248 lines
9.3 KiB

E2E/Streaming Transformer/Conformer ASR (#578) * add cmvn and label smoothing loss layer * add layer for transformer * add glu and conformer conv * add torch compatiable hack, mask funcs * not hack size since it exists * add test; attention * add attention, common utils, hack paddle * add audio utils * conformer batch padding mask bug fix #223 * fix typo, python infer fix rnn mem opt name error and batchnorm1d, will be available at 2.0.2 * fix ci * fix ci * add encoder * refactor egs * add decoder * refactor ctc, add ctc align, refactor ckpt, add warmup lr scheduler, cmvn utils * refactor docs * add fix * fix readme * fix bugs, refactor collator, add pad_sequence, fix ckpt bugs * fix docstring * refactor data feed order * add u2 model * refactor cmvn, test * add utils * add u2 config * fix bugs * fix bugs * fix autograd maybe has problem when using inplace operation * refactor data, build vocab; add format data * fix text featurizer * refactor build vocab * add fbank, refactor feature of speech * refactor audio feat * refactor data preprare * refactor data * model init from config * add u2 bins * flake8 * can train * fix bugs, add coverage, add scripts * test can run * fix data * speed perturb with sox * add spec aug * fix for train * fix train logitc * fix logger * log valid loss, time dataset process * using np for speed perturb, remove some debug log of grad clip * fix logger * fix build vocab * fix logger name * using module logger as default * fix * fix install * reorder imports * fix board logger * fix logger * kaldi fbank and mfcc * fix cmvn and print prarams * fix add_eos_sos and cmvn * fix cmvn compute * fix logger and cmvn * fix subsampling, label smoothing loss, remove useless * add notebook test * fix log * fix tb logger * multi gpu valid * fix log * fix log * fix config * fix compute cmvn, need paddle 2.1 * add cmvn notebook * fix layer tools * fix compute cmvn * add rtf * fix decoding * fix layer tools * fix log, add avg script * more avg and test info * fix dataset pickle problem; using 2.1 paddle; num_workers can > 0; ckpt save in exp dir;fix setup.sh; * add vimrc * refactor tiny script, add transformer and stream conf * spm demo; librisppech scripts and confs * fix log * add librispeech scripts * refactor data pipe; fix conf; fix u2 default params * fix bugs * refactor aishell scripts * fix test * fix cmvn * fix s0 scripts * fix ds2 scripts and bugs * fix dev & test dataset filter * fix dataset filter * filter dev * fix ckpt path * filter test, since librispeech will cause OOM, but all test wer will be worse, since mismatch train with test * add comment * add syllable doc * fix ds2 configs * add doc * add pypinyin tools * fix decoder using blank_id=0 * mmseg with pybind11 * format code
4 years ago
.. _example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pypinyin import pinyin, lazy_pinyin, Style
>>> pinyin('中心')
[['zhōng'], ['xīn']]
>>> pinyin('中心', heteronym=True) # 启用多音字模式
[['zhōng', 'zhòng'], ['xīn']]
>>> pinyin('中心', style=Style.FIRST_LETTER) # 设置拼音风格
[['z'], ['x']]
>>> pinyin('中心', style=Style.TONE2, heteronym=True)
[['zho1ng', 'zho4ng'], ['xi1n']]
>>> lazy_pinyin('中心') # 不考虑多音字的情况
['zhong', 'xin']
* 默认情况下拼音结果不会标明哪个韵母是轻声,轻声的韵母没有声调或数字标识(可以通过参数 ``neutral_tone_with_five=True`` 开启使用 ``5`` 标识轻声 )。
* 默认情况下无声调相关拼音风格下的结果会使用 ``v`` 表示 ``ü`` (可以通过参数 ``v_to_u=True`` 开启使用 ``ü`` 代替 ``v`` )。
* 默认情况下会原样输出没有拼音的字符(自定义处理没有拼音的字符的方法见 `文档 <https://pypinyin.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/master/usage.html#handle-no-pinyin>`__ )。
.. _handle_no_pinyin:
当程序遇到不包含拼音的字符(串)时,会根据 ``errors`` 参数的值做相应的处理:
* ``default`` (默认行为): 不做任何处理,原样返回::
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['☆☆']]
* ``ignore`` : 忽略该字符 ::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors='ignore')
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo']]
* ``replace`` : 替换为去掉 ``\u`` 的 unicode 编码::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors='replace')
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['26062606']]
* callable 对象 : 提供一个回调函数,接受无拼音字符(串)作为参数,
支持的返回值类型: ``unicode````list````None`` 。::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors=lambda x: 'star')
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['star']]
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors=lambda x: None)
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo']]
返回值类型为 ``list`` 时,会自动 expend list ::
pinyin('你好☆☆', errors=lambda x: ['star' for _ in x])
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['star'], ['star']]
# 指定多音字
pinyin('你好☆☆', heteronym=True, errors=lambda x: [['star', '☆'] for _ in x])
[['nǐ'], ['hǎo'], ['star', '☆'], ['star', '☆']]
.. _custom_dict:
.. code-block:: python
>> from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin, load_phrases_dict, Style, load_single_dict
