $default_word_delta_score : $default_time_delta_score;
$max_wd_delta_score = $opt_p if defined $opt_p;
my $max_md_delta_score = $opt_W ? $default_word_delta_score : $default_time_delta_score;
$max_md_delta_score = $opt_P if defined $opt_P;
my $collar = defined($opt_c) ? $opt_c : $default_collar;
$collar >= 0 or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: Speaker Diarization scoring collar ('$collar') must be non-negative$usage";
my $max_extend = $default_extend;
$opt_a = "" unless defined $opt_a;
$opt_A = "" unless defined $opt_A;
start_speaker_map_file($opt_M) if $opt_M;
my $noeval_md = eval_condition ($opt_y, $noeval_mds, "no-eval", "metadata");
my $noscore_md = eval_condition ($opt_Y, $noscore_mds, "no-score", "metadata");
my $noeval_sd = eval_condition ($opt_z, $noeval_sds, "no-score", "speaker diarization");
my $noscore_sd = eval_condition ($opt_Z, $noscore_sds, "no-score", "speaker diarization");
my %type_order = (NOSCORE => 0,
SU => 4,
"A/P" => 5,
"NON-SPEECH" => 6,
EDIT => 7,
FILLER => 8,
IP => 9,
CB => 10,
"NON-LEX" => 11,
LEXEME => 12);
my %event_order = (END => 0,
MID => 1,
BEG => 2);
my %source_order = (REF => 0,
SYS => 1);
my (%ref, %sys, $glm, $uem);
print_parameters ();
($glm) = get_glm_data ($opt_g);
get_rttm_file (\%ref, $opt_r, $glm);
get_rttm_data (\%ref, $opt_R, $glm);
get_rttm_file (\%sys, $opt_s, $glm);
get_rttm_data (\%sys, $opt_S, $glm);
($uem) = get_uem_data ($opt_u, $opt_n);
evaluate (\%ref, \%sys, $uem);
exit 0;
sub eval_condition {
my ($name, $conditions, $exclusion, $evaluation) = @_;
$name = "DEFAULT" unless $name;
return $conditions->{$name} if defined $conditions->{$name};
print STDERR "\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: unknown name ($name) of $exclusion conditions for $evaluation\n".
" available $exclusion conditions for $evaluation are:\n\n";
foreach $name (sort keys %$conditions) {
printf STDERR "%-24stype subtype\n", " for \"$name\":";
foreach my $type (sort keys %{$conditions->{$name}}) {
foreach my $subt (sort keys %{$conditions->{$name}{$type}}) {
printf STDERR "%28s %s\n", $type, $subt;
print "\n";
die "$usage";
sub print_parameters {
print $opt_w ? "\nWord-based metadata alignment, max gap between matching words = $word_gap sec\n" :
"\nTime-based metadata alignment\n";
print "\nMetadata evaluation parameters:\n";
$opt_W ? (print " word-optimized metadata mapping\n".
" max gap between matching metadata events = $md_gap words\n".
" max extent to match for SU's = $su_extent_limit words\n") :
(print " time-optimized metadata mapping\n".
" max gap between matching metadata events = $md_gap sec\n".
" max extent to match for SU's = $su_extent_limit sec\n");
print "\nSpeaker Diarization evaluation parameters:\n".
" The max time to extend no-score zones for NON-LEX exclusions is $max_extend sec\n".
" The no-score collar at SPEAKER boundaries is $collar sec\n";
printf "\nExclusion zones for evaluation and scoring are:\n".
" -----MetaData----- -----SpkrData-----\n".
" exclusion set name:%12s%11s%15s%11s\n".
" token type/subtype no-eval no-score no-eval no-score\n",
$opt_y, $opt_Y, $opt_z, $opt_Z;
print " (UEM) X X\n";
foreach my $type (sort keys %rttm_datatypes) {
foreach my $subt (sort keys %{$rttm_datatypes{$type}}) {
next unless ($noeval_md->{$type}{$subt} or
$noscore_md->{$type}{$subt} or
$noeval_sd->{$type}{$subt} or
printf "%15s/%-14s", $type, $subt;
printf "%3s", $noeval_md->{$type}{$subt} ? "X" : "";
printf "%10s", $noscore_md->{$type}{$subt} ? "X" : "";
printf "%16s", $noeval_sd->{$type}{$subt} ? "X" : "";
printf "%10s\n", $noscore_sd->{$type}{$subt} ? "X" : "";
sub get_glm_data {
my ($file) = @_;
my ($record, @fields, $word, %words, %data);
return unless defined $file;
open DATA, $file or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: unable to open glm file '$file'$usage";
while ($record = <DATA>) {
next if $record =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $record =~ /^\s*(\[|\*|\%|\;)/;
@fields = split /\s+=>\s+/, lc $record;
shift @fields if $fields[0] eq "";
next unless @fields > 1;
$fields[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$fields[1] =~ s/[^a-z-'_ \.].*//;
next if $fields[0] =~ /^\s*$/ or $fields[1] =~ /^\s*$/;
$data{$fields[0]} = [split /\s+/, $fields[1]];
close DATA;
return {%data};
sub get_uem_data {
my ($file, $keepDirectoryPath) = @_;
my ($record, @fields, $seg, $chnl, %data);
return unless defined $file;
open DATA, $file or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: unable to open uem file '$file'$usage";
while ($record = <DATA>) {
next if $record =~ /^\s*[\#;]|^\s*$/;
@fields = split /\s+/, $record;
shift @fields if $fields[0] eq "";
@fields >= 4 or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: insufficient number of fields in UEM record\n".
" record is: '$record'\n\n");
undef $seg;
$seg->{FILE} = shift @fields;
$seg->{CHNL} = lc shift @fields;
$seg->{TBEG} = lc shift @fields;
$seg->{TEND} = lc shift @fields;
$seg->{FILE} =~ s/.*\/// if (! $keepDirectoryPath); #strip directory
$seg->{FILE} =~ s/\.[^.]*//; #strip file type
$seg->{TBEG} =~ s/[^0-9\.]//g; #strip non-numeric (commas)
$seg->{TEND} =~ s/[^0-9\.]//g; #strip non-numeric (commas)
push @{$data{$seg->{FILE}}{$seg->{CHNL}}}, $seg;
close DATA;
#sort and check data
foreach $file (keys %data) {
foreach $chnl (keys %{$data{$file}}) {
@{$data{$file}{$chnl}} =
sort {$a->{TBEG} <=> $b->{TBEG}} @{$data{$file}{$chnl}};
my $prev_seg;
foreach $seg (@{$data{$file}{$chnl}}) {
$seg->{TEND} > $seg->{TBEG} or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: non-positive evaluation segment length in UEM data for file $file, channel $chnl\n\n";
not defined $prev_seg or $seg->{TBEG} >= $prev_seg->{TEND} or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: UEM file has overlapping evaluation segments\n".
" file $file, channel $chnl: ($prev_seg->{TBEG},$prev_seg->{TEND}),".
" ($seg->{TBEG},$seg->{TEND})\n\n");
$prev_seg = $seg;
return {%data};
sub get_rttm_data {
my ($data, $list, $glm) = @_;
return unless defined $list;
open LIST, $list or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: unable to open file list '$list'$usage";
while (my $file = <LIST>) {
get_rttm_file ($data, $file, $glm);
close LIST;
sub get_rttm_file {
my ($data, $rttm_file, $glm) = @_;
my ($record, @fields, $data_type, $file, $chnl, $word, @words, $token);
return unless defined $rttm_file;
open DATA, $rttm_file or die
"\nCOMMAND LINE ERROR: unable to open RTTM file '$rttm_file'$usage";
while ($record = <DATA>) {
next if $record =~ /^\s*[\#;]|^\s*$/;
@fields = split /\s+/, $record;
shift @fields if $fields[0] eq "";
@fields >= 9 or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: insufficient number of fields in RTTM file '$rttm_file'\n".
" input RTTM record is: '$record'\n\n");
$data_type = uc shift @fields;
undef $token;
$token->{TYPE} = $data_type;
$token->{FILE} = $file = shift @fields;
$token->{CHNL} = $chnl = lc shift @fields;
$token->{TBEG} = lc shift @fields;
$token->{TBEG} =~ s/\*//;
$token->{TDUR} = lc shift @fields;
$token->{TDUR} =~ s/\*//;
$token->{TDUR} = 0 if $token->{TDUR} eq "<na>";
$token->{TDUR} >= 0 or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR -- negative metadata duration in file $file,'\n".
" input RTTM record is: '$record'\n\n");
$token->{WORD} = lc shift @fields;
$token->{SUBT} = lc shift @fields;
$rttm_datatypes{$token->{TYPE}}{$token->{SUBT}} or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: unknown RTTM data type/subtype ('$token->{TYPE}'/'$token->{SUBT}') in file $rttm_file\n".
" input RTTM record is: '$record'\n\n");
$token->{SPKR} = shift @fields;
$token->{CONF} = lc shift @fields;
$token->{CONF} = "-" unless defined $token->{CONF};
$token->{SPKR} = "<na>" unless defined $token->{SPKR};
if ($data_type eq "SPKR-INFO") {
not defined $data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}{$token->{SPKR}} or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: multiple $data_type records for speaker $token->{SPKR} in file $file\n".
" input RTTM record is: '$record'\n\n");
defined $spkr_subtypes{$token->{SUBT}} or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: unknown $data_type subtype ($token->{SUBT}) in file '$file'\n".
" input RTTM record is: '$record'\n\n");
$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}{$token->{SPKR}}{GENDER} = $token->{SUBT};
else {
$token->{TEND} = $token->{TBEG}+$token->{TDUR};
$token->{TMID} = $token->{TBEG}+$token->{TDUR}/2;
if ($data_type eq "LEXEME") {
$token->{WTYP} = ($token->{SUBT} =~ /^fp$/ ? "fp" :
($token->{SUBT} =~ /^frag$/ ? "frag" :
($token->{SUBT} =~ /^un-lex$/ ? "un-lex" :
($token->{SUBT} =~ /^for-lex$/ ? "for-lex" : "lex"))));
@words = standardize_word ($token, $glm);
foreach $word (@words) {
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{LEXEME}}, $word;
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{RTTM}}, $word;
elsif ($data_type eq "SPEAKER") {
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{SPEAKER}{$token->{SPKR}}}, $token;
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{RTTM}}, $token;
elsif ($md_subtypes{$token->{TYPE}}) {
defined $md_subtypes{$token->{TYPE}}{$token->{SUBT}} or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: unknown $data_type subtype ($token->{SUBT}) in file '$file'\n".
" input RTTM record is: '$record'\n\n");
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}}, $token;
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{RTTM}}, $token;
elsif ($data_type ne "SPKR-INFO") {
push @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{RTTM}}, $token;
close DATA;
#sort and check data
foreach $file (keys %$data) {
foreach $chnl (keys %{$data->{$file}}) {
foreach $data_type (keys %{$data->{$file}{$chnl}}) {
next if $data_type eq "SPKR-INFO";
if ($data_type eq "SPEAKER") {
foreach my $spkr (keys %{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}}) {
my $gender = $data->{$file}{$chnl}{"SPKR-INFO"}{$spkr}{GENDER};
$gender = $data->{$file}{$chnl}{"SPKR-INFO"}{$spkr}{GENDER} = "unknown" if not $gender;
@{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}{$spkr}} =
sort {$a->{TMID}<=>$b->{TMID}} @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}{$spkr}};
my $prev_token;
foreach $token (@{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}{$spkr}}) {
$token->{SUBT} = $gender;
next unless $prev_token;
not $prev_token or $token->{TBEG} >= $prev_token->{TEND}-$epsilon or die
("\n\nFATAL ERROR: RTTM file has overlapping $data_type tokens for speaker $spkr\n".
" in file $file, channel $chnl: ($prev_token->{TBEG},$prev_token->{TEND}),".
" ($token->{TBEG},$token->{TEND})\n\n");
$prev_token = $token;
else {
@{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}} =
sort {$a->{TMID} <=> $b->{TMID}} @{$data->{$file}{$chnl}{$data_type}};
sub evaluate {
my ($ref_data, $sys_data, $uem_data) = @_;
my ($uem, $uem_sd_eval, $uem_sd_score, $uem_md_eval, $uem_md_score);
my ($ref_wds, $sys_wds, $ref_mds, $sys_mds, $type, %scores, $ref_rttm, $sys_rttm);
foreach my $file (sort keys %$ref_data) {
foreach my $chnl (sort keys %{$ref_data->{$file}}) {
$ref_rttm = $ref_data->{$file}{$chnl}{RTTM};
$sys_rttm = $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{RTTM};
$ref_wds = $ref_data->{$file}{$chnl}{LEXEME} ? $ref_data->{$file}{$chnl}{LEXEME} : [];
$sys_wds = $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{LEXEME} ? $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{LEXEME} : [];
$uem = $uem_data->{$file}{$chnl};
$uem = uem_from_rttm ($ref_rttm) if not defined $uem;
@$ref_wds > 0 or not $opt_w or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: no reference words for file '$file' and channel '$chnl'\n\n";
@$sys_wds > 0 or not $opt_w or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: no system output words for file '$file' and channel '$chnl'\n".
