
115 lines
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"""Gen Chinese characters to THCHS30-30 phone lexicon using THCHS30-30's lexicon
file1: THCHS-30/data_thchs30/lm_word/lexicon.txt
file2: THCHS-30/resource/dict/lexicon.txt
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
3 years ago
from typing import List
from typing import Union
# key: (cn, ('ee', 'er4'))value: count
cn_phones_counter = defaultdict(int)
# key: cn, value: list of (phones, num)
cn_counter = defaultdict(list)
# key: cn, value: list of (phones, probabilities)
cn_counter_p = defaultdict(list)
def is_Chinese(ch):
if '\u4e00' <= ch <= '\u9fff':
return True
return False
3 years ago
def proc_line(line: str):
line = line.strip()
if is_Chinese(line[0]):
line_list = line.split()
cn_list = line_list[0]
phone_list = line_list[1:]
if len(cn_list) == len(phone_list) / 2:
new_phone_list = [(phone_list[i], phone_list[i + 1])
for i in range(0, len(phone_list), 2)]
assert len(cn_list) == len(new_phone_list)
for idx, cn in enumerate(cn_list):
phones = new_phone_list[idx]
cn_phones_counter[(cn, phones)] += 1
3 years ago
example lines of output
the first column is a Chinese character
the second is the probability of this pronunciation
and the rest are the phones of this pronunciation
0.22 ii i1
0.45 ii i4
0.32 ii i2
0.01 ii i5
def gen_lexicon(lexicon_files: List[Union[str, Path]],
output_path: Union[str, Path]):
for file_path in lexicon_files:
with open(file_path, "r") as f1:
for line in f1:
for key in cn_phones_counter:
cn = key[0]
cn_counter[cn].append((key[1], cn_phones_counter[key]))
for key in cn_counter:
phone_count_list = cn_counter[key]
count_sum = sum([x[1] for x in phone_count_list])
for item in phone_count_list:
p = item[1] / count_sum
p = round(p, 2)
if p > 0:
cn_counter_p[key].append((item[0], p))
3 years ago
with open(output_path, "w") as wf:
for key in cn_counter_p:
phone_p_list = cn_counter_p[key]
for item in phone_p_list:
phones, p = item
wf.write(key + " " + str(p) + " " + " ".join(phones) + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Gen Chinese characters to phone lexicon for THCHS-30 dataset"
3 years ago
# A line of word_lexicon:
# 一丁点 ii i4 d ing1 d ian3
# the first is word, and the rest are the phones of the word, and the len of phones is twice of the word's len
default="data/dict/lm_word_lexicon_1 data/dict/lm_word_lexicon_2",
help="lm_word_lexicon files")
3 years ago
help="path to save output word2phone lexicon")
args = parser.parse_args()
3 years ago
lexicon_files = args.lexicon_files.split(" ")
output_path = Path(args.output_path).expanduser()
gen_lexicon(lexicon_files, output_path)