# PaddleSpeech Command Line
The simplest approach to use PaddleSpeech models.
## Help
paddlespeech help
## Audio Classification
paddlespeech cls --input input.wav
## Speaker Verification
paddlespeech vector --task spk --input input_16k.wav
## Automatic Speech Recognition
paddlespeech asr --lang zh --input input_16k.wav
## Speech Translation (English to Chinese)
(not support for Windows now)
paddlespeech st --input input_16k.wav
## Text-to-Speech
paddlespeech tts --input "你好,欢迎使用百度飞桨深度学习框架!" --output output.wav
## Text Post-precessing
- Punctuation Restoration
paddlespeech text --task punc --input 今天的天气真不错啊你下午有空吗我想约你一起去吃饭