" Words are required for word-mediated alignment\n\n";
if ($ref_wds and ($opt_w or $opt_e)) {
tag_words_with_metadata_attributes ($ref_rttm, $ref_wds);
tag_words_with_metadata_attributes ($sys_rttm, $sys_wds);
perform_word_alignment ($file, $chnl, $ref_wds, $sys_wds, $uem);
$uem_md_eval = add_exclusion_zones_to_uem ($noeval_md, $uem, $ref_rttm);
$uem_md_score = add_exclusion_zones_to_uem ($noscore_md, $uem_md_eval, $ref_rttm);
$uem_md_score = exclude_overlapping_speech_from_uem ($uem_md_score, $ref_rttm) if $opt_1;
tag_scoreable_words ($ref_wds, $uem_md_score);
foreach $type (sort keys %md_subtypes) {
$ref_mds = $ref_data->{$file}{$chnl}{$type};
next unless defined $ref_mds;
@$ref_wds > 0 or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: no reference words for file '$file' and channel '$chnl'\n\n";
$sys_mds = $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{$type};
$sys_mds = $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{$type} = [] unless defined $sys_mds;
map_metadata_to_words ($sys_mds, $sys_wds, $ref_mds, $ref_wds);
discard_unevaluated_metadata ($uem_md_eval, $type, $ref_mds, $ref_wds, "REF");
next if @$ref_mds == 0;
align_data ($ref_mds, $sys_mds, "", \&md_score, $max_md_delta_score);
trace_best_path ($ref_mds, $sys_mds);
discard_metadata_subtype ("EDIT", "complex", $ref_mds, $sys_mds) if $type eq "EDIT" and $opt_x;
discard_metadata_subtype ("SU", "unannotated", $ref_mds, $sys_mds) if $type eq "SU";
discard_unevaluated_metadata ($uem_md_eval, $type, $sys_mds, $ref_wds, "SYS");
($scores{$type}{$file}{$chnl}) = score_metadata_path
($type, $file, $chnl, $ref_mds, $sys_mds, $ref_wds);
$ref_mds = $ref_data->{$file}{$chnl}{SPEAKER};
if (defined $ref_mds) {
@$ref_wds > 0 or not $opt_W or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: no reference words for file '$file' and channel '$chnl'\n\n";
$uem_sd_eval = add_exclusion_zones_to_uem ($noeval_sd, $uem, $ref_rttm);
$sys_mds = $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{SPEAKER};
$sys_mds = $sys_data->{$file}{$chnl}{SPEAKER} = {} unless defined $sys_mds;
map_spkrdata_to_words ($sys_mds, $sys_wds, $ref_mds, $ref_wds);
($scores{SPEAKER}{$file}{$chnl}) = score_speaker_diarization
($file, $chnl, $ref_mds, $sys_mds, $ref_wds, $uem_sd_eval, $ref_rttm);
if ($opt_e) {
discard_unevaluated_metadata ($uem, "LEXEME", $ref_rttm);
discard_unevaluated_metadata ($uem, "LEXEME", $sys_rttm);
discard_unevaluated_metadata ($uem_md_eval, "", $ref_rttm);
discard_metadata_subtype ("EDIT", "complex", $ref_rttm, $sys_rttm) if $opt_x;
discard_metadata_subtype ("SU", "unannotated", $ref_rttm, $sys_rttm);
discard_unevaluated_metadata ($uem_md_eval, "", $sys_rttm);
display_metadata_mapping ($file, $chnl, $ref_rttm, $sys_rttm, $ref_wds);
foreach $type (sort keys %md_subtypes) {
md_performance_analysis ($type, $scores{$type}, $md_subtypes{$type}, $ref_data)
if $scores{$type};
sd_performance_analysis ($scores{SPEAKER}, \%spkr_subtypes)
if $scores{SPEAKER};
sub perform_word_alignment {
my ($file, $chnl, $ref_wds, $sys_wds, $uem) = @_;
my @ref_wds = @$ref_wds;
my @sys_wds = @$sys_wds;
discard_unevaluated_words ($uem, \@ref_wds);
discard_unevaluated_words ($uem, \@sys_wds);
@ref_wds > 0 or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: no reference words in UEM portion of file '$file' and channel '$chnl'\n\n";
@sys_wds > 0 or not $opt_w or die
"\n\nFATAL ERROR: no system output words in UEM portion of file '$file' and channel '$chnl'\n".
" Words are required for word-mediated alignment\n\n";
return unless @sys_wds > 0;
if ($opt_o) {
foreach my $spkr (word_kinds ($ref_wds, "SPKR")) {
align_data ($ref_wds, $sys_wds, $spkr, \&word_score, $max_wd_delta_score);
trace_best_path ($ref_wds, $sys_wds, $spkr);
decide_who_spoke_the_words ($ref_wds, $sys_wds);
else {
align_data ($ref_wds, $sys_wds, "", \&word_score, $max_wd_delta_score);
trace_best_path ($ref_wds, $sys_wds);
#map system output word times to ref words
foreach my $wd (@$sys_wds) {
$wd->{RTBEG} = adjust_sys_time_to_ref ($wd->{TBEG}, $sys_wds);
$wd->{RTEND} = adjust_sys_time_to_ref ($wd->{TEND}, $sys_wds);
$wd->{RTDUR} = $wd->{RTEND} - $wd->{RTBEG};
$wd->{RTMID} = $wd->{RTBEG} + $wd->{RTDUR}/2;
score_word_path ($file, $chnl, $ref_wds, $sys_wds) if $opt_d;
sub time_in_eval_partition {
my ($time, $uem_eval) = @_;
return 1 unless defined $uem_eval; #not using UEM partition specification
foreach my $partition (@$uem_eval) {
return 1 if event_covers_time ($partition, $time);
return 0;
sub discard_unevaluated_words {
my ($uem, $wds) = @_;
for (my $index=0; $index<@$wds; $index++) {
splice (@$wds, $index--, 1)
if ($wds->[$index]{TYPE} eq "LEXEME" and
not time_in_eval_partition ($wds->[$index]{TMID}, $uem));
sub discard_unevaluated_metadata {
my ($uem_eval, $type, $mds, $ref_wds, $src) = @_;
for (my $index=0; $index<@$mds; $index++) {
my $md = $mds->[$index];
next if (($type and $md->{TYPE} ne $type) or
(not $type and not $md_subtypes{$md->{TYPE}}) or
$md->{MAPPTR} or
md_in_uem ($md, $uem_eval));
warn_if_discarded_md_covers_scored_lexemes ($md, $ref_wds, $uem_eval, $src) if $ref_wds;
splice (@$mds, $index--, 1);
sub warn_if_discarded_md_covers_scored_lexemes {
my ($md, $ref_wds, $uem, $source) = @_;
my ($wbeg, $wend, $index);
($wbeg, $wend) = md_word_indices ($md, $ref_wds);
for ($index=$wbeg; $index<=$wend; $index++) {
next unless ($ref_wds->[$index]{SCOREABLE} and
time_in_eval_partition ($ref_wds->[$index]{TMID}, $uem));
warn "\nWARNING: A $source metadata event is being deleted that covers evaluated reference LEXEMEs\n".
" (type=$md->{TYPE}, subtype=$md->{SUBT}, spkr=$md->{SPKR}, TBEG=$md->{TBEG}, TEND=$md->{TEND})\n";
sub discard_metadata_subtype {
my ($type, $subtype, $ref_mds, $sys_mds) = @_;
my ($iref, $isys, $ref_md, $sys_md);
#discard all sys $type events that map to a ref event with subtype = $subtype
#or that are unmapped and have midpoints that lie within a ref event with subtype = $subtype
for ($iref=0; $iref<@$ref_mds; $iref++) {
$ref_md = $ref_mds->[$iref];
next unless ($ref_md->{TYPE} eq $type and
$ref_md->{SUBT} eq $subtype);
for ($isys=0; $isys<@$sys_mds; $isys++) {
$sys_md = $sys_mds->[$isys];
splice (@$sys_mds, $isys--, 1)
if ($sys_md->{TYPE} eq $type and
(($sys_md->{MAPPTR} and $sys_md->{MAPPTR}{SUBT} eq $subtype) or
(not $sys_md->{MAPPTR} and event_covers_time ($ref_md, $sys_md->{RTMID}))));
#discard all ref $type/$subtype events
splice (@$ref_mds, $iref--, 1);
sub tag_scoreable_words {
my ($wds, $uem_eval) = @_;
foreach my $wd (@$wds) {
$wd->{SCOREABLE} = time_in_eval_partition ($wd->{TMID}, $uem_eval);
sub tag_words_with_metadata_attributes {
my ($mds, $wds) = @_;
my ($md, $iwbeg, $iwend, $iw, $wd, $type);
foreach $md (@$mds) {
$type = $md->{TYPE};
next unless $type =~ /^(FILLER|EDIT|SU|IP)$/;
($iwbeg, $iwend) = md_word_indices ($md, $wds);
if ($type =~ /^(FILLER|EDIT)$/) {
for ($iw=$iwbeg; $iw<=$iwend; $iw++) {
$wds->[$iw]{ATTRIBUTES}{$md->{TYPE}} = $md->{SUBT};
elsif ($type =~ /^(SU|IP)$/) {
$wds->[$iwend]{ATTRIBUTES}{$md->{TYPE}} = $md->{SUBT};
sub tag_ref_words_with_metadata_info {
my ($mds, $wds, $src) = @_;
my ($md, $iwbeg, $iwend, $iw, $type);
foreach $md (@$mds) {
$type = $md->{TYPE};
($iwbeg, $iwend) = $src eq "REF" ?
($md->{WBEG}, $md->{WEND}) : ($md->{RWBEG}, $md->{RWEND}) ;
if ($type =~ /^(FILLER|EDIT)$/) {
for ($iw=max($iwbeg,0); $iw<=min($iwend,@$wds-1); $iw++) {
elsif ($type =~ /^(SU|IP)$/) {
$iwend = min(max($iwend,0),@$wds-1);
$wds->[$iwend]{"$src-$type"}{$md->{SUBT}}{defined $md->{MAPPTR} ? "MAP" : "NOT"}++;
sub md_performance_analysis {
my ($metadata_type, $counts, $subtypes, $ref_data) = @_;
my ($file, $chnl, $spkr, $word, $type, $type_counts, $key);
my (@files, @chnls, @spkrs, @types, %nevent, %nwerr);
my ($subtype, $sys_subtype, %nconf, %offsets);
#compute marginal counts
@files = keys %$counts;
foreach $file (@files) {
@chnls = keys %{$counts->{$file}};
foreach $chnl (@chnls) {
$type_counts = $counts->{$file}{$chnl};
foreach $type ("REF", "DEL", "INS", "SUB") {
next unless defined $type_counts->{WORDS}{$type};
$nwerr{ALL}{$type} += $type_counts->{WORDS}{$type};
$nwerr{"c=$chnl f=$file"}{$type} += $type_counts->{WORDS}{$type} if $opt_A =~ /c/i and $opt_A =~ /f/i;
$nwerr{"c=$chnl"}{$type} += $type_counts->{WORDS}{$type} if $opt_A =~ /c/i and not $opt_A =~ /f/i;
$nwerr{"f=$file"}{$type} += $type_counts->{WORDS}{$type} if $opt_A =~ /f/i and not $opt_A =~ /c/i;
foreach $type ("WBEG", "WEND") {
foreach $key (keys %{$type_counts->{WORD_OFFSET}{$type}}) {
$offsets{ALL}{$type}{$key} += $type_counts->{WORD_OFFSET}{$type}{$key};
my $spkr_info = $ref_data->{$file}{$chnl}{"SPKR-INFO"};
$spkr_info->{unknown}{GENDER} = "unknown" unless defined $spkr_info->{unknown};
foreach $type (keys %$type_counts) {
next unless $type =~ /^(REF|DEL|INS|SUB|CONFUSION)$/;
@spkrs = keys %{$type_counts->{$type}};
foreach $spkr (@spkrs) {
my $gndr = $spkr_info->{$spkr}{GENDER};
foreach $subtype (keys %$subtypes) {
my $count = $type_counts->{$type}{$spkr}{$subtype};
next unless $count;
if ($type eq "CONFUSION") {
foreach $sys_subtype (keys%$count) {
$nconf{ALL}{$subtype}{$sys_subtype} += $count->{$sys_subtype};
$nconf{ALL}{$subtype}{$sys_subtype} = 0 if not $nconf{ALL}{$subtype}{$sys_subtype};
$nconf{ALL}{$sys_subtype}{$subtype} = 0 if not $nconf{ALL}{$sys_subtype}{$subtype};
$nconf{ALL}{$subtype}{"{Miss}"} += $count if $type eq "DEL";
$nconf{ALL}{"{FA}"}{$subtype} += $count if $type eq "INS";
$nconf{ALL}{$subtype}{"{Miss}"} = 0 unless defined $nconf{ALL}{$subtype}{"{Miss}"};
$nconf{ALL}{"{FA}"}{$subtype} = 0 unless defined $nconf{ALL}{"{FA}"}{$subtype};
$nevent{ALL}{$type} += $count;
$nevent{"c=$chnl f=$file"}{$type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /c/i and $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$nevent{"c=$chnl"}{$type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /c/i and not $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$nevent{"f=$file"}{$type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /f/i and not $opt_a =~ /c/i;
$nevent{"s=$spkr"}{$type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /s/i;
$nevent{"g=$gndr"}{$type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /g/i;
print_md_scores ($metadata_type, \%nevent, \%nconf, \%offsets, \%nwerr);
sub print_offset_stats {
my ($counts) = @_;
my (@offsets, $count, $min, $max, $i);
@offsets = (keys %{$counts->{WBEG}}, keys %{$counts->{WEND}});
$min = min (-3, @offsets);
$max = max (3, @offsets);
print " word offsets: <-3 ";
for ($i=-3; $i<=3; $i++) {
printf "%5d", $i;
print " >3\n";
print " BEG:";
for ($count=0,$i=$min; $i<-3; $i++) {
$count += $counts->{WBEG}{$i} if defined $counts->{WBEG}{$i};
printf "%5d ", $count if defined $count;
print " - ", unless defined $count;
for ($i=-3; $i<=3; $i++) {
$count = $counts->{WBEG}{$i};
printf "%5d", $count if defined $count;
print " -", unless defined $count;
for ($count=0,$i=4; $i<=$max; $i++) {
$count += $counts->{WBEG}{$i} if defined $counts->{WBEG}{$i};
printf "%7d", $count if defined $count;
print " -", unless defined $count;
print "\n END:";
for ($count=0,$i=$min; $i<-3; $i++) {
