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# ASR(Automatic Speech Recognition)
## Introduction
ASR, or Automatic Speech Recognition, refers to the problem of getting a program to automatically transcribe spoken language (speech-to-text).
This demo is an implementation to recognize text from a specific audio file. It can be done by a single command line or a few lines in python using `PaddleSpeech`.
## Usage
### 1. Installation
pip install paddlespeech
### 2. Prepare Input File
Input of this demo should be a WAV file(`.wav`), and the sample rate must be same as the model's.
Here are sample files for this demo that can be downloaded:
### 3. Usage
- Command Line(Recommended)
paddlespeech asr --input ~/zh.wav
Command usage:
- `input`(required): Audio file to recognize.
- `model`: Model type of asr task. Default: `conformer_wenetspeech`.
- `lang`: Model language. Default: `zh`.
- `sr`: Sample rate of the model. Default: `16000`.
- `config`: Config of asr task. Use pretrained model when it is None. Default: `None`.
- `ckpt_path`: Model checkpoint. Use pretrained model when it is None. Default: `None`.
- `device`: Choose device to execute model inference. Default: default device of paddlepaddle in current environment.
[2021-12-08 13:12:34,063] [ INFO] [] [L225] - ASR Result: 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康
- Python API
python --input ~/zh.wav
ASR Result:
### 4.Pretrained Models
Here is a list of pretrained models released by PaddleSpeech and can be used by command and python api:
| Model | Language | Sample Rate
| :--- | :---: | :---: |
| conformer_wenetspeech| zh| 16000
| transformer_aishell| zh| 16000