You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package msggateway
import (
pbAuth ""
type LongConnServer interface {
Run(done chan error) error
wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetUserAllCons(userID string) ([]*Client, bool)
GetUserPlatformCons(userID string, platform int) ([]*Client, bool, bool)
Validate(s any) error
SetDiscoveryRegistry(client discovery.SvcDiscoveryRegistry, config *Config)
KickUserConn(client *Client) error
UnRegister(c *Client)
SetKickHandlerInfo(i *kickHandler)
SubUserOnlineStatus(ctx context.Context, client *Client, data *Req) ([]byte, error)
type WsServer struct {
msgGatewayConfig *Config
port int
wsMaxConnNum int64
registerChan chan *Client
unregisterChan chan *Client
kickHandlerChan chan *kickHandler
clients UserMap
online *rpccache.OnlineCache
subscription *Subscription
clientPool sync.Pool
onlineUserNum atomic.Int64
onlineUserConnNum atomic.Int64
handshakeTimeout time.Duration
writeBufferSize int
validate *validator.Validate
userClient *rpcclient.UserRpcClient
authClient *rpcclient.Auth
disCov discovery.SvcDiscoveryRegistry
webhookClient *webhook.Client
type kickHandler struct {
clientOK bool
oldClients []*Client
newClient *Client
func (ws *WsServer) SetDiscoveryRegistry(disCov discovery.SvcDiscoveryRegistry, config *Config) {
ws.MessageHandler = NewGrpcHandler(ws.validate, disCov, &config.Share.RpcRegisterName)
u := rpcclient.NewUserRpcClient(disCov, config.Share.RpcRegisterName.User, config.Share.IMAdminUserID)
ws.authClient = rpcclient.NewAuth(disCov, config.Share.RpcRegisterName.Auth)
ws.userClient = &u
ws.disCov = disCov
//func (ws *WsServer) SetUserOnlineStatus(ctx context.Context, client *Client, status int32) {
// err := ws.userClient.SetUserStatus(ctx, client.UserID, status, client.PlatformID)
// if err != nil {
// log.ZWarn(ctx, "SetUserStatus err", err)
// }
// switch status {
// case constant.Online:
// ws.webhookAfterUserOnline(ctx, &ws.msgGatewayConfig.WebhooksConfig.AfterUserOnline, client.UserID, client.PlatformID, client.IsBackground, client.ctx.GetConnID())
// case constant.Offline:
// ws.webhookAfterUserOffline(ctx, &ws.msgGatewayConfig.WebhooksConfig.AfterUserOffline, client.UserID, client.PlatformID, client.ctx.GetConnID())
// }
func (ws *WsServer) UnRegister(c *Client) {
ws.unregisterChan <- c
func (ws *WsServer) Validate(_ any) error {
return nil
func (ws *WsServer) GetUserAllCons(userID string) ([]*Client, bool) {
return ws.clients.GetAll(userID)
func (ws *WsServer) GetUserPlatformCons(userID string, platform int) ([]*Client, bool, bool) {
return ws.clients.Get(userID, platform)
func NewWsServer(msgGatewayConfig *Config, opts ...Option) *WsServer {
var config configs
for _, o := range opts {
//userRpcClient := rpcclient.NewUserRpcClient(client, config.Share.RpcRegisterName.User, config.Share.IMAdminUserID)
v := validator.New()
return &WsServer{
msgGatewayConfig: msgGatewayConfig,
port: config.port,
wsMaxConnNum: config.maxConnNum,
writeBufferSize: config.writeBufferSize,
handshakeTimeout: config.handshakeTimeout,
clientPool: sync.Pool{
New: func() any {
return new(Client)
registerChan: make(chan *Client, 1000),
unregisterChan: make(chan *Client, 1000),
kickHandlerChan: make(chan *kickHandler, 1000),
validate: v,
clients: newUserMap(),
subscription: newSubscription(),
Compressor: NewGzipCompressor(),
Encoder: NewGobEncoder(),
webhookClient: webhook.NewWebhookClient(msgGatewayConfig.WebhooksConfig.URL),
func (ws *WsServer) Run(done chan error) error {
var (
client *Client
netErr error
shutdownDone = make(chan struct{}, 1)
server := http.Server{Addr: ":" + stringutil.IntToString(ws.port), Handler: nil}
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-shutdownDone:
case client = <-ws.registerChan:
case client = <-ws.unregisterChan:
case onlineInfo := <-ws.kickHandlerChan:
ws.multiTerminalLoginChecker(onlineInfo.clientOK, onlineInfo.oldClients, onlineInfo.newClient)
netDone := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
http.HandleFunc("/", ws.wsHandler)
err := server.ListenAndServe()
defer close(netDone)
if err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
netErr = errs.WrapMsg(err, "ws start err", server.Addr)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var err error
select {