$count += $counts->{WEND}{$i} if defined $counts->{WEND}{$i};
printf "%5d ", $count if defined $count;
print " - ", unless defined $count;
for ($i=-3; $i<=3; $i++) {
$count = $counts->{WEND}{$i};
printf "%5d", $count if defined $count;
print " -", unless defined $count;
for ($count=0,$i=4; $i<=$max; $i++) {
$count += $counts->{WEND}{$i} if defined $counts->{WEND}{$i};
printf "%7d", $count if defined $count;
print " -", unless defined $count;
print "\n";
sub print_md_scores {
my ($metadata_type, $event_counts, $conf_counts, $offset_counts, $word_counts) = @_;
my ($type, $nerr, $norm, $name, $ref, $sys, $category, $counts);
my ($count, $min, $max, $i, @offsets);
my $head_format = "%36s %5s %5s %5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n";
my $data_format = "%-28.28s %5d %5d %5d %5s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n";
my @header = ("Nref", "Ndel", "Nins", "Nsub", "%Del", "%Ins", "%Sub", "%D+I", "%Tot");
$counts = $word_counts->{ALL};
$nerr = $counts->{DEL} + $counts->{INS};
$nerr += $counts->{SUB} if $metadata_type =~ /^(SU|FILLER)$/;
printf "\n*** Performance analysis for %ss *** overall error SCORE = %.2f%s\n",
$metadata_type, 100*$nerr/max($counts->{REF},$epsilon), "%";
#metadata word detection
print "\nSU (exact) end detection statistics" if $metadata_type eq "SU";
print "\nIP (exact) detection statistics" if $metadata_type eq "IP";
print "\n$metadata_type word coverage statistics" unless $metadata_type =~ /^(SU|IP)$/;
print " -- in terms of reference words\n";
printf $head_format, @header;
foreach $category (sort keys %$word_counts) {
printf $data_format, ($category ne "ALL" ? $category : " "x17 ."ALL",
error_output ($word_counts->{$category}));
#metadata event detection
print "\n$metadata_type detection statistics -- in terms of \# of $metadata_type"."s\n";
printf $head_format, @header;
foreach $category (sort keys %$event_counts) {
printf $data_format, ($category ne "ALL" ? $category : " "x17 ."ALL",
error_output ($event_counts->{$category}));
#metadata event classification
print "\n$metadata_type detection confusion matrix -- in terms of \# of $metadata_type"."s\n";
foreach $category (sort keys %$conf_counts) {
$counts = $conf_counts->{$category};
printf "%24.24s", "$category - ref\\sys";
foreach $name (sort keys %$counts, "{Miss}") {
next if $name eq "{FA}";
print " " if $name eq "{Miss}";
printf "%10.8s", $name;
print "\n";
foreach $ref (sort keys %$counts) {
print "\n" if $ref eq "{FA}";
printf "%24.24s", $ref;
foreach $sys (sort keys %$counts, "{Miss}") {
next if $sys eq "{FA}" or ($ref eq "{FA}" and $sys eq "{Miss}");
print " " if $sys eq "{Miss}";
printf "%8d ", $counts->{$ref}{$sys} ? $counts->{$ref}{$sys} : 0;
print "\n";
foreach $category (sort keys %$offset_counts) {
print "\n$metadata_type word offset statistics for $category data\n";
print_offset_stats ($offset_counts->{$category});
sub error_output {
my ($counts) = @_;
my (@output, $item, $nerr);
foreach $item ("REF", "DEL", "INS", "SUB") {
$counts->{$item} = 0 unless defined $counts->{$item};
push @output, $counts->{$item};
$nerr += $counts->{$item} unless $item eq "REF";
my $norm = 100/max($counts->{REF},$epsilon);
foreach my $item ("DEL", "INS", "SUB") {
push @output, min(999.99,$norm*$counts->{$item});
my $dpi = $counts->{"DEL"}+$counts->{"INS"};
my $tot = $dpi+$counts->{"SUB"};
push @output, min(999.99,$norm*$dpi), min(999.99,$norm*$tot);
return @output;
sub word_kinds {
my ($words, $kind) = @_;
my ($word, %count);
foreach $word (@$words) {
return sort keys %count;
sub standardize_word {
my ($word, $glm) = @_;
my (@split_word, @words, $tbeg, $tdur, $part, $new_word);
$word->{WORD} =~ lc $word->{WORD}; #lower case
if (defined $glm->{$word->{WORD}}) { #split glm words
@split_word = @{$glm->{$word->{WORD}}};
elsif ($word->{WORD} =~ /^([^-]+|mm-hmm|uh-huh|um-hmm)$/) {
return $word;
elsif ($word->{WORD} =~ /.+-.+/) { #split hyphenated words
$word->{WORD} =~ s/(.+)-(.+)/$1 $2/g;
@split_word = split /\s+/, $word->{WORD};
else { #don't split word
return $word;
#split word and prorate time equally to each part
$tbeg = $word->{TBEG};
$tdur = $word->{TDUR}/@split_word;
foreach $part (@split_word) {
$new_word = {FILE => $word->{FILE}, CHNL => $word->{CHNL}, TBEG => $tbeg,
TDUR => $tdur, TEND => $tbeg+$tdur, TMID => $tbeg+$tdur/2,
WORD => $part, CONF => $word->{CONF}, SPKR => $word->{SPKR},
TYPE => $word->{TYPE}, SUBT => $word->{SUBT}, WTYP => $word->{WTYP}};
push @words, $new_word;
$tbeg += $tdur;
return @words;
sub decide_who_spoke_the_words {
my ($ref_wds, $sys_wds) = @_;
my ($ref_index, $ref_word, $sys_index, $index, $word, $md_index, $md);
my ($sys_word, $spkr, $score, $best_spkr, $best_score, @speakers);
#select the best ref word for each STT output word that has multiple reference word matches
for ($sys_index=0; $sys_index<@$sys_wds; $sys_index++) {
$sys_word = $sys_wds->[$sys_index];
next unless defined $sys_word->{SPKRS};
undef $best_score;
@speakers = sort keys %{$sys_word->{SPKRS}};
next unless @speakers > 1;
foreach $spkr (@speakers) {
next unless defined $sys_word->{SPKRS}{$spkr};
$ref_word = $sys_word->{SPKRS}{$spkr}{REFPTR};
$score = $ref_word->{PATHS}{$sys_index}{SCORE};
next if defined $best_score and $best_score > $score;
$best_score = $score;
$best_spkr = $spkr;
next unless defined $best_score;
foreach $spkr (@speakers) {
next if $spkr eq $best_spkr;
$sys_word->{SPKRS}{$spkr} = undef;
$ref_word = $sys_word->{SPKRS}{$best_spkr}{REFPTR};
sub event_covers_time {
my ($event, $time) = @_;
return ($time < $event->{TBEG} or
$time > $event->{TEND}) ? 0 : 1;
sub word_score {
my ($ref_word, $sys_word) = @_;
my ($tbeg, $tend, $rw, $sw, $score, $word);
my ($attribute, $attributes, $ref_attributes, $sys_attributes);
#compute joint word coverage
$score = 0;
if (defined $ref_word and defined $sys_word) {
return undef unless overlap ($ref_word, $sys_word, $word_gap);
if (($ref_attributes = $ref_word->{ATTRIBUTES}) and
($sys_attributes = $sys_word->{ATTRIBUTES})) {
foreach $attribute ("EDIT", "FILLER", "IP", "SU") {
next unless (defined $ref_attributes->{$attribute} and
defined $sys_attributes->{$attribute});
$score += ($ref_attributes->{$attribute} eq
$sys_attributes->{$attribute}) ? 0.02 : 0.01;
return $score if #both word type and word spelling match
(( $ref_word->{WORD} eq $sys_word->{WORD} and
$ref_word->{WTYP} eq $sys_word->{WTYP})
or ($ref_word->{WTYP} eq "lex" and
$sys_word->{WTYP} eq "frag" and
($sw = $sys_word->{WORD}, $sw =~ s/^-*|-*$//g, $sw) #make sure that $sw is non-null
and ($ref_word->{WORD} =~ /$sw/))
or ($ref_word->{WTYP} eq "frag" and
$sys_word->{WTYP} eq "lex" and
($rw = $ref_word->{WORD}, $rw =~ s/^-*|-*$//g, $rw) #make sure that $rw is non-null
and ($sys_word->{WORD} =~ /$rw/))
or ($ref_word->{WTYP} eq "fp" and
$sys_word->{WTYP} eq "fp")
or ($ref_word->{WTYP} eq "frag" and
$sys_word->{WTYP} eq "frag"));
return $score - 0.1*max(1,ref_count($ref_word)) if #word type match, except for lex's
(( $ref_word->{WTYP} eq $sys_word->{WTYP} and
$ref_word->{WTYP} ne "lex"));
return $score - max(1,ref_count($ref_word),ref_count($sys_word));
$word = defined $ref_word ? $ref_word : $sys_word;
return 0 unless defined $word;
$score = $word->{WTYP} eq "lex" ? -ref_count($word) : -0.2*max(1,ref_count($word));
$attributes = $word->{ATTRIBUTES};
if (defined $attributes) {
foreach $attribute ("EDIT", "FILLER", "IP", "SU") {
$score += 0.005 if defined $word->{$attribute};
return $score;
sub wd_err_count {
my ($ref_word, $sys_word) = @_;
my $word_score = word_score($ref_word,$sys_word);
return (defined $word_score and $word_score > -0.5) ? 0 : 1;
sub ref_count {
my ($word) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $word;
return 0 if $word->{WTYP} =~ /^(non-lex|misc)$/;
#hyphenated words get a count of 2 (except for mm-hmm, uh-huh and hm-hmm)
my $WORD = $word->{WORD};
$WORD =~ s/^-*|-*$//g;
return $WORD =~ /^([^-]+|mm-hmm|uh-huh|um-hmm)$/ ? 1 : 2;
sub overlap {
my ($ref, $sys, $tgap) = @_;
return 0 unless $ref and $sys;
$tgap = 0 unless defined $tgap;
my $tovl = (min($ref->{TEND}, $sys->{TEND}) -
max($ref->{TBEG}, $sys->{TBEG})) + $tgap;
return $tovl > 0 ? $tovl/(1 + $tgap/max($ref->{TDUR},$epsilon)) : 0;
sub md_in_uem {
my ($md, $uem_eval) = @_;
return 1 unless defined $uem_eval; #not using UEM partition specification
foreach my $partition (@$uem_eval) {
return 1 if ($md->{TEND} <= $partition->{TEND}+$epsilon and
$md->{TBEG} >= $partition->{TBEG}-$epsilon);
return 0;
sub map_spkrdata_to_words {
my ($sys_mds, $sys_wds, $ref_mds, $ref_wds) = @_;
my ($spkr, $md, @ref_spkr_mds, @sys_spkr_mds);
foreach $spkr (keys %$ref_mds) {
foreach $md (@{$ref_mds->{$spkr}}) {
push @ref_spkr_mds, $md;
foreach $spkr (keys %$sys_mds) {
foreach $md (@{$sys_mds->{$spkr}}) {
push @sys_spkr_mds, $md;
map_metadata_to_words (\@sys_spkr_mds, $sys_wds, \@ref_spkr_mds, $ref_wds);
sub map_metadata_to_words {
my ($sys_mds, $sys_wds, $ref_mds, $ref_wds) = @_;
#map system output metadata times to ref words
foreach my $md (@$sys_mds) {
if ($opt_w) { #adjust times/words to agree with ref-sys word alignment
$md->{RTBEG} = adjust_sys_time_to_ref ($md->{TBEG}, $sys_wds);
$md->{RTEND} = adjust_sys_time_to_ref ($md->{TEND}, $sys_wds);
else { #map system output metadata event to reference data normally
$md->{RTBEG} = $md->{TBEG};
$md->{RTEND} = $md->{TEND};
$md->{RTDUR} = $md->{RTEND} - $md->{RTBEG};
$md->{RTMID} = $md->{RTBEG} + $md->{RTDUR}/2;
($md->{RWBEG}, $md->{RWEND}) = md_ref_word_indices ($md, $ref_wds);
$md->{RWDUR} = $md->{RWEND} - $md->{RWBEG} + 1;
#map reference metadata times to ref words
foreach my $md (@$ref_mds) {
($md->{WBEG}, $md->{WEND}) = md_word_indices ($md, $ref_wds);
$md->{WDUR} = $md->{WEND} - $md->{WBEG} + 1;
next if ($md->{WDUR} > 0 or
$md->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/);
next if (not $opt_W and not $opt_w and $md->{TYPE} eq "SPEAKER");
warn "\nWARNING: reference metadata event subsumes no reference words\n"
." file='$md->{FILE}', chnl='$md->{CHNL}', tbeg='$md->{TBEG}',"
." tend='$md->{TEND}', type='$md->{TYPE}', subtype='$md->{SUBT}'\n";
#friendly (unused) check of system metadata times versus sys words
return unless $opt_w;
foreach my $md (@$sys_mds) {
(my $wbeg, my $wend) = md_word_indices ($md, $sys_wds);
next if ($wend - $wbeg >= 0 or
$md->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/);
warn "\nWARNING: system output metadata event subsumes no system output words\n"
." file='$md->{FILE}', chnl='$md->{CHNL}', tbeg='$md->{TBEG}',"
." tend='$md->{TEND}', type='$md->{TYPE}', subtype='$md->{SUBT}'\n";
sub adjust_sys_time_to_ref {
my ($ts, $sys_wds) = @_;
my ($ts1, $ts2, $tr, $tr1, $tr2, $ws1, $ws2, $ref_wd);
#given a time in the system output, find the time in the reference
#that harmonizes with the alignment of system output words
#find the nearest right reference anchor point
$ws2 = 0;
$ws2++ while ($ws2 < @$sys_wds and
($sys_wds->[$ws2]{TEND} < $ts or
not defined $sys_wds->[$ws2]{MAPPTR}));
if ($ws2 < @$sys_wds) {
$ref_wd = $sys_wds->[$ws2]{MAPPTR};
($ts2, $tr2) = $sys_wds->[$ws2]{TBEG} < $ts ?
