You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
877 B

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "./conversation;conversation";
package conversation;
message CommonResp{
int32 errCode = 1;
string errMsg = 2;
message Conversation{
string ownerUserID = 1;
string conversationID = 2;
int32 recvMsgOpt = 3;
int32 conversationType = 4;
string userID = 5;
string groupID = 6;
int32 unreadCount = 7;
int64 draftTextTime = 8;
bool isPinned = 9;
string attachedInfo = 10;
bool isPrivateChat = 11;
int32 groupAtType = 12;
bool isNotInGroup = 13;
string ex = 14;
message ModifyConversationFieldReq{
Conversation conversation = 1;
int32 fieldType = 2;
repeated string userIDList = 3;
string operationID = 4;
message ModifyConversationFieldResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
service conversation {
rpc ModifyConversationField(ModifyConversationFieldReq)returns(ModifyConversationFieldResp);