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package friend
import (
pbChat "Open_IM/pkg/proto/chat"
pbFriend "Open_IM/pkg/proto/friend"
func (s *friendServer) AddFriendResponse(ctx context.Context, req *pbFriend.AddFriendResponseReq) (*pbFriend.CommonResp, error) {
log.Info(req.Token, req.OperationID, "rpc add friend response is server,args=%s", req.String())
//Parse token, to find current user information
claims, err := token_verify.ParseToken(req.Token)
if err != nil {
log.Error(req.Token, req.OperationID, "err=%s,parse token failed", err.Error())
return &pbFriend.CommonResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrParseToken.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrParseToken.ErrMsg}, nil
//Check there application before agreeing or refuse to a friend's application
if _, err = im_mysql_model.FindFriendApplyFromFriendReqByUid(req.Uid, claims.UID); err != nil {
log.Error(req.Token, req.OperationID, "No such application record")
return &pbFriend.CommonResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrAgreeToAddFriend.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrAgreeToAddFriend.ErrMsg}, nil
//Change friend request status flag
err = im_mysql_model.UpdateFriendRelationshipToFriendReq(req.Uid, claims.UID, req.Flag)
if err != nil {
log.Error(req.Token, req.OperationID, "err=%s,update friend request table failed", err.Error())
return &pbFriend.CommonResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrMysql.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrAgreeToAddFriend.ErrMsg}, nil
log.Info(req.Token, req.OperationID, "rpc add friend response success return,userid=%s,flag=%d", req.Uid, req.Flag)
//Change the status of the friend request form
if req.Flag == constant.FriendFlag {
//Establish friendship after find friend relationship not exists
_, err := im_mysql_model.FindFriendRelationshipFromFriend(claims.UID, req.Uid)
//fixme If there is an error, it means that there is no friend record or database err, if no friend record should be inserted,Continue down execution
if err != nil {
log.Error("", req.OperationID, err.Error())
//Establish two single friendship
err = im_mysql_model.InsertToFriend(claims.UID, req.Uid, req.Flag)
if err != nil {
log.Error(req.Token, req.OperationID, "err=%s,create friendship failed", err.Error())
err = im_mysql_model.InsertToFriend(req.Uid, claims.UID, req.Flag)
if err != nil {
log.Error(req.Token, req.OperationID, "err=%s,create friendship failed", err.Error())
//Push message when establish friends successfully
//senderInfo, errSend := im_mysql_model.FindUserByUID(claims.UID)
//if errSend == nil {
// logic.SendMsgByWS(&pbChat.WSToMsgSvrChatMsg{
// SendID: claims.UID,
// RecvID: req.Uid,
// Content: content_struct.NewContentStructString(1, "", senderInfo.Name+" agreed to add you as a friend."),
// SendTime: utils.GetCurrentTimestampBySecond(),
// MsgFrom: constant.UserMsgType, //Notification message identification
// ContentType: constant.AcceptFriendApplicationTip, //Add friend flag
// SessionType: constant.SingleChatType,
// OperationID: req.OperationID,
// })
if req.Flag == constant.RefuseFriendFlag {
senderInfo, errSend := im_mysql_model.FindUserByUID(claims.UID)
if errSend == nil {
SendID: claims.UID,
RecvID: req.Uid,
Content: content_struct.NewContentStructString(0, "", senderInfo.Name+" refuse to add you as a friend."),
SendTime: utils.GetCurrentTimestampBySecond(),
MsgFrom: constant.UserMsgType, //Notification message identification
ContentType: constant.RefuseFriendApplicationTip, //Add friend flag
SessionType: constant.SingleChatType,
OperationID: req.OperationID,
return &pbFriend.CommonResp{}, nil