($sys_wds->[$ws2]{TEND}, $ref_wd->{TEND}) :
($sys_wds->[$ws2]{TBEG}, $ref_wd->{TBEG});
#find the nearest left reference anchor point
$ws1 = min($ws2, @$sys_wds-1);
$ws1-- while ($ws1 >= 0 and
($sys_wds->[$ws1]{TBEG} > $ts or
not defined $sys_wds->[$ws1]{MAPPTR}));
if ($ws1 >= 0) {
$ref_wd = $sys_wds->[$ws1]{MAPPTR};
($ts1, $tr1) = $sys_wds->[$ws1]{TEND} > $ts ?
($sys_wds->[$ws1]{TBEG}, $ref_wd->{TBEG}) :
($sys_wds->[$ws1]{TEND}, $ref_wd->{TEND});
#make adjustment
$tr = (($ws1 < 0 and $ws2 >= @$sys_wds) ? $ts : #no adjustment possible
($ws1 < 0) ? $tr2 + ($ts-$ts2) : #extrapolate left without scale change
($ws2 >= @$sys_wds) ? $tr1 + ($ts-$ts1) : #extrapolate right without scale change
($ts == $ts1) ? $tr1 : #no interpolation necessary
$tr1 + ($ts-$ts1)*($tr2-$tr1)/($ts2-$ts1)); #normal interpolation
return $tr;
sub md_word_indices {
my ($md, $wds) = @_;
#find the word indices of the first and last words with midpoints inside the metadata event
my $i = 0;
$i++ while ($i<@$wds and ($wds->[$i]{TMID}) < $md->{TBEG});
my $j = max($i-1,0);
$j++ while ($j<@$wds and ($wds->[$j]{TMID}) <= $md->{TEND});
return ($i, --$j);
sub md_ref_word_indices {
my ($md, $wds) = @_;
#find the word indices of the first and last words with midpoints inside the metadata event
my $i = 0;
$i++ while ($i<@$wds and ($wds->[$i]{TMID}) < $md->{RTBEG});
my $j = max($i-1,0);
$j++ while ($j<@$wds and ($wds->[$j]{TMID}) <= $md->{RTEND});
return ($i, --$j);
sub align_data {
my ($refs, $syss, $spkr, $scorer, $max_delta_score) = @_;
my ($ref, $sys, $prev_ref, $path, $ref_path);
my ($ref_index, $sys_index, $index, $pruning_threshold);
my ($score, $path_score, $best_score, %cum_insertion_score);
#compute cumulative insertion score for sys output
$cum_insertion_score{-1} = 0;
for ($sys_index=0; $sys_index<@$syss; $sys_index++) {
$sys = $syss->[$sys_index];
$cum_insertion_score{$sys_index} = $cum_insertion_score{$sys_index-1};
$cum_insertion_score{$sys_index} += &$scorer (undef, $sys);
#find the best path by incremental optimization through the ref transcription
$prev_ref->{PATHS}{-1}{SCORE} = 0;
for ($ref_index=0; $ref_index<@$refs; $ref_index++) {
$ref = $refs->[$ref_index];
next if $spkr and $ref->{SPKR} ne $spkr;
#find best score and compute pruning threshold
$best_score = undef;
foreach $index (keys %{$prev_ref->{PATHS}}) {
$path_score = $prev_ref->{PATHS}{$index}{SCORE} +
$best_score = $path_score if not defined $best_score or $best_score < $path_score;
$pruning_threshold = $best_score - $max_delta_score;
#extend paths with scores above pruning threshold
foreach $index (keys %{$prev_ref->{PATHS}}) {
$path_score = $prev_ref->{PATHS}{$index}{SCORE} +
next unless $path_score > $pruning_threshold;
$ref->{PATHS}{$index}{PATHPTR} = $index;
$ref->{PATHS}{$index}{PREVREF} = $prev_ref;
$ref->{PATHS}{$index}{SCORE} = $prev_ref->{PATHS}{$index}{SCORE} +
&$scorer ($ref, undef);
#compare the current ref event to all sys events
for ($sys_index=0; $sys_index<@$syss; $sys_index++) {
$sys = $syss->[$sys_index];
$score = &$scorer ($ref, $sys);
next unless defined $score;
#update each path for this {ref, sys} match
foreach $index (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$prev_ref->{PATHS}}) {
next unless $index < $sys_index;
$path_score = $score + $prev_ref->{PATHS}{$index}{SCORE} +
if (not defined $ref->{PATHS}{$sys_index}
or $path_score > $ref->{PATHS}{$sys_index}{SCORE}) {
$ref->{PATHS}{$sys_index}{SCORE} = $path_score;
$ref->{PATHS}{$sys_index}{PREVREF} = $prev_ref;
$ref->{PATHS}{$sys_index}{PATHPTR} = $index;
$ref->{PATHS}{$sys_index}{SYSPTR} = $sys;
#add insertion score for remaining unmapped sys events
foreach $index (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$prev_ref->{PATHS}}) {
$prev_ref->{PATHS}{$index}{SCORE} +=
$cum_insertion_score{@$syss-1}-$cum_insertion_score{$index} if $index < @$syss-1;
sub md_score {
my ($ref_md, $sys_md) = @_;
my ($beg, $end, $overlap, $ref_beg, $sys_beg, $md_dur);
my $subtype_bonus = 1.1; #multiplicative bonus for matching subtypes
my $endword_bonus = 1.001; #multiplicative bonus for matching boundaries
return 0 unless defined $ref_md and defined $sys_md;
if ($opt_W) { #compute md mapping score as ref-sys overlap in (ref) words
$ref_beg = $ref_md->{WBEG};
$sys_beg = $sys_md->{RWBEG};
if ($ref_md->{TYPE} eq "SU") {
$ref_beg = max($ref_beg, $ref_md->{WEND}-($su_extent_limit-1));
$sys_beg = max($sys_beg, $sys_md->{RWEND}-($su_extent_limit-1));
$beg = max($ref_beg, $sys_beg);
$end = min($ref_md->{WEND}, $sys_md->{RWEND});
$overlap = $end - $beg + 1;
$md_dur = $ref_md->{WEND} - $ref_beg + 1;
else { #compute md mapping score as ref-sys overlap in time
$ref_beg = $ref_md->{TBEG};
$sys_beg = $sys_md->{RTBEG};
if ($ref_md->{TYPE} eq "SU") {
$ref_beg = max($ref_beg, $ref_md->{TEND}-$su_extent_limit);
$sys_beg = max($sys_beg, $sys_md->{RTEND}-$su_extent_limit);
$beg = max($ref_beg, $sys_beg);
$end = min($ref_md->{TEND}, $sys_md->{RTEND});
$overlap = $end - $beg;
$md_dur = $ref_md->{TEND} - $ref_beg;
$overlap += $epsilon if $ref_md->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/;
$overlap += $md_gap;
return undef if $overlap < 0;
$overlap *= $subtype_bonus if $ref_md->{SUBT} eq $sys_md->{SUBT};
$overlap *= $endword_bonus if $ref_md->{WEND} eq $sys_md->{RWEND};
return $overlap if $md_dur+$md_gap < max($md_dur,$epsilon);
return $overlap * max($md_dur,$epsilon)/($md_dur+$md_gap);
sub trace_best_path {
my ($refs, $syss, $spkr) = @_;
my ($ref, $path, $pathptr, $best_score, $prev_ref, $ref_index, $index, $sys);
#find the last word for the selected channel and speaker
return unless @$refs and @$syss;
$ref_index = @$refs-1;
$ref_index-- while (defined $spkr and $refs->[$ref_index]{SPKR} ne $spkr);
$spkr = "ALL" unless defined $spkr;
#identify the best path for the selected ending word
$ref = $refs->[$ref_index];
undef $best_score;
foreach $index (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$ref->{PATHS}}) {
$path = $ref->{PATHS}{$index};
if (not defined $best_score or $path->{SCORE} > $best_score) {
$best_score = $path->{SCORE};
$pathptr = $path->{PATHPTR};
$prev_ref = $path->{PREVREF};
$sys = $path->{SYSPTR};
if (defined $sys) {
$sys->{SPKRS}{$spkr}{REFPTR} = $ref;
$sys->{MAPPTR} = $ref;
$ref->{MAPPTR} = $sys;
#trace the path back
while ($pathptr != -1) {
$ref = $prev_ref;
$path = $ref->{PATHS}{$pathptr};
$pathptr = $path->{PATHPTR};
$prev_ref = $path->{PREVREF};
next unless defined $path->{SYSPTR};
$sys = $path->{SYSPTR};
$sys->{SPKRS}{$spkr}{REFPTR} = $ref;
$sys->{MAPPTR} = $ref;
$ref->{MAPPTR} = $sys;
sub delta_metadata_error_words {
#accumulates the number of metadata error words difference
#between ref beg/end point of metadata event and sys beg/end point of metadata event
my ($location, $ref_index, $sys_index, $ref_wds) = @_;
my $dw = 0;
my $index = min($ref_index,$sys_index);
my $istop = max($ref_index,$sys_index);
while ($index != $istop) {
$index++ if $location eq "END";
$dw++ if $index >= 0 and $index < @$ref_wds and $ref_wds->[$index]{SCOREABLE};
$index++ if $location eq "BEG";
return $sys_index > $ref_index ? $dw : 0-$dw;
sub print_path_score {
my ($ref, $sys, $ref_count, $err_count, $err_type) = @_;
#print header
unless (defined $ref or defined $sys) {
printf " ref del ins sub %16.16s %-7s%8s%8s %-12.12s", "REF: token", "type",
"tbeg", "tend", "speaker";
printf " %16.16s %-7s %7s%8s %8s%8s %-12.12s\n", "SYS: token", "type",
"Rtbeg", "Rtend", "tbeg", "tend", "sys-speaker" if $opt_w;
printf " %16.16s %-7s%8s%8s %-12.12s\n", "SYS: token", "type",
"tbeg", "tend", "speaker" unless $opt_w;
#print ref
my %errors = (REF=>"-", DEL=>"-", INS=>"-", SUB=>"-");
$errors{REF} = $ref_count if defined $ref_count;
$errors{$err_type} = $err_count if defined $err_type;
printf "%4s%4s%4s%4s", $errors{REF}, $errors{DEL}, $errors{INS}, $errors{SUB};
if (defined $ref) {
printf " %16.16s %-7s%8.2f%8.2f %-12.12s", $ref->{TYPE} =~ /^(LEXEME|NON-LEX|NON-SPEECH)$/ ?
($ref->{WORD}, $ref->{WTYP}) : ($ref->{SUBT}, $ref->{TYPE}), $ref->{TBEG}, $ref->{TEND}, $ref->{SPKR};
else {
printf " %16.16s %-7s%8s%8s %-12.12s", "---", "---", "--- ", "--- ", "---";
#print sys
if ($opt_w) {
if (defined $sys) {
printf " %16.16s %-7s (%7.2f%8.2f)%8.2f%8.2f %-12.12s\n", $sys->{TYPE} =~ /^(LEXEME|NON-LEX|NON-SPEECH)$/ ?
($sys->{WORD}, $sys->{WTYP}) : ($sys->{SUBT}, $sys->{TYPE}), $sys->{RTBEG}, $sys->{RTEND}, $sys->{TBEG}, $sys->{TEND}, $sys->{SPKR};
else {
printf " %16.16s %-7s (%7s%8s)%8s%8s %-12.12s\n", "---", "---", "--- ", "--- ", "--- ", "--- ", "---";
else {
if (defined $sys) {
printf " %16.16s %-7s%8.2f%8.2f %-12.12s\n", $sys->{TYPE} =~ /^(LEXEME|NON-LEX|NON-SPEECH)$/ ?
