# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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""" Deepspeech2 ASR Model """
from typing import Optional
import paddle
from paddle import nn
from yacs . config import CfgNode
from deepspeech . models . ds2 . conv import ConvStack
from deepspeech . models . ds2 . rnn import RNNStack
from deepspeech . modules . ctc import CTCDecoder
from deepspeech . utils import layer_tools
from deepspeech . utils . checkpoint import Checkpoint
from deepspeech . utils . log import Log
logger = Log ( __name__ ) . getlog ( )
__all__ = [ ' DeepSpeech2Model ' , ' DeepSpeech2InferModel ' ]
class CRNNEncoder ( nn . Layer ) :
def __init__ ( self ,
feat_size ,
dict_size ,
num_conv_layers = 2 ,
num_rnn_layers = 3 ,
rnn_size = 1024 ,
use_gru = False ,
share_rnn_weights = True ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . rnn_size = rnn_size
self . feat_size = feat_size # 161 for linear
self . dict_size = dict_size
self . conv = ConvStack ( feat_size , num_conv_layers )
i_size = self . conv . output_height # H after conv stack
self . rnn = RNNStack (
i_size = i_size ,
h_size = rnn_size ,
num_stacks = num_rnn_layers ,
use_gru = use_gru ,
share_rnn_weights = share_rnn_weights )
def output_size ( self ) :
return self . rnn_size * 2
def forward ( self , audio , audio_len ) :
""" Compute Encoder outputs
Args :
audio ( Tensor ) : [ B , Tmax , D ]
text ( Tensor ) : [ B , Umax ]
audio_len ( Tensor ) : [ B ]
text_len ( Tensor ) : [ B ]
Returns :
x ( Tensor ) : encoder outputs , [ B , T , D ]
x_lens ( Tensor ) : encoder length , [ B ]
# [B, T, D] -> [B, D, T]
audio = audio . transpose ( [ 0 , 2 , 1 ] )
# [B, D, T] -> [B, C=1, D, T]
x = audio . unsqueeze ( 1 )
x_lens = audio_len
# convolution group
x , x_lens = self . conv ( x , x_lens )
# convert data from convolution feature map to sequence of vectors
#B, C, D, T = paddle.shape(x) # not work under jit
x = x . transpose ( [ 0 , 3 , 1 , 2 ] ) #[B, T, C, D]
#x = x.reshape([B, T, C * D]) #[B, T, C*D] # not work under jit
x = x . reshape ( [ 0 , 0 , - 1 ] ) #[B, T, C*D]
# remove padding part
x , x_lens = self . rnn ( x , x_lens ) #[B, T, D]
return x , x_lens
class DeepSpeech2Model ( nn . Layer ) :
""" The DeepSpeech2 network structure.
: param audio_data : Audio spectrogram data layer .
: type audio_data : Variable
: param text_data : Transcription text data layer .
: type text_data : Variable
: param audio_len : Valid sequence length data layer .
: type audio_len : Variable
: param masks : Masks data layer to reset padding .
: type masks : Variable
: param dict_size : Dictionary size for tokenized transcription .
: type dict_size : int
: param num_conv_layers : Number of stacking convolution layers .
: type num_conv_layers : int
: param num_rnn_layers : Number of stacking RNN layers .
: type num_rnn_layers : int
: param rnn_size : RNN layer size ( dimension of RNN cells ) .
: type rnn_size : int
: param use_gru : Use gru if set True . Use simple rnn if set False .
: type use_gru : bool
: param share_rnn_weights : Whether to share input - hidden weights between
forward and backward direction RNNs .
It is only available when use_gru = False .
: type share_weights : bool
: return : A tuple of an output unnormalized log probability layer (
before softmax ) and a ctc cost layer .
: rtype : tuple of LayerOutput
def params ( cls , config : Optional [ CfgNode ] = None ) - > CfgNode :
default = CfgNode (
dict (
num_conv_layers = 2 , #Number of stacking convolution layers.
num_rnn_layers = 3 , #Number of stacking RNN layers.
rnn_layer_size = 1024 , #RNN layer size (number of RNN cells).
use_gru = True , #Use gru if set True. Use simple rnn if set False.
share_rnn_weights = True , #Whether to share input-hidden weights between forward and backward directional RNNs.Notice that for GRU, weight sharing is not supported.
