92 lines
2.8 KiB
92 lines
2.8 KiB
4 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env bash
current_dir=`basename "$current_path"`
if [ "tools" != "$current_dir" ]; then
echo "You should run this script in tools/ directory!!"
exit 1
if [ ! -d liblbfgs-1.10 ]; then
echo Installing libLBFGS library to support MaxEnt LMs
bash extras/install_liblbfgs.sh || exit 1
# http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/download.html
if [ ! -f srilm.tgz ] && [ ! -f srilm.tar.gz ]; then # Changed format type from tgz to tar.gz as the srilm v1.7.3 downloads as tar.gz
echo This script cannot install SRILM in a completely automatic
echo way because you need to put your address in a download form.
echo Please download SRILM from http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/download.html
echo put it in ./srilm.tar.gz , then run this script.
echo Note: You may have to rename the downloaded file to remove version name from filename eg: mv srilm-1.7.3.tar.gz srilm.tar.gz
exit 1
! which gawk 2>/dev/null && \
echo "GNU awk is not installed so SRILM will probably not work correctly: refusing to install" && exit 1;
mkdir -p srilm
cd srilm
if [ -f ../srilm.tgz ]; then
tar -xvzf ../srilm.tgz # Old SRILM format
elif [ -f ../srilm.tar.gz ]; then
tar -xvzf ../srilm.tar.gz # Changed format type from tgz to tar.gz
major=`awk -F. '{ print $1 }' RELEASE`
minor=`awk -F. '{ print $2 }' RELEASE`
micro=`awk -F. '{ print $3 }' RELEASE`
if [ $major -le 1 ] && [ $minor -le 7 ] && [ $micro -le 1 ]; then
echo "Detected version 1.7.1 or earlier. Applying patch."
patch -p0 < ../extras/srilm.patch
# set the SRILM variable in the top-level Makefile to this directory.
cp Makefile tmpf
cat tmpf | awk -v pwd=`pwd` '/SRILM =/{printf("SRILM = %s\n", pwd); next;} {print;}' \
> Makefile || exit 1
rm tmpf
echo HAVE_LIBLBFGS=1 >> common/Makefile.machine.$mtype
grep ADDITIONAL_INCLUDES common/Makefile.machine.$mtype | \
sed 's|$| -I$(SRILM)/../liblbfgs-1.10/include|' \
>> common/Makefile.machine.$mtype
grep ADDITIONAL_LDFLAGS common/Makefile.machine.$mtype | \
sed 's|$| -L$(SRILM)/../liblbfgs-1.10/lib/ -Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(SRILM)/../liblbfgs-1.10/lib/|' \
>> common/Makefile.machine.$mtype
make || exit
cd ..
[ ! -z "${SRILM}" ] && \
echo >&2 "SRILM variable is aleady defined. Undefining..." && \
unset SRILM
[ -f ./env.sh ] && . ./env.sh
[ ! -z "${SRILM}" ] && \
echo >&2 "SRILM config is already in env.sh" && exit
wd=`readlink -f $wd || pwd`
echo "export SRILM=$wd/srilm"
for directory in $(cd srilm && find bin -type d ) ; do
echo "export PATH=$dirs"
) >> env.sh
echo >&2 "Installation of SRILM finished successfully"
echo >&2 "Please source the tools/env.sh in your path.sh to enable it"