($sys->{WORD}, $sys->{WTYP}) : ($sys->{SUBT}, $sys->{TYPE}), $sys->{TBEG}, $sys->{TEND}, $sys->{SPKR};
else {
printf " %16.16s %-7s%8s%8s %-12.12s\n", "---", "---", "--- ", "--- ", "---";
sub score_metadata_path {
my ($type, $file, $chnl, $ref_mds, $sys_mds, $ref_wds) = @_;
my ($ref_md, @sys_mds, $sys_index, $sys_md, $md, $spkr, $iw);
my (%count, $ref_count, $err_count, $ref_wd, $dw);
print "\n$type alignment and scoring details for channel $chnl of file $file\n" if $opt_D;
print_path_score () if $opt_D;
#tabulate boundary/depod errors
tag_ref_words_with_metadata_info ($ref_mds, $ref_wds, "REF");
tag_ref_words_with_metadata_info ($sys_mds, $ref_wds, "SYS");
for ($iw=0; $iw<@$ref_wds; $iw++) {
$ref_wd = $ref_wds->[$iw];
next unless $ref_wd->{SCOREABLE} or $type =~ /^(IP|SU)$/;
my $nref = my $nsys = my $nins = my $ncor = 0;
foreach my $subtype (keys %{$md_subtypes{$type}}) {
my $nr = $ref_wd->{"REF-$type"}{$subtype}{MAP};
my $nm = $ref_wd->{"REF-$type"}{$subtype}{NOT};
my $ns = $ref_wd->{"SYS-$type"}{$subtype}{MAP};
my $ni = $ref_wd->{"SYS-$type"}{$subtype}{NOT};
$nref += $nr if $nr;
$nref += $nm if $nm;
$nsys += $ns if $ns;
$nins += $ni if $ni;
$ncor += min($nr,$ns) if $nr and $ns;
$count{WORDS}{REF} += $nref;
$count{WORDS}{DEL} += max($nref-$nsys,0);
$count{WORDS}{INS} += max($nsys-$nref,0) + ($nins ? $nins : 0);
$count{WORDS}{SUB} += min($nref,$nsys) - $ncor;
#tabulate beg/end word offset errors
foreach $ref_md (@$ref_mds) {
next unless ($sys_md = $ref_md->{MAPPTR});
$dw = delta_metadata_error_words ("BEG", $ref_md->{WBEG}, $sys_md->{RWBEG}, $ref_wds);
$dw = delta_metadata_error_words ("END", $ref_md->{WEND}, $sys_md->{RWEND}, $ref_wds);
#tabulate detection errors
@sys_mds = @$sys_mds;
$sys_md = shift @sys_mds;
foreach $ref_md (@$ref_mds) {
$spkr = $ref_md->{SPKR};
$ref_count = md_err_count ($ref_md, undef);
$count{REF}{$spkr}{$ref_md->{SUBT}} += $ref_count if defined $ref_count;
if ($ref_md->{MAPPTR}) {
while ($sys_md and
$sys_md ne $ref_md->{MAPPTR}) {
printf "%sUNEXPECTED MAPPED SYS MD: %16s %-7s%8.2f%8.2f %-16s\n",
" "x44, $sys_md->{SUBT}, $sys_md->{TYPE}, $sys_md->{TBEG},
$sys_md->{TEND}, $sys_md->{SPKR} if $sys_md->{MAPPTR};
$err_count = md_err_count (undef, $sys_md);
$count{INS}{ref_spkr_of_md($sys_md,$ref_wds)}{$sys_md->{SUBT}} += $err_count;
print_path_score (undef, $sys_md, 0, $err_count, "INS") if $opt_D;
$sys_md = shift @sys_mds;
if ($sys_md) {
$err_count = md_err_count ($ref_md, $sys_md);
$count{SUB}{$spkr}{$ref_md->{SUBT}} += $err_count;
$count{CONFUSION}{$spkr}{$ref_md->{SUBT}}{$sys_md->{SUBT}} += $ref_count;
print_path_score ($ref_md, $sys_md, $ref_count, $err_count, "SUB") if $opt_D;
$sys_md = shift @sys_mds;
else {
printf "%sSYS MD NOT FOUND FOR REF MD: %16s %-7s%8.2f%8.2f %-16s\n",
" "x40, $ref_md->{SUBT}, $ref_md->{TYPE}, $ref_md->{TBEG},
$ref_md->{TEND}, $ref_md->{SPKR} if $ref_md->{MAPPTR};
else {
$err_count = md_err_count ($ref_md, undef);
$count{DEL}{$spkr}{$ref_md->{SUBT}} += $err_count;
print_path_score ($ref_md, undef, $ref_count, $err_count, "DEL") if $opt_D;
while ($sys_md) {
printf "%sUNEXPECTED MAPPED SYS MD: %16s %-7s%8.2f%8.2f %-16s\n",
" "x44, $sys_md->{SUBT}, $sys_md->{TYPE}, $sys_md->{TBEG},
$sys_md->{TEND}, $sys_md->{SPKR} if $sys_md->{MAPPTR};
$err_count = md_err_count (undef, $sys_md);
$count{INS}{ref_spkr_of_md($sys_md,$ref_wds)}{$sys_md->{SUBT}} += $err_count;
print_path_score (undef, $sys_md, 0, $err_count, "INS") if $opt_D;
$sys_md = shift @sys_mds;
return {%count};
sub md_err_count {
my ($ref_md, $sys_md) = @_;
return 1 if (not defined $sys_md or not defined $ref_md or
not defined $sys_md->{TYPE} or not defined $ref_md->{TYPE} or
not defined $sys_md->{SUBT} or not defined $ref_md->{SUBT} or
$sys_md->{TYPE} ne $ref_md->{TYPE} or
$sys_md->{SUBT} ne $ref_md->{SUBT});
return 0;
sub ref_spkr_of_md {
my ($md, $ref_wds) = @_;
my $spkr;
for (my $index =min($md->{RWBEG},$md->{RWEND});
$index<=max($md->{RWBEG},$md->{RWEND}); $index++) {
next unless $index >= 0 and $index < @$ref_wds;
$spkr = $ref_wds->[$index]{SPKR} unless $spkr;
return "unknown" unless $ref_wds->[$index]{SPKR} eq $spkr;
return defined $spkr ? $spkr : "unknown";
sub score_word_path {
my ($file, $chnl, $ref_wds, $sys_wds) = @_;
my ($ref_wrd, @sys_wds, $sys_wrd);
my ($ref_count, $err_count);
print "\nWord alignment and scoring details for channel $chnl of file $file\n";
print_path_score ();
#tabulate errors
@sys_wds = @$sys_wds;
$sys_wrd = shift @sys_wds;
foreach $ref_wrd (@$ref_wds) {
$ref_count = ref_count($ref_wrd);
if ($ref_wrd->{MAPPTR}) {
while ($sys_wrd and
$sys_wrd ne $ref_wrd->{MAPPTR}) {
printf "%71s%16s %-7s%s%8.2f%8.2f %-16s\n", "UNEXPECTED MAPPED SYS WORD:",
$sys_wrd->{WORD}, $sys_wrd->{WTYP}, " "x18, $sys_wrd->{TBEG},
$sys_wrd->{TDUR}, $sys_wrd->{SPKR} if $sys_wrd->{MAPPTR};
$err_count = wd_err_count(undef, $sys_wrd);
print_path_score (undef, $sys_wrd, 0, $err_count, "INS");
$sys_wrd = shift @sys_wds;
if ($sys_wrd) {
$err_count = wd_err_count($ref_wrd, $sys_wrd);
print_path_score ($ref_wrd, $sys_wrd, $ref_count, $err_count, "SUB");
$sys_wrd = shift @sys_wds;
else {
printf "%71s%16s %-7s%s%8.2f%8.2f %-16s\n", "SYS WRD NOT FOUND FOR REF WRD:",
$ref_wrd->{WORD}, $ref_wrd->{WTYP}, " "x18, $ref_wrd->{TBEG},
$ref_wrd->{TDUR}, $ref_wrd->{SPKR} if $ref_wrd->{MAPPTR};
else {
$err_count = wd_err_count($ref_wrd, undef);
print_path_score ($ref_wrd, undef, $ref_count, $err_count, "DEL");
while ($sys_wrd) {
printf "%71s%16s %-7s%8.2f%8.2f %-16s\n", "UNEXPECTED MAPPED SYS WORD:",
$sys_wrd->{WORD}, $sys_wrd->{WTYP}, $sys_wrd->{TBEG},
$sys_wrd->{TDUR}, $sys_wrd->{SPKR} if $sys_wrd->{MAPPTR};
$err_count = wd_err_count(undef, $sys_wrd);
print_path_score (undef, $sys_wrd, 0, $err_count, "INS");
$sys_wrd = shift @sys_wds;
sub date_time_stamp {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime();
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my ($date, $time);
$time = sprintf "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", $hour, $min, $sec;
$date = sprintf "%4.4s %3.3s %s", 1900+$year, $months[$mon], $mday;
return ($date, $time);
sub max {
my ($max, $next);
return unless defined ($max=pop);
while (defined ($next=pop)) {
$max = $next if $next > $max;
return $max;
sub min {
my ($min, $next);
return unless defined ($min=pop);
while (defined ($next=pop)) {
$min = $next if $next < $min;
return $min;
sub score_speaker_diarization {
my ($file, $chnl, $ref_spkr_data, $sys_spkr_data, $ref_wds, $uem_eval, $rttm_data) = @_;
my ($uem_score, $ref_eval, $sys_eval, $spkr_overlap, $spkr_map);
my ($eval_segs, $score_segs, %stats, @ref_wds, $wrd, $ref_spkr, $sys_spkr);
my ($nref, $nsys, $nmap, $spkr, $seg, $type, $spkr_info, $noscore_nl);
$stats{EVAL_WORDS} = $stats{SCORED_WORDS} = $stats{MISSED_WORDS} = $stats{ERROR_WORDS} = $epsilon;
@ref_wds = @$ref_wds;
$wrd = shift @ref_wds;
foreach $seg (@$uem_eval) {
$stats{EVAL_TIME} += $seg->{TEND}-$seg->{TBEG};
$wrd = shift @ref_wds while ($wrd and $wrd->{TMID} < $seg->{TBEG});
while ($wrd and $wrd->{TMID} <= $seg->{TEND}) {
$wrd = shift @ref_wds;
$eval_segs = create_speaker_segs ($uem_eval, $ref_spkr_data, $sys_spkr_data);
foreach $seg (@$eval_segs) {
foreach $ref_spkr (keys %{$seg->{REF}}) {
$spkr_info->{REF}{$ref_spkr}{TIME} += $seg->{TDUR};
$spkr_info->{REF}{$ref_spkr}{TYPE} = $ref_spkr_data->{$ref_spkr}[0]{SUBT};
foreach $sys_spkr (keys %{$seg->{SYS}}) {
$spkr_info->{SYS}{$sys_spkr}{TIME} += $seg->{TDUR};
$spkr_info->{SYS}{$sys_spkr}{TYPE} = $sys_spkr_data->{$sys_spkr}[0]{SUBT};
next unless keys %{$seg->{REF}} > 0;
$stats{EVAL_SPEECH} += $seg->{TDUR};
foreach $ref_spkr (keys %{$seg->{REF}}) {
foreach $sys_spkr (keys %{$seg->{SYS}}) {
$spkr_overlap->{$ref_spkr}{$sys_spkr} += $seg->{TDUR};
$speaker_map{$file}{$chnl} = $spkr_map = map_speakers ($spkr_overlap)
if defined $spkr_overlap;
print_speaker_map ($spkr_map, $spkr_overlap) if $opt_m;
update_speaker_map_file ($spkr_map, $spkr_overlap, $file, $chnl, $opt_M) if $opt_M;
$uem_score = $collar > 0 ? add_collars_to_uem ($uem_eval, $ref_spkr_data) : $uem_eval;
$uem_score = add_exclusion_zones_to_uem ($noscore_sd, $uem_score, $rttm_data);
$noscore_nl->{"NON-LEX"} = $noscore_sd->{"NON-LEX"};
$uem_score = add_exclusion_zones_to_uem ($noscore_nl, $uem_score, $rttm_data, $max_extend);
$uem_score = exclude_overlapping_speech_from_uem ($uem_score, $rttm_data) if $opt_1;
tag_scoreable_words ($ref_wds, $uem_score);
$score_segs = create_speaker_segs ($uem_score, $ref_spkr_data, $sys_spkr_data);
print_speaker_segs ($score_segs, $file, $chnl) if $opt_v;
($stats{TYPE}{NSPK}) = speaker_mapping_scores ($spkr_map, $spkr_info);
score_speaker_segments (\%stats, $score_segs, $ref_wds, $spkr_map, $spkr_info);
return {%stats};
sub speaker_mapping_scores {
my ($spkr_map, $spkr_info) = @_;
my ($ref_spkr, $ref_type, $sys_spkr, $sys_type, %imap, %stats);
foreach $ref_spkr (keys %{$spkr_info->{REF}}) {
next unless $spkr_info->{REF}{$ref_spkr}{TIME};
$ref_type = $spkr_info->{REF}{$ref_spkr}{TYPE};
$sys_spkr = $spkr_map->{$ref_spkr};
$sys_type = defined $sys_spkr ? $spkr_info->{SYS}{$sys_spkr}{TYPE} : $miss_name;
$imap{$sys_spkr} = $ref_spkr if defined $sys_spkr;
foreach $sys_spkr (keys %{$spkr_info->{SYS}}) {
next unless $spkr_info->{SYS}{$sys_spkr}{TIME};
$sys_type = $spkr_info->{SYS}{$sys_spkr}{TYPE};
unless defined $imap{$sys_spkr};
return {%stats};
sub score_speaker_segments {
my ($stats, $score_segs, $ref_wds, $spkr_map, $spkr_info) = @_;
my ($ref_spkr, $ref_type, $sys_spkr, $sys_type, %type_stats);
my (@ref_wds, $wrd, $seg, $seg_dur, $nref, $nsys);
@ref_wds = @$ref_wds;
$wrd = shift @ref_wds;
foreach $seg (@$score_segs) {
$seg_dur = $seg->{TDUR};
$stats->{SCORED_TIME} += $seg_dur;
$nref = keys %{$seg->{REF}};
$nsys = keys %{$seg->{SYS}};
$stats->{SCORED_SPEECH} += $nref ? $seg_dur : 0;
$stats->{MISSED_SPEECH} += ($nref and not $nsys) ? $seg_dur : 0;
$stats->{FALARM_SPEECH} += ($nsys and not $nref) ? $seg_dur : 0;
$stats->{SCORED_SPEAKER} += $seg_dur*$nref;
$stats->{MISSED_SPEAKER} += $seg_dur*max($nref-$nsys,0);
$stats->{FALARM_SPEAKER} += $seg_dur*max($nsys-$nref,0);
my $scored_wrds = my $missed_wrds = my $error_wrds = 0;
$wrd = shift @ref_wds while ($wrd and $wrd->{TMID} < $seg->{TBEG});
while ($wrd and $wrd->{TMID} <= $seg->{TEND}) {
next unless $wrd->{SCOREABLE};
$missed_wrds++ if not $nsys;
