You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
7.2 KiB

package gate
import (
pbChat "Open_IM/pkg/proto/chat"
func (ws *WServer) msgParse(conn *websocket.Conn, jsonMsg []byte) {
//ws online debug data
m := Req{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonMsg, &m); err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("ws json Unmarshal err", "", "err", err.Error())
ws.sendErrMsg(conn, 200, err.Error())
if err := validate.Struct(m); err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("ws args validate err", "", "err", err.Error())
ws.sendErrMsg(conn, 201, err.Error())
if !utils.VerifyToken(m.Token, m.SendID) {
ws.sendErrMsg(conn, 202, "token validate err")
log.InfoByKv("Basic Info Authentication Success", m.OperationID, "reqIdentifier", m.ReqIdentifier, "sendID", m.SendID)
switch m.ReqIdentifier {
case constant.WSGetNewestSeq:
ws.newestSeqReq(conn, &m)
case constant.WSPullMsg:
ws.pullMsgReq(conn, &m)
case constant.WSSendMsg:
ws.sendMsgReq(conn, &m)
func (ws *WServer) newestSeqResp(conn *websocket.Conn, m *Req, pb *pbChat.GetNewSeqResp) {
mReply := make(map[string]interface{})
mData := make(map[string]interface{})
mReply["reqIdentifier"] = m.ReqIdentifier
mReply["msgIncr"] = m.MsgIncr
mReply["errCode"] = pb.GetErrCode()
mReply["errMsg"] = pb.GetErrMsg()
mData["seq"] = pb.GetSeq()
mReply["data"] = mData
ws.sendMsg(conn, mReply)
func (ws *WServer) newestSeqReq(conn *websocket.Conn, m *Req) {
log.InfoByKv("Ws call success to getNewSeq", m.OperationID, "Parameters", m)
pbData := pbChat.GetNewSeqReq{}
pbData.UserID = m.SendID
pbData.OperationID = m.OperationID
grpcConn := getcdv3.GetConn(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImOfflineMessageName)
if grpcConn == nil {
log.ErrorByKv("get grpcConn err", pbData.OperationID, "args", m)
msgClient := pbChat.NewChatClient(grpcConn)
reply, err := msgClient.GetNewSeq(context.Background(), &pbData)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("rpc call failed to getNewSeq", pbData.OperationID, "err", err, "pbData", pbData.String())
log.InfoByKv("rpc call success to getNewSeq", pbData.OperationID, "replyData", reply.String())
ws.newestSeqResp(conn, m, reply)
func (ws *WServer) pullMsgResp(conn *websocket.Conn, m *Req, pb *pbChat.PullMessageResp) {
mReply := make(map[string]interface{})
msg := make(map[string]interface{})
mReply["reqIdentifier"] = m.ReqIdentifier
mReply["msgIncr"] = m.MsgIncr
mReply["errCode"] = pb.GetErrCode()
mReply["errMsg"] = pb.GetErrMsg()
if v := pb.GetSingleUserMsg(); v != nil {
msg["single"] = v
} else {
msg["single"] = []pbChat.GatherFormat{}
if v := pb.GetGroupUserMsg(); v != nil {
msg["group"] = v
} else {
msg["group"] = []pbChat.GatherFormat{}
msg["maxSeq"] = pb.GetMaxSeq()
msg["minSeq"] = pb.GetMinSeq()
mReply["data"] = msg
ws.sendMsg(conn, mReply)
func (ws *WServer) pullMsgReq(conn *websocket.Conn, m *Req) {
log.InfoByKv("Ws call success to pullMsgReq", m.OperationID, "Parameters", m)
reply := new(pbChat.PullMessageResp)
isPass, errCode, errMsg, data := ws.argsValidate(m, constant.WSPullMsg)
if isPass {
pbData := pbChat.PullMessageReq{}
pbData.UserID = m.SendID
pbData.OperationID = m.OperationID
pbData.SeqBegin = data.(SeqData).SeqBegin
pbData.SeqEnd = data.(SeqData).SeqEnd
grpcConn := getcdv3.GetConn(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImOfflineMessageName)
msgClient := pbChat.NewChatClient(grpcConn)
reply, err := msgClient.PullMessage(context.Background(), &pbData)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("PullMessage error", pbData.OperationID, "err", err.Error())
log.InfoByKv("rpc call success to pullMsgRep", pbData.OperationID, "ReplyArgs", reply.String(), "maxSeq", reply.GetMaxSeq(),
"MinSeq", reply.GetMinSeq(), "singLen", len(reply.GetSingleUserMsg()), "groupLen", len(reply.GetGroupUserMsg()))
ws.pullMsgResp(conn, m, reply)
} else {
reply.ErrCode = errCode
reply.