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128 lines
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syntax = "proto3";
package OpenIMServer.third;
option go_package = "";
message MapValues {
repeated string values = 1;
message SignPart {
int32 partNumber = 1;
string url = 2;
map<string, MapValues> query = 3;
map<string, MapValues> header = 4;
message AuthSignParts {
string url = 1;
map<string, MapValues> query = 2;
map<string, MapValues> header = 3;
repeated SignPart parts = 4;
message PartLimitReq {
message PartLimitResp {
int64 minPartSize = 1;
int64 maxPartSize = 2;
int32 maxNumSize = 3;
message PartSizeReq {
int64 size = 1;
message PartSizeResp {
int64 size = 2;
message InitiateMultipartUploadReq {
string hash = 1;
int64 size = 2;
int64 maxParts = 3;
string cause = 4;
string name = 5;
string contentType = 6;
message UploadInfo {
string uploadID = 1;
int64 partSize = 2;
AuthSignParts sign = 3;
message InitiateMultipartUploadResp {
string url = 1;
UploadInfo upload = 2;
message AuthSignReq {
string uploadID = 1;
repeated int32 partNumbers = 2;
message AuthSignResp {
string url = 1;
map<string, MapValues> query = 2;
map<string, MapValues> header = 3;
repeated SignPart parts = 4;
message CompleteMultipartUploadReq {
string uploadID = 1;
repeated string parts = 2;
string name = 3;
string contentType = 4;
string cause = 5;
message CompleteMultipartUploadResp {
string url = 1;
message AccessURLReq {
string name = 1;
message AccessURLResp {
string url = 1;
int64 expireTime = 2;
message FcmUpdateTokenReq {
int32 platformID = 1;
string fcmToken = 2;
string account = 3;
int64 expireTime = 4;
message FcmUpdateTokenResp {
message SetAppBadgeReq {
string userID = 1;
int32 appUnreadCount = 2;
message SetAppBadgeResp {
service third {
rpc PartLimit(PartLimitReq) returns(PartLimitResp);
rpc PartSize(PartSizeReq) returns(PartSizeResp);
rpc InitiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadReq) returns(InitiateMultipartUploadResp);
rpc AuthSign(AuthSignReq) returns(AuthSignResp);
rpc CompleteMultipartUpload(CompleteMultipartUploadReq) returns(CompleteMultipartUploadResp);
rpc AccessURL(AccessURLReq) returns(AccessURLResp);
rpc FcmUpdateToken(FcmUpdateTokenReq) returns(FcmUpdateTokenResp);
rpc SetAppBadge(SetAppBadgeReq) returns(SetAppBadgeResp);