case err = <-done:
sErr := server.Shutdown(ctx)
if sErr != nil {
return errs.WrapMsg(sErr, "shutdown err")
if err != nil {
return err
case <-netDone:
return netErr
var concurrentRequest = 3
func (ws *WsServer) sendUserOnlineInfoToOtherNode(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error {
conns, err := ws.disCov.GetConns(ctx, ws.msgGatewayConfig.Share.RpcRegisterName.MessageGateway)
if err != nil {
return err
wg := errgroup.Group{}
// Online push user online message to other node
for _, v := range conns {
v := v
log.ZDebug(ctx, " sendUserOnlineInfoToOtherNode conn ", "target", v.Target())
if v.Target() == ws.disCov.GetSelfConnTarget() {
log.ZDebug(ctx, "Filter out this node", "node", v.Target())
wg.Go(func() error {
msgClient := msggateway.NewMsgGatewayClient(v)
_, err := msgClient.MultiTerminalLoginCheck(ctx, &msggateway.MultiTerminalLoginCheckReq{
UserID: client.UserID,
PlatformID: int32(client.PlatformID), Token: client.token,
if err != nil {
log.ZWarn(ctx, "MultiTerminalLoginCheck err", err, "node", v.Target())
return nil
_ = wg.Wait()
return nil
func (ws *WsServer) SetKickHandlerInfo(i *kickHandler) {
ws.kickHandlerChan <- i
func (ws *WsServer) registerClient(client *Client) {
var (
userOK bool
clientOK bool
oldClients []*Client
oldClients, userOK, clientOK = ws.clients.Get(client.UserID, client.PlatformID)
if !userOK {
ws.clients.Set(client.UserID, client)
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "user not exist", "userID", client.UserID, "platformID", client.PlatformID)
} else {
ws.multiTerminalLoginChecker(clientOK, oldClients, client)
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "user exist", "userID", client.UserID, "platformID", client.PlatformID)
if clientOK {
ws.clients.Set(client.UserID, client)
// There is already a connection to the platform
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "repeat login", "userID", client.UserID, "platformID",
client.PlatformID, "old remote addr", getRemoteAdders(oldClients))
} else {
ws.clients.Set(client.UserID, client)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "ws.msgGatewayConfig.Discovery.Enable", "discoveryEnable", ws.msgGatewayConfig.Discovery.Enable)
if ws.msgGatewayConfig.Discovery.Enable != "k8s" {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_ = ws.sendUserOnlineInfoToOtherNode(client.ctx, client)
//go func() {
// defer wg.Done()
// ws.SetUserOnlineStatus(client.ctx, client, constant.Online)
"user online",
"online user Num",
"online user conn Num",
func getRemoteAdders(client []*Client) string {
var ret string
for i, c := range client {
if i == 0 {
ret = c.ctx.GetRemoteAddr()
} else {
ret += "@" + c.ctx.GetRemoteAddr()
return ret
func (ws *WsServer) KickUserConn(client *Client) error {
ws.clients.DeleteClients(client.UserID, []*Client{client})
return client.KickOnlineMessage()
func (ws *WsServer) multiTerminalLoginChecker(clientOK bool, oldClients []*Client, newClient *Client) {
switch ws.msgGatewayConfig.Share.MultiLoginPolicy {
case constant.DefalutNotKick:
case constant.PCAndOther:
if constant.PlatformIDToClass(newClient.PlatformID) == constant.TerminalPC {
case constant.AllLoginButSameTermKick:
if !clientOK {
ws.clients.DeleteClients(newClient.UserID, oldClients)
for _, c := range oldClients {
err := c.KickOnlineMessage()
if err != nil {
log.ZWarn(c.ctx, "KickOnlineMessage", err)
ctx := mcontext.WithMustInfoCtx(
[]string{newClient.ctx.GetOperationID(), newClient.ctx.GetUserID(),
constant.PlatformIDToName(newClient.PlatformID), newClient.ctx.GetConnID()},
if _, err := ws.authClient.InvalidateToken(ctx, newClient.token, newClient.UserID, newClient.PlatformID); err != nil {
log.ZWarn(newClient.ctx, "InvalidateToken err", err, "userID", newClient.UserID,
"platformID", newClient.PlatformID)
func (ws *WsServer) unregisterClient(client *Client) {
defer ws.clientPool.Put(client)
isDeleteUser := ws.clients.DeleteClients(client.UserID, []*Client{client})
if isDeleteUser {
//ws.SetUserOnlineStatus(client.ctx, client, constant.Offline)
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "user offline", "close reason", client.closedErr, "online user Num",
ws.onlineUserNum.Load(), "online user conn Num",
// validateRespWithRequest checks if the response matches the expected userID and platformID.
