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"""ST Interface module."""
import argparse
from deepspeech.utils.dynamic_import import dynamic_import
from .asr_interface import ASRInterface
class STInterface(ASRInterface):
"""ST Interface model implementation.
NOTE: This class is inherited from ASRInterface to enable joint translation
and recognition when performing multi-task learning with the ASR task.
def translate(self, x, trans_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None, ensemble_models=[]):
"""Recognize x for evaluation.
:param ndarray x: input acouctic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D)
:param namespace trans_args: argment namespace contraining options
:param list char_list: list of characters
:param paddle.nn.Layer rnnlm: language model module
:return: N-best decoding results
:rtype: list
raise NotImplementedError("translate method is not implemented")
def translate_batch(self, x, trans_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None):
"""Beam search implementation for batch.
:param paddle.Tensor x: encoder hidden state sequences (B, Tmax, Henc)
:param namespace trans_args: argument namespace containing options
:param list char_list: list of characters
:param paddle.nn.Layer rnnlm: language model module
:return: N-best decoding results
:rtype: list
raise NotImplementedError("Batch decoding is not supported yet.")
predefined_st = {
"transformer": "deepspeech.models.u2_st:U2STModel",
def dynamic_import_st(module):
"""Import ST models dynamically.
module (str): module_name:class_name or alias in `predefined_st`
type: ST class
model_class = dynamic_import(module, predefined_st)
assert issubclass(
model_class, STInterface
), f"{module} does not implement STInterface"
return model_class