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# Log storage path, default is acceptable, change to a full path if modification is needed
storageLocation: ../../../../logs/
# Log rotation period (in hours), default is acceptable
rotationTime: 1
# Maximum size of each log file (in MB), default is acceptable, it means unlimited
maxSize: 0
# Number of log files to retain, default is acceptable, it means whenever the log file is rotated, the old log file will be deleted
maxBackups: 10
# Old log retain time (in days), default is acceptable, it means unlimited
maxAge: 10
# Whether compress old log files.
compress: false
# Log level settings: 3 for production environment; 6 for more verbose logging in debugging environments
remainLogLevel: 6
# Whether to output to standard output, default is acceptable
isStdout: false
# Whether to log in JSON format, default is acceptable
isJson: false