>> hans = '桔子'
>> lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE2)
['jie2', 'zi3']
>> load_phrases_dict({'桔子': [['jú'], ['zǐ']]}) # 增加 "桔子" 词组
>> lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE2)
['ju2', 'zi3']
>> hans = '还没'
>> lazy_pinyin(hans, style=Style.TONE2)
['hua2n', 'me2i']
>> load_single_dict({ord('还'): 'hái,huán'}) # 调整 "还" 字的拼音顺序
>>> lazy_pinyin('还没', style=Style.TONE2)
['ha2i', 'me2i']
.. _custom_style:
可以通过 :py:func:`~pypinyin.style.register` 来实现自定义拼音风格的需求:
.. code-block:: python
In [1]: from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin
In [2]: from pypinyin.style import register
In [3]: @register('kiss')
...: def kiss(pinyin, **kwargs):
...: return '😘 {0}'.format(pinyin)
In [4]: lazy_pinyin('么么', style='kiss')
Out[4]: ['😘 me', '😘 me']
.. _strict:
``strict`` 参数的影响
``strict`` 参数用于控制处理声母和韵母时是否严格遵循 `《汉语拼音方案》`_ 标准:
.. code-block:: python
In [1]: from pypinyin import Style, lazy_pinyin
In [2]: lazy_pinyin('乌', style=Style.TONE)
Out[2]: ['wū']
In [3]: lazy_pinyin('乌', style=Style.INITIALS)
Out[3]: ['']
In [4]: lazy_pinyin('乌', style=Style.INITIALS, strict=False)
Out[4]: ['w']
In [5]: lazy_pinyin('迂', style=Style.TONE)
Out[5]: ['yū']
In [6]: lazy_pinyin('迂', style=Style.FINALS_TONE)
Out[6]: ['ǖ']
In [7]: lazy_pinyin('迂', style=Style.FINALS_TONE, strict=False)
Out[7]: ['ū']
``strict=True`` 时根据 `《汉语拼音方案》`_ 的如下规则处理声母、在韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母
* 21 个声母: ``b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s`` **y, w 不是声母**
* i行的韵母前面没有声母的时候写成yi(衣)ya(呀)ye(耶)yao(腰)you(忧)yan(烟)
yin(因)yang(央)ying(英)yong(雍)。(**y 不是声母**
* u行的韵母前面没有声母的时候写成wu(乌)wa(蛙)wo(窝)wai(歪)wei(威)wan(弯)
wen(温)wang(汪)weng(翁)。(**w 不是声母**
* ü行的韵母前面没有声母的时候写成yu(迂)yue(约)yuan(冤)yun(晕);ü上两点省略。
**韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母 ü**
* ü行的韵跟声母jqx拼的时候写成ju(居)qu(区)xu(虚),ü上两点也省略;
但是跟声母nl拼的时候仍然写成nü(女)lü(吕)。(**韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母 ü**
* iouueiuen前面加声母的时候写成iuuiun。例如niu(牛)gui(归)lun(论)。
**韵母相关风格下还原正确的韵母 iouueiuen**
``strict=False`` 时就是不遵守上面的规则来处理声母和韵母,
比如:``y``, ``w`` 会被当做声母yu(迂) 的韵母就是一般认为的 ``u`` 等。
具体差异可以查看 `tests/test_standard.py <https://github.com/mozillazg/python-pinyin/blob/master/tests/test_standard.py>`_ 中的对比结果测试用例
.. _cli:
程序内置了一个命令行工具 ``pypinyin`` :
.. code-block:: console
$ pypinyin 音乐
yīn yuè
$ pypinyin -h
.. code-block:: console
$ pypinyin -h
usage: pypinyin [-h] [-V] [-f {pinyin,slug}]
[-p SEPARATOR] [-e {default,ignore,replace}] [-m]
convert chinese to pinyin.
positional arguments:
hans chinese string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-f {pinyin,slug}, --func {pinyin,slug}
function name (default: "pinyin")
pinyin style (default: "zh4ao")
slug separator (default: "-")
-e {default,ignore,replace}, --errors {default,ignore,replace}
how to handle none-pinyin string (default: "default")
-m, --heteronym enable heteronym
``-s``, ``--style`` 参数可以选值的含义如下:
================== =========================================
-s 或 --style 的值 对应的拼音风格
================== =========================================
zhao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL`
zh4ao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE`
zha4o :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2`
zhao4 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3`
zh :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.INITIALS`
z :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FIRST_LETTER`
ao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS`
4ao :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE`
a4o :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE2`
ao4 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE3`
NORMAL :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.NORMAL`
TONE :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE`
TONE2 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE2`
TONE3 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.TONE3`
INITIALS :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.INITIALS`
FIRST_LETTER :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FIRST_LETTER`
FINALS :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS`
FINALS_TONE :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE`
FINALS_TONE2 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE2`
FINALS_TONE3 :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.FINALS_TONE3`
BOPOMOFO :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.BOPOMOFO`
BOPOMOFO_FIRST :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.BOPOMOFO_FIRST`
CYRILLIC :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.CYRILLIC`
CYRILLIC_FIRST :py:attr:`~pypinyin.Style.CYRILLIC_FIRST`
================== =========================================
.. _《汉语拼音方案》: http://www.moe.gov.cn/s78/A19/yxs_left/moe_810/s230/195802/t19580201_186000.html