$error_wrds++ unless speakers_match ($seg->{REF}, $seg->{SYS}, $spkr_map);
$wrd = shift @ref_wds;
$stats->{SCORED_WORDS} += $scored_wrds;
$stats->{MISSED_WORDS} += $missed_wrds;
$stats->{ERROR_WORDS} += $error_wrds;
my $nmap = 0, my %num_types;
foreach $ref_spkr (keys %{$seg->{REF}}) {
$ref_type = $spkr_info->{REF}{$ref_spkr}{TYPE};
$sys_spkr = $spkr_map->{$ref_spkr};
$nmap++ if defined $sys_spkr and defined $seg->{SYS}{$sys_spkr};
$stats->{SPEAKER_ERROR} += $seg_dur*(min($nref,$nsys) - $nmap);
foreach $sys_spkr (keys %{$seg->{SYS}}) {
$sys_type = $spkr_info->{SYS}{$sys_spkr}{TYPE};
foreach $ref_type (keys %{$num_types{REF}}) {
$nref = $num_types{REF}{$ref_type};
$type_stats{REF}{$ref_type} += $nref*$seg_dur;
foreach $sys_type (keys %{$num_types{SYS}}) {
$nsys = $num_types{SYS}{$sys_type};
$type_stats{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type} += min($nref,$nsys)*$seg_dur;
$type_stats{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$miss_name} += max($nref-$nsys,0)*$seg_dur;
foreach $sys_type (keys %{$num_types{SYS}}) {
$nsys = $num_types{SYS}{$sys_type};
$type_stats{SYS}{$sys_type} += $nsys*$seg_dur;
$type_stats{JOINT}{$fa_name}{$sys_type} += max($nsys-$nref,0)*$seg_dur;
$stats->{TYPE}{TIME} = {%type_stats};
sub speakers_match {
my ($ref_spkrs, $sys_spkrs, $spkr_map) = @_;
return 0 unless keys %$ref_spkrs == keys %$sys_spkrs;
foreach my $ref_spkr (keys %$ref_spkrs) {
return 0 unless (defined $spkr_map->{$ref_spkr} and
defined $sys_spkrs->{$spkr_map->{$ref_spkr}});
return 1;
sub add_collars_to_uem {
my ($uem_eval, $ref_data) = @_;
my (@events, $event, $uem, $uem_score, $spkr, $spkr_seg, $tbeg, $evaluate);
foreach $uem (@$uem_eval) {
push @events, {EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $uem->{TBEG}};
push @events, {EVENT => "END", TIME => $uem->{TEND}};
#add no-score collars
foreach $spkr (keys %$ref_data) {
foreach $spkr_seg (@{$ref_data->{$spkr}}) {
push @events, {EVENT => "END", TIME => $spkr_seg->{TBEG}-$collar};
push @events, {EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $spkr_seg->{TBEG}+$collar};
push @events, {EVENT => "END", TIME => $spkr_seg->{TEND}-$collar};
push @events, {EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $spkr_seg->{TEND}+$collar};
@events = sort {($a->{TIME} < $b->{TIME} ? -1 :
($a->{TIME} > $b->{TIME} ? 1 :
$a->{EVENT} eq "END"))} @events;
$evaluate = 0;
foreach $event (@events) {
if ($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG") {
$tbeg = $event->{TIME} if $evaluate == 1;
else {
push @$uem_score, {TBEG => $tbeg, TEND => $event->{TIME}}
if $evaluate == 0 and $event->{TIME} > $tbeg;
return $uem_score;
sub exclude_overlapping_speech_from_uem {
my ($uem_data, $rttm_data) = @_;
my ($token, @spkr_events, $event, $spkr_cnt, $tbeg_overlap, $uem, @events, $uem_ex);
#overlapping speech computed from SPEAKER data
foreach $token (@$rttm_data) {
next unless ($token->{TYPE} eq "SPEAKER" and
$token->{TDUR} > 0);
push @spkr_events, {EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $token->{TBEG}, SPKR => $token->{SPKR}};
push @spkr_events, {EVENT => "END", TIME => $token->{TEND}, SPKR => $token->{SPKR}};
@spkr_events = sort {($a->{TIME} < $b->{TIME} ? -1 :
($a->{TIME} > $b->{TIME} ? 1 :
$a->{EVENT} eq "BEG"))} @spkr_events;
#create noscore zones
foreach $event (@spkr_events) {
if ($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG") {
next unless ++$spkr_cnt == 2;
$tbeg_overlap = $event->{TIME};
else {
next unless --$spkr_cnt == 1;
push @events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $tbeg_overlap};
push @events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "END", TIME => $event->{TIME}};
#merge noscore zones with UEM data
foreach $uem (@$uem_data) {
next unless $uem->{TEND}-$uem->{TBEG} > 0;
push @events, {TYPE => "UEM", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $uem->{TBEG}};
push @events, {TYPE => "UEM", EVENT => "END", TIME => $uem->{TEND}};
@events = sort {($a->{TIME} < $b->{TIME} ? -1 :
($a->{TIME} > $b->{TIME} ? 1 :
$a->{EVENT} eq "BEG"))} @events;
my $tbeg = my $evl_cnt = my $nsz_cnt = my $evaluating = 0;
foreach $event (@events) {
$evl_cnt += $event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" ? 1 : -1 if $event->{TYPE} eq "UEM";
$nsz_cnt += $event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" ? 1 : -1 if $event->{TYPE} eq "NSZ";
if ($evaluating and
($evl_cnt == 0 or $nsz_cnt > 0) and
$event->{TIME} > $tbeg) {
push @$uem_ex, {TBEG => $tbeg, TEND => $event->{TIME}};
$evaluating = 0;
elsif ($evl_cnt > 0 and $nsz_cnt == 0) {
$tbeg = $event->{TIME};
$evaluating = 1;
return $uem_ex;
sub add_exclusion_zones_to_uem {
my ($excluded_tokens, $uem_score, $rttm_data, $max_extend) = @_;
my (@events, $event, $uem, $uem_ex, $spkr, $spkr_seg, $tbeg, $evaluating, $token);
my (@ns_events, $evl_cnt, $lex_cnt, $nsz_cnt, $tstart, $tstop);
my ($tbeg_lex, $tbeg_nsz, $tend_lex, $tend_nsz, $tseg);
return $uem_score unless defined $excluded_tokens and (keys %$excluded_tokens) > 0;
#gather data needed to create noscore zones
foreach $token (@$rttm_data) {
if ($token->{TYPE} eq "LEXEME" and
not defined $excluded_tokens->{LEXEME}{$token->{SUBT}} and
$token->{TDUR} > 0) {
push @ns_events, {TYPE => "LEX", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $token->{TBEG}};
push @ns_events, {TYPE => "LEX", EVENT => "END", TIME => $token->{TEND}};
elsif ($token->{TYPE} eq "SPEAKER" and
$token->{TDUR} > 0) {
push @ns_events, {TYPE => "SEG", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $token->{TBEG}};
push @ns_events, {TYPE => "SEG", EVENT => "END", TIME => $token->{TEND}};
elsif (defined $excluded_tokens->{$token->{TYPE}}{$token->{SUBT}} and
$token->{TDUR} > 0) {
push @ns_events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $token->{TBEG}};
push @ns_events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "END", TIME => $token->{TEND}};
@ns_events = sort {($a->{TIME} < $b->{TIME} ? -1 :
($a->{TIME} > $b->{TIME} ? 1 :
$a->{EVENT} eq "BEG"))} @ns_events;
#create noscore zones
$evaluating = 1;
$max_extend = $epsilon if not $max_extend or $max_extend < $epsilon;
$tseg = $tbeg_nsz = $tbeg_lex = $tend_nsz = $tend_lex = 0;
$lex_cnt = $nsz_cnt = 0;
foreach $event (@ns_events) {
if ($event->{TYPE} eq "LEX") {
if ($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG") {
$tbeg_lex = $event->{TIME} if $lex_cnt++ == 0;
else {
$tend_lex = $event->{TIME} if $lex_cnt-- == 1;
elsif ($event->{TYPE} eq "NSZ") {
if ($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG") {
$tbeg_nsz = $event->{TIME} if $nsz_cnt++ == 0;
else {
$tend_nsz = $event->{TIME} if $nsz_cnt-- == 1;
elsif ($event->{TYPE} eq "SEG") {
$tseg = $event->{TIME};
if ($evaluating) {
next if ($nsz_cnt == 0 or
$event->{TYPE} ne "NSZ");
$tstop = ($lex_cnt > 0 ? $event->{TIME} :
max($tend_lex, $tseg, $event->{TIME}-$max_extend));
push @events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $tstop};
$evaluating = 0;
elsif ($nsz_cnt == 0 and
($lex_cnt > 0 or
$event->{TYPE} eq "SEG")) {
$tstart = min($tend_nsz+$max_extend, $event->{TIME});
push @events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "END", TIME => $tstart};
$evaluating = 1;
elsif ($nsz_cnt == 1 and
$event->{TYPE} eq "NSZ" and
$event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" and
$event->{TIME} > $tend_nsz+2*$max_extend) {
push @events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "END", TIME => $tend_nsz+$max_extend};
push @events, {TYPE => "NSZ", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $event->{TIME}-$max_extend};
$evaluating = 0;
#merge noscore zones with UEM data
foreach $uem (@$uem_score) {
next unless $uem->{TEND}-$uem->{TBEG} > 0;
push @events, {TYPE => "UEM", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $uem->{TBEG}};
push @events, {TYPE => "UEM", EVENT => "END", TIME => $uem->{TEND}};
@events = sort {($a->{TIME} < $b->{TIME} ? -1 :
($a->{TIME} > $b->{TIME} ? 1 :
$a->{EVENT} eq "BEG"))} @events;
$evl_cnt = $evaluating = 0;
foreach $event (@events) {
$evl_cnt += $event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" ? 1 : -1 if $event->{TYPE} eq "UEM";
$nsz_cnt += $event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" ? 1 : -1 if $event->{TYPE} eq "NSZ";
if ($evaluating and
($evl_cnt == 0 or $nsz_cnt > 0) and
$event->{TIME} > $tbeg) {
push @$uem_ex, {TBEG => $tbeg, TEND => $event->{TIME}};
$evaluating = 0;
elsif ($evl_cnt > 0 and $nsz_cnt == 0) {
$tbeg = $event->{TIME};
$evaluating = 1;
return $uem_ex;
sub uem_from_rttm {
my ($rttm_data) = @_;
my ($token, $tbeg, $tend);
($tbeg, $tend) = (1E30, 0);
foreach $token (@$rttm_data) {
($tbeg, $tend) = (min($tbeg,$token->{TBEG}), max($tend,$token->{TEND})) if
return [{TBEG => $tbeg, TEND => $tend}];
sub create_speaker_segs {
my ($uem_score, $ref_data, $sys_data) = @_;
my ($spkr, $seg, @events, $event, $uem, $segments, $tbeg, $tend);
my ($evaluate, %ref_spkrs, %sys_spkrs, $spkrs);
foreach $uem (@$uem_score) {
next unless $uem->{TEND} > $uem->{TBEG}+$epsilon;
push @events, {TYPE => "UEM", EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $uem->{TBEG}};
push @events, {TYPE => "UEM", EVENT => "END", TIME => $uem->{TEND}};
foreach $spkr (keys %$ref_data) {
foreach $seg (@{$ref_data->{$spkr}}) {
next unless $seg->{TDUR} > 0;
push @events, {TYPE => "REF", SPKR => $spkr, EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $seg->{TBEG}};
push @events, {TYPE => "REF", SPKR => $spkr, EVENT => "END", TIME => $seg->{TEND}};
foreach $spkr (keys %$sys_data) {
foreach $seg (@{$sys_data->{$spkr}}) {
next unless $seg->{TDUR} > 0;
push @events, {TYPE => "SYS", SPKR => $spkr, EVENT => "BEG", TIME => $seg->{RTBEG}};
push @events, {TYPE => "SYS", SPKR => $spkr, EVENT => "END", TIME => $seg->{RTEND}};
@events = sort {($a->{TIME} < $b->{TIME}-$epsilon ? -1 :
($a->{TIME} > $b->{TIME}+$epsilon ? 1 :
($a->{EVENT} eq "END" ? -1 : 1)))} @events;
$evaluate = 0;
foreach $event (@events) {
if ($evaluate and $tbeg<$event->{TIME}) {
$tend = $event->{TIME};
push @$segments, {REF => {%ref_spkrs},
SYS => {%sys_spkrs},
TBEG => $tbeg,
TEND => $tend,
TDUR => $tend-$tbeg};
$tbeg = $tend;
if ($event->{TYPE} eq "UEM") {
$evaluate = $event->{EVENT} eq "BEG";
$tbeg = $event->{TIME} if $evaluate;
else {
$spkrs = $event->{TYPE} eq "REF" ? \%ref_spkrs : \%sys_spkrs;