ctc_grad_norm_type = ' instance ' , ) )
if config is not None :
config . merge_from_other_cfg ( default )
return default
def __init__ ( self ,
feat_size ,
dict_size ,
num_conv_layers = 2 ,
num_rnn_layers = 3 ,
rnn_size = 1024 ,
use_gru = False ,
share_rnn_weights = True ,
blank_id = 0 ,
ctc_grad_norm_type = ' instance ' ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . encoder = CRNNEncoder (
feat_size = feat_size ,
dict_size = dict_size ,
num_conv_layers = num_conv_layers ,
num_rnn_layers = num_rnn_layers ,
rnn_size = rnn_size ,
use_gru = use_gru ,
share_rnn_weights = share_rnn_weights )
assert ( self . encoder . output_size == rnn_size * 2 )
self . decoder = CTCDecoder (
odim = dict_size , # <blank> is in vocab
enc_n_units = self . encoder . output_size ,
blank_id = blank_id ,
dropout_rate = 0.0 ,
reduction = True , # sum
batch_average = True , # sum / batch_size
grad_norm_type = ctc_grad_norm_type )
def forward ( self , audio , audio_len , text , text_len ) :
""" Compute Model loss
Args :
audio ( Tenosr ) : [ B , T , D ]
audio_len ( Tensor ) : [ B ]
text ( Tensor ) : [ B , U ]
text_len ( Tensor ) : [ B ]
Returns :
loss ( Tenosr ) : [ 1 ]
eouts , eouts_len = self . encoder ( audio , audio_len )
loss = self . decoder ( eouts , eouts_len , text , text_len )
return loss
@paddle.no_grad ( )
def decode ( self , audio , audio_len , vocab_list , decoding_method ,
lang_model_path , beam_alpha , beam_beta , beam_size , cutoff_prob ,
cutoff_top_n , num_processes ) :
# init once
# decoders only accept string encoded in utf-8
self . decoder . init_decode (
beam_alpha = beam_alpha ,
beam_beta = beam_beta ,
lang_model_path = lang_model_path ,
vocab_list = vocab_list ,
decoding_method = decoding_method )
eouts , eouts_len = self . encoder ( audio , audio_len )
probs = self . decoder . softmax ( eouts )
return self . decoder . decode_probs (
probs . numpy ( ) , eouts_len , vocab_list , decoding_method ,
lang_model_path , beam_alpha , beam_beta , beam_size , cutoff_prob ,
cutoff_top_n , num_processes )
def from_pretrained ( cls , dataloader , config , checkpoint_path ) :
""" Build a DeepSpeech2Model model from a pretrained model.
- - - - - - - - - -
dataloader : paddle . io . DataLoader
config : yacs . config . CfgNode
model configs
checkpoint_path : Path or str
the path of pretrained model checkpoint , without extension name
- - - - - - -
The model built from pretrained result .
model = cls (
feat_size = dataloader . collate_fn . feature_size ,
dict_size = dataloader . collate_fn . vocab_size ,
num_conv_layers = config . model . num_conv_layers ,
num_rnn_layers = config . model . num_rnn_layers ,
rnn_size = config . model . rnn_layer_size ,
use_gru = config . model . use_gru ,
share_rnn_weights = config . model . share_rnn_weights ,
blank_id = config . model . blank_id ,
ctc_grad_norm_type = config . model . ctc_grad_norm_type , )
infos = Checkpoint ( ) . load_parameters (
model , checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path )
logger . info ( f " checkpoint info: { infos } " )
layer_tools . summary ( model )
return model
def from_config ( cls , config ) :
""" Build a DeepSpeec2Model from config
config : yacs . config . CfgNode
config . model
- - - - - - -
The model built from config .
model = cls (
feat_size = config . feat_size ,
dict_size = config . dict_size ,
num_conv_layers = config . num_conv_layers ,
num_rnn_layers = config . num_rnn_layers ,
rnn_size = config . rnn_layer_size ,
use_gru = config . use_gru ,
share_rnn_weights = config . share_rnn_weights ,
blank_id = config . blank_id ,
ctc_grad_norm_type = config . ctc_grad_norm_type , )
return model
class DeepSpeech2InferModel ( DeepSpeech2Model ) :
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
def forward ( self , audio , audio_len ) :
""" export model function
Args :
audio ( Tensor ) : [ B , T , D ]
audio_len ( Tensor ) : [ B ]
Returns :
probs : probs after softmax
eouts , eouts_len = self . encoder ( audio , audio_len )
probs = self . decoder . softmax ( eouts )
return probs , eouts_len
def export ( self ) :
static_model = paddle . jit . to_static (
self ,
input_spec = [
paddle . static . InputSpec (
shape = [ None , None , self . encoder . feat_size ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' ) , # audio, [B,T,D]
paddle . static . InputSpec ( shape = [ None ] ,
dtype = ' int64 ' ) , # audio_length, [B]
] )
return static_model