func (ws *WsServer) validateRespWithRequest(ctx *UserConnContext, resp *pbAuth.ParseTokenResp) error {
userID := ctx.GetUserID()
platformID := stringutil.StringToInt32(ctx.GetPlatformID())
if resp.UserID != userID {
return servererrs.ErrTokenInvalid.WrapMsg(fmt.Sprintf("token uid %s != userID %s", resp.UserID, userID))
if resp.PlatformID != platformID {
return servererrs.ErrTokenInvalid.WrapMsg(fmt.Sprintf("token platform %d != platformID %d", resp.PlatformID, platformID))
return nil
func (ws *WsServer) wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Create a new connection context
connContext := newContext(w, r)
// Check if the current number of online user connections exceeds the maximum limit
if ws.onlineUserConnNum.Load() >= ws.wsMaxConnNum {
// If it exceeds the maximum connection number, return an error via HTTP and stop processing
httpError(connContext, servererrs.ErrConnOverMaxNumLimit.WrapMsg("over max conn num limit"))
// Parse essential arguments (e.g., user ID, Token)
err := connContext.ParseEssentialArgs()
if err != nil {
// If there's an error during parsing, return an error via HTTP and stop processing
httpError(connContext, err)
// Call the authentication client to parse the Token obtained from the context
resp, err := ws.authClient.ParseToken(connContext, connContext.GetToken())
if err != nil {
// If there's an error parsing the Token, decide whether to send the error message via WebSocket based on the context flag
shouldSendError := connContext.ShouldSendResp()
if shouldSendError {
// Create a WebSocket connection object and attempt to send the error message via WebSocket
wsLongConn := newGWebSocket(WebSocket, ws.handshakeTimeout, ws.writeBufferSize)
if err := wsLongConn.RespondWithError(err, w, r); err == nil {
// If the error message is successfully sent via WebSocket, stop processing
// If sending via WebSocket is not required or fails, return the error via HTTP and stop processing
httpError(connContext, err)
// Validate the authentication response matches the request (e.g., user ID and platform ID)
err = ws.validateRespWithRequest(connContext, resp)
if err != nil {
// If validation fails, return an error via HTTP and stop processing
httpError(connContext, err)
log.ZDebug(connContext, "new conn", "token", connContext.GetToken())
// Create a WebSocket long connection object
wsLongConn := newGWebSocket(WebSocket, ws.handshakeTimeout, ws.writeBufferSize)
if err := wsLongConn.GenerateLongConn(w, r); err != nil {
//If the creation of the long connection fails, the error is handled internally during the handshake process.
log.ZWarn(connContext, "long connection fails", err)
} else {
// Check if a normal response should be sent via WebSocket
shouldSendSuccessResp := connContext.ShouldSendResp()
if shouldSendSuccessResp {
// Attempt to send a success message through WebSocket
if err := wsLongConn.RespondWithSuccess(); err != nil {
// If the success message is successfully sent, end further processing
// Retrieve a client object from the client pool, reset its state, and associate it with the current WebSocket long connection
client := ws.clientPool.Get().(*Client)
client.ResetClient(connContext, wsLongConn, ws)
// Register the client with the server and start message processing
ws.registerChan <- client
go client.readMessage()