($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG") ? $spkrs->{$event->{SPKR}}++ : $spkrs->{$event->{SPKR}}--;
$spkrs->{$event->{SPKR}} <= 1 or warn
"WARNING: speaker $event->{SPKR} speaking more than once at time $event->{TIME}\n";
delete $spkrs->{$event->{SPKR}} unless $spkrs->{$event->{SPKR}};
return $segments;
sub sd_performance_analysis {
my ($scores, $subtypes) = @_;
my ($file, $chnl, $class, $kind, $ref_type, $sys_type);
my ($xscores, %cum_scores, $count);
#accumulate statistics
foreach $file (keys %$scores) {
foreach $chnl (keys %{$scores->{$file}}) {
$xscores = $scores->{$file}{$chnl};
foreach $ref_type (keys %$xscores) {
next if $ref_type eq "TYPE";
$count = $xscores->{$ref_type};
$cum_scores{ALL}{$ref_type} += $count;
$cum_scores{"c=$chnl f=$file"}{$ref_type} += $xscores->{$ref_type} if $opt_a =~ /c/i and $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$cum_scores{"c=$chnl"}{$ref_type} += $xscores->{$ref_type} if $opt_a =~ /c/i and not $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$cum_scores{"f=$file"}{$ref_type} += $xscores->{$ref_type} if $opt_a =~ /f/i and not $opt_a =~ /c/i;
$xscores = $xscores->{TYPE};
foreach my $class ("TIME", "NSPK") {
foreach my $kind ("REF", "SYS") {
foreach $ref_type (keys %{$xscores->{$class}{$kind}}) {
$count = $xscores->{$class}{$kind}{$ref_type};
$cum_scores{ALL}{TYPE}{$class}{$kind}{$ref_type} += $count;
$cum_scores{"c=$chnl f=$file"}{TYPE}{$class}{$kind}{$ref_type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /c/i and $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$cum_scores{"c=$chnl"}{TYPE}{$class}{$kind}{$ref_type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /c/i and not $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$cum_scores{"f=$file"}{TYPE}{$class}{$kind}{$ref_type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /f/i and not $opt_a =~ /c/i;
foreach $ref_type (keys %{$xscores->{$class}{JOINT}}) {
foreach $sys_type (keys %{$xscores->{$class}{JOINT}{$ref_type}}) {
$count = $xscores->{$class}{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type};
$cum_scores{ALL}{TYPE}{$class}{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type} += $count;
$cum_scores{"c=$chnl f=$file"}{TYPE}{$class}{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /c/i and $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$cum_scores{"c=$chnl"}{TYPE}{$class}{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /c/i and not $opt_a =~ /f/i;
$cum_scores{"f=$file"}{TYPE}{$class}{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type} += $count if $opt_a =~ /f/i and not $opt_a =~ /c/i;
foreach my $condition (sort keys %cum_scores) {
print_sd_scores ($condition, $cum_scores{$condition}) if $condition !~ /ALL/;
print_sd_scores ("ALL", $cum_scores{ALL});
sub print_sd_scores {
my ($condition, $scores) = @_;
printf "\n*** Performance analysis for Speaker Diarization for $condition ***\n\n";
#printf " EVAL TIME =%10.2f secs\n", $scores->{EVAL_TIME};
#printf " EVAL SPEECH =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of evaluated time)\n", $scores->{EVAL_SPEECH},
# 100*$scores->{EVAL_SPEECH}/$scores->{EVAL_TIME};
#printf " SCORED TIME =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of evaluated time)\n",
# $scores->{SCORED_TIME}, 100*$scores->{SCORED_TIME}/$scores->{EVAL_TIME};
#printf "SCORED SPEECH =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored time)\n",
# $scores->{SCORED_SPEECH}, 100*$scores->{SCORED_SPEECH}/$scores->{SCORED_TIME};
#printf " EVAL WORDS =%7d \n", $scores->{EVAL_WORDS};
#printf " SCORED WORDS =%7d (%5.1f percent of evaluated words)\n",
# $scores->{SCORED_WORDS}, 100*$scores->{SCORED_WORDS}/$scores->{EVAL_WORDS};
#print "---------------------------------------------\n";
#printf "MISSED SPEECH =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored time)\n",
## $scores->{MISSED_SPEECH}, 100*$scores->{MISSED_SPEECH}/$scores->{SCORED_TIME};
#printf "FALARM SPEECH =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored time)\n",
# $scores->{FALARM_SPEECH}, 100*$scores->{FALARM_SPEECH}/$scores->{SCORED_TIME};
#printf " MISSED WORDS =%7d (%5.1f percent of scored words)\n",
# $scores->{MISSED_WORDS}, 100*$scores->{MISSED_WORDS}/$scores->{SCORED_WORDS};
#print "---------------------------------------------\n";
#printf "SCORED SPEAKER TIME =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored speech)\n",
# $scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER}, 100*$scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER}/$scores->{SCORED_SPEECH};
#printf "MISSED SPEAKER TIME =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored speaker time)\n",
# $scores->{MISSED_SPEAKER}, 100*$scores->{MISSED_SPEAKER}/$scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER};
#printf "FALARM SPEAKER TIME =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored speaker time)\n",
# $scores->{FALARM_SPEAKER}, 100*$scores->{FALARM_SPEAKER}/$scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER};
#printf " SPEAKER ERROR TIME =%10.2f secs (%5.1f percent of scored speaker time)\n",
# $scores->{SPEAKER_ERROR}, 100*$scores->{SPEAKER_ERROR}/$scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER};
#printf "SPEAKER ERROR WORDS =%7d (%5.1f percent of scored speaker words)\n",
# $scores->{ERROR_WORDS}, 100*$scores->{ERROR_WORDS}/$scores->{SCORED_WORDS};
#print "---------------------------------------------\n";
printf "SCORED SPEAKER TIME =%f secs\n", $scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER};
printf "MISSED SPEAKER TIME =%f secs\n", $scores->{MISSED_SPEAKER};
printf "FALARM SPEAKER TIME =%f secs\n", $scores->{FALARM_SPEAKER};
printf "SPEAKER ERROR TIME =%f secs\n", $scores->{SPEAKER_ERROR};
# if ($condition eq "ALL") {
# printf " OVERALL SPEAKER DIARIZATION ERROR = %.2f percent of scored speaker time\n",
# 100*($scores->{MISSED_SPEAKER} + $scores->{FALARM_SPEAKER} + $scores->{SPEAKER_ERROR})/
# $scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER};
# } else {
printf " OVERALL SPEAKER DIARIZATION ERROR = %.2f percent of scored speaker time %s\n",
100*($scores->{MISSED_SPEAKER} + $scores->{FALARM_SPEAKER} + $scores->{SPEAKER_ERROR})/
$scores->{SCORED_SPEAKER}, "`($condition)";
# }
print "---------------------------------------------\n";
printf " Speaker type confusion matrix -- speaker weighted\n";
summarize_speaker_type_performance ("NSPK", $scores->{TYPE}{NSPK});
print "---------------------------------------------\n";
printf " Speaker type confusion matrix -- time weighted\n";
summarize_speaker_type_performance ("TIME", $scores->{TYPE}{TIME});
print "---------------------------------------------\n";
sub summarize_speaker_type_performance {
my ($class, $stats) = @_;
my ($ref_type, $sys_type, $sys_stat);
print " REF\\SYS (count) " if $class eq "NSPK";
print " REF\\SYS (seconds) " if $class eq "TIME";
foreach $sys_type ((sort keys %{$stats->{SYS}}), $miss_name) {
printf "%-20s", $sys_type;
print "\n";
my $ref_tot = 0;
foreach $ref_type (keys %{$stats->{REF}}) {
$ref_tot += $stats->{REF}{$ref_type};
foreach $ref_type ((sort keys %{$stats->{REF}}), $fa_name) {
printf "%-16s", $ref_type;
foreach $sys_type ((sort keys %{$stats->{SYS}}), $miss_name) {
next if $ref_type eq $fa_name and $sys_type eq $miss_name;
$sys_stat = $stats->{JOINT}{$ref_type}{$sys_type};
$sys_stat = 0 unless defined $sys_stat;
printf "%11d /%6.1f", $sys_stat, min(999.9,$ref_tot ? 100*$sys_stat/$ref_tot : 9E9) if $class eq "NSPK";
printf "%11.2f /%6.1f", $sys_stat, min(999.9,$ref_tot ? 100*$sys_stat/$ref_tot : 9E9) if $class eq "TIME";
print "%";
print "\n";
sub map_speakers {
my ($spkr_overlap) = @_;
#compute the costs
my $cost = {};
foreach my $ref_spkr (keys %$spkr_overlap) {
foreach my $sys_spkr (keys %{$spkr_overlap->{$ref_spkr}}) {
$cost->{$ref_spkr}{$sys_spkr} = -$spkr_overlap->{$ref_spkr}{$sys_spkr};
#find the mapping that maximizes the cumulative match time between ref and sys spkrs
my $map = weighted_bipartite_graph_match ($cost);
return $map;
sub inverse_speaker_map {
my ($speaker_map) = @_;
my ($speaker, $inverse_speaker_map);
foreach $speaker (keys %$speaker_map) {
$inverse_speaker_map->{$speaker_map->{$speaker}} = $speaker;
return $inverse_speaker_map;
sub print_speaker_map {
my ($spkr_map, $time_overlap) = @_;
my ($ref_spkr, $sys_spkr);
foreach $ref_spkr (sort keys %$time_overlap) {
$sys_spkr = $spkr_map->{$ref_spkr};
print "'$ref_spkr' => ", defined $sys_spkr ? "'$sys_spkr'\n" : "<nil>\n";
foreach $sys_spkr (sort keys %{$time_overlap->{$ref_spkr}}) {
my $time = $time_overlap->{$ref_spkr}{$sys_spkr};
printf "%9.2f secs matched to '$sys_spkr'\n", defined $time ? $time : 0;
sub start_speaker_map_file {
my ($outFile) = @_;
open (FILE, ">$outFile") || die "Error: Unable to open speaker map CSV file '$outFile' for write";
print FILE "File,Channel,RefSpeaker,SysSpeaker,isMapped,timeOverlap\n";
close FILE;
sub update_speaker_map_file {
my ($spkr_map, $time_overlap, $file, $chnl, $outFile) = @_;
open (FILE, ">>$outFile") || die "Error: Failed to open speaker map CSV file '$outFile' for append";
foreach my $ref_spkr (sort keys %$time_overlap) {
foreach my $sys_spkr (sort keys %{$time_overlap->{$ref_spkr}}) {
my $time = sprintf("%.4f",$time_overlap->{$ref_spkr}{$sys_spkr});
print FILE "$file,$chnl,$ref_spkr,$sys_spkr";
print FILE ",".((defined($spkr_map->{$ref_spkr}) && $sys_spkr eq $spkr_map->{$ref_spkr}) ? "mapped" : "notmapped");
print FILE ",$time\n";
close FILE,
sub print_speaker_segs {
my ($segs, $file, $chnl) = @_;
my ($seg, @segs, $spkr, $sep);
@segs = @$segs;
while ($seg = shift @segs) {
printf "beg/dur/end = %7.3f/%7.3f/%7.3f; REF = (", $seg->{TBEG}, $seg->{TDUR}, $seg->{TEND};
print "<none>" unless defined keys %{$seg->{REF}};
$sep = "";
foreach $spkr (sort keys %{$seg->{REF}}) {
print "$sep$spkr";
$sep = ", ";
print "); SYS = (";
$sep = "";
print "<none>" unless defined keys %{$seg->{SYS}};
foreach $spkr (sort keys %{$seg->{SYS}}) {
print "$sep$spkr";
$sep = ", ";
print "); file = $file; chnl = $chnl\n";
sub sort_time {
my ($token, $key) = @_;
my $time = $token->{"R$key"};
$time = $token->{$key} if not defined $time;
return int(100*$time+0.5)/100
sub display_metadata_mapping {
my ($file, $chnl, $ref_rttm, $sys_rttm, $ref_wds) = @_;
my ($type, $sys_token, @events, $event, %type_cnt);
my ($mapped, $beg_mapped, $end_mapped, $whole, $spkr_map, $sys_speaker_field);
my %ref_tag = (NOSCORE => "XS", NO_RT_METADATA => "NM", SEGMENT => "SG", SPEAKER => "SP",
SU => "SU", "A/P" => "AP", "NON-SPEECH" => "NS", EDIT => "ED",
FILLER => "FL", IP => "IP", CB => "CB", "NON-LEX" => "NL",
LEXEME => "LX");
my %sys_tag = (SPEAKER => "SP", SU => "SU", EDIT => "ED", FILLER => "FL",
IP => "IP", LEXEME => "LX");
#create a vector of rttm events
foreach my $token (@$ref_rttm) {
next unless defined $ref_tag{$token->{TYPE}};
push @events, {EVENT => "BEG", TIME => sort_time ($token, "TBEG"), TYPE => $token->{TYPE}, SRC => "REF", TOKEN => $token};
push @events, {EVENT => "END", TIME => sort_time ($token, "TEND"), TYPE => $token->{TYPE}, SRC => "REF", TOKEN => $token}
unless $token->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/;
$token->{COUNT} = ++$type_cnt{$token->{TYPE}};
foreach my $token (@$sys_rttm) {
next unless defined $sys_tag{$token->{TYPE}};
push @events, {EVENT => "BEG", TIME => sort_time ($token, "TBEG"), TYPE => $token->{TYPE}, SRC => "SYS", TOKEN => $token};
push @events, {EVENT => "END", TIME => sort_time ($token, "TEND"), TYPE => $token->{TYPE}, SRC => "SYS", TOKEN => $token}
unless $token->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/;
@events = sort sort_events @events;
$spkr_map = inverse_speaker_map ($speaker_map{$file}{$chnl});
print "\nChronological display of sys data aligned with ref data for file '$file', channel '$chnl'\n";
print "----------------------- reference ----------------------- | mapped | --------------------- system output ---------------------\n";
print " --type-- -subtyp- -----word/spkr----- -tbeg- -tend- | ref_ID | --type-- -subtyp- -----word/spkr----- -tbeg- -tend-\n";
while (@events) {
my ($token, $ref, $ref_beg, $ref_end, $sys, $sys_beg, $sys_end);
while (@events and
(not $token or
$token eq $events[0]->{TOKEN} or
($events[0]->{TOKEN}{MAPPTR} and
$token eq $events[0]->{TOKEN}{MAPPTR}))) { # collect events to display on the same line
$event = shift @events;
$token = $event->{TOKEN};
$event->{SRC} eq "REF" ? ($ref = $token, ($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" ? $ref_beg : $ref_end) = 1) :
($sys = $token, ($event->{EVENT} eq "BEG" ? $sys_beg : $sys_end) = 1);
if ($ref) {
printf "%-3.3s %-8.8s %-8.8s %-19.19s%8s%8s | %-6.6s |",
(($ref->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/ or ($ref_beg and $ref_end)) ? "" : ($ref_beg ? "beg" : "end")),
$ref->{TYPE}, $ref->{SUBT},
$ref->{WORD} ne "<na>" ? uc $ref->{WORD} : $ref->{SPKR},
$ref_beg ? (sprintf "%8.2f", $ref->{TBEG}) : "",
$ref_end ? (sprintf "%8.2f", $ref->{TEND}) : "",
$ref->{MAPPTR} ? (sprintf "%s%d", $ref_tag{$ref->{TYPE}}, $ref->{COUNT}) :
($md_subtypes{$ref->{TYPE}} ? "*Miss*" : "");
} elsif ($sys) {
$ref = $sys->{MAPPTR};
printf "%s%8s%8s | %-6.6s |", " "x41,
$sys_beg ? (sprintf "%8.2f", defined $sys->{RTBEG} ? $sys->{RTBEG} : $sys->{TBEG}) : "",
$sys_end ? (sprintf "%8.2f", defined $sys->{RTEND} ? $sys->{RTEND} : $sys->{TEND}) : "",
$ref ? (sprintf "%s%d", $sys_tag{$ref->{TYPE}}, $ref->{COUNT}) :
($md_subtypes{$sys->{TYPE}} ? "**FA**" : "");
if ($sys) {
$sys_speaker_field = $sys ? $sys->{SPKR} : "";
$sys_speaker_field .= "=>$spkr_map->{$sys->{SPKR}}" if $spkr_map->{$sys->{SPKR}};
printf "%3.3s %-8.8s %-8.8s %-19.19s%8s%8s",
(($sys->{TYPE} =~ /^(IP|CB)$/ or ($sys_beg and $sys_end)) ? "" : ($sys_beg ? "beg" : "end")),
$sys->{TYPE}, $sys->{SUBT},
$sys->{WORD} ne "<na>" ? uc $sys->{WORD} : $sys_speaker_field,
$sys_beg ? (sprintf "%8.2f", $sys->{TBEG}) : "",
$sys_end ? (sprintf "%8.2f", $sys->{TEND}) : "";
if ($md_subtypes{$sys->{TYPE}} and $ref = $sys->{MAPPTR}) {
my $dw = $sys_end ?
($ref->{WEND} <= $sys->{RWEND} ?
delta_metadata_error_words ("END", max($ref->{WEND}, $sys->{RWBEG}-1), $sys->{RWEND}, $ref_wds) :
delta_metadata_error_words ("END", $ref->{WEND}, max($ref->{WBEG}-1, $sys->{RWEND}), $ref_wds)) :
($ref->{WBEG} <= $sys->{RWBEG} ?
delta_metadata_error_words ("BEG", $ref->{WBEG}, min(1+$ref->{WEND}, $sys->{RWBEG}), $ref_wds) :
delta_metadata_error_words ("BEG", min($ref->{WBEG}, 1+$sys->{RWEND}), $sys->{RWBEG}, $ref_wds));
print " dw=$dw" if abs ($dw) > 0;
print "\n";
sub sort_events {
return ($a->{TIME} <=> $b->{TIME} or
$event_order{$a->{EVENT}} <=> $event_order{$b->{EVENT}} or
(($type_order{$a->{TYPE}} <=> $type_order{$b->{TYPE}})*($a->{EVENT} eq "END" ? -1 : 1)) or
$source_order{$a->{SRC}} <=> $source_order{$b->{SRC}});
sub weighted_bipartite_graph_match {
my ($score) = @_;
my $required_precision = 1E-12;
my $INF = 1E30;
my (@row_mate, @col_mate, @row_dec, @col_inc);
my (@parent_row, @unchosen_row, @slack_row, @slack);
my ($k, $l, $row, $col, @col_min, $cost, %cost);
my $t = 0;
unless (defined $score) {
warn "input to BGM is undefined\n";
return undef;
return {} if (keys %$score) == 0;
my @rows = sort keys %{$score};
my $miss = "miss";
$miss .= "0" while exists $score->{$miss};
my (@cols, %cols);
my $min_score = $INF;
foreach $row (@rows) {
foreach $col (keys %{$score->{$row}}) {
$min_score = min($min_score,$score->{$row}{$col});
$cols{$col} = $col;
@cols = sort keys %cols;
my $fa = "fa";
$fa .= "0" while exists $cols{$fa};
my $reverse_search = @rows < @cols; # search is faster when ncols <= nrows
foreach $row (@rows) {
foreach $col (keys %{$score->{$row}}) {
($reverse_search ? $cost{$col}{$row} : $cost{$row}{$col})
= $score->{$row}{$col} - $min_score;
push @rows, $miss;
push @cols, $fa;
if ($reverse_search) {
my @xr = @rows;
@rows = @cols;
@cols = @xr;
my $nrows = @rows;
my $ncols = @cols;
my $nmax = max($nrows,$ncols);
my $no_match_cost = -$min_score*(1+$required_precision);
# subtract the column minimas
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
$col_min[$l] = $no_match_cost;
next unless $l < $ncols;
$col = $cols[$l];
foreach $row (keys %cost) {
next unless defined $cost{$row}{$col};
my $val = $cost{$row}{$col};
$col_min[$l] = $val if $val < $col_min[$l];
# initial stage
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
$col_inc[$l] = 0;
$slack[$l] = $INF;
for ($k=0; $k<$nmax; $k++) {
$row = $k < $nrows ? $rows[$k] : undef;
my $row_min = $no_match_cost;
for (my $l=0; $l<$ncols; $l++) {
my $col = $cols[$l];
my $val = ((defined $row and defined $cost{$row}{$col}) ? $cost{$row}{$col}: $no_match_cost) - $col_min[$l];
$row_min = $val if $val < $row_min;
$row_dec[$k] = $row_min;
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
$col = $l < $ncols ? $cols[$l]: undef;
$cost = ((defined $row and defined $col and defined $cost{$row}{$col}) ?
$cost{$row}{$col} : $no_match_cost) - $col_min[$l];
if ($cost==$row_min and not defined $row_mate[$l]) {
$col_mate[$k] = $l;
$row_mate[$l] = $k;
# matching row $k with column $l
next ROW;
$col_mate[$k] = -1;
$unchosen_row[$t++] = $k;
goto CHECK_RESULT if $t == 0;
my $s;
my $unmatched = $t;
# start stages to get the rest of the matching
while (1) {
my $q = 0;
while (1) {
while ($q < $t) {
# explore node q of forest; if matching can be increased, update matching
$k = $unchosen_row[$q];
$row = $k < $nrows ? $rows[$k] : undef;
$s = $row_dec[$k];
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
if ($slack[$l]>0) {
$col = $l < $ncols ? $cols[$l]: undef;
$cost = ((defined $row and defined $col and defined $cost{$row}{$col}) ?
$cost{$row}{$col} : $no_match_cost) - $col_min[$l];
my $del = $cost - $s + $col_inc[$l];
if ($del < $slack[$l]) {
if ($del == 0) {
goto UPDATE_MATCHING unless defined $row_mate[$l];
$slack[$l] = 0;
$parent_row[$l] = $k;
$unchosen_row[$t++] = $row_mate[$l];
else {
$slack[$l] = $del;
$slack_row[$l] = $k;
# introduce a new zero into the matrix by modifying row_dec and col_inc
# if the matching can be increased update matching
$s = $INF;
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
if ($slack[$l] and ($slack[$l]<$s)) {
$s = $slack[$l];
for ($q = 0; $q<$t; $q++) {
$row_dec[$unchosen_row[$q]] += $s;
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
if ($slack[$l]) {
$slack[$l] -= $s;
if ($slack[$l]==0) {
# look at a new zero and update matching with col_inc uptodate if there's a breakthrough
$k = $slack_row[$l];
unless (defined $row_mate[$l]) {
for (my $j=$l+1; $j<$nmax; $j++) {
if ($slack[$j]==0) {
$col_inc[$j] += $s;
else {
$parent_row[$l] = $k;
$unchosen_row[$t++] = $row_mate[$l];
else {
$col_inc[$l] += $s;
UPDATE_MATCHING: # update the matching by pairing row k with column l
while (1) {
my $j = $col_mate[$k];
$col_mate[$k] = $l;
$row_mate[$l] = $k;
# matching row $k with column $l
last UPDATE_MATCHING if $j < 0;
$k = $parent_row[$j];
$l = $j;
goto CHECK_RESULT if $unmatched == 0;
$t = 0; # get ready for another stage
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
$parent_row[$l] = -1;
$slack[$l] = $INF;
for ($k=0; $k<$nmax; $k++) {
$unchosen_row[$t++] = $k if $col_mate[$k] < 0;
} # next stage
CHECK_RESULT: # rigorously check results before handing them back
for ($k=0; $k<$nmax; $k++) {
$row = $k < $nrows ? $rows[$k] : undef;
for ($l=0; $l<$nmax; $l++) {
$col = $l < $ncols ? $cols[$l]: undef;
$cost = ((defined $row and defined $col and defined $cost{$row}{$col}) ?
$cost{$row}{$col} : $no_match_cost) - $col_min[$l];
if ($cost < ($row_dec[$k] - $col_inc[$l])) {
next unless $cost < ($row_dec[$k] - $col_inc[$l]) - $required_precision*max(abs($row_dec[$k]),abs($col_inc[$l]));
warn "BGM: this cannot happen: cost{$row}{$col} ($cost) cannot be less than row_dec{$row} ($row_dec[$k]) - col_inc{$col} ($col_inc[$l])\n";
return undef;
for ($k=0; $k<$nmax; $k++) {
$row = $k < $nrows ? $rows[$k] : undef;
$l = $col_mate[$k];
$col = $l < $ncols ? $cols[$l]: undef;
$cost = ((defined $row and defined $col and defined $cost{$row}{$col}) ?
$cost{$row}{$col} : $no_match_cost) - $col_min[$l];
if (($l<0) or ($cost != ($row_dec[$k] - $col_inc[$l]))) {
next unless $l<0 or abs($cost - ($row_dec[$k] - $col_inc[$l])) > $required_precision*max(abs($row_dec[$k]),abs($col_inc[$l]));
warn "BGM: every row should have a column mate: row $row doesn't, col: $col\n";
return undef;
my %map;
for ($l=0; $l<@row_mate; $l++) {
$k = $row_mate[$l];
$row = $k < $nrows ? $rows[$k] : undef;
$col = $l < $ncols ? $cols[$l]: undef;
next unless defined $row and defined $col and defined $cost{$row}{$col};
$reverse_search ? ($map{$col} = $row) : ($map{$row} = $col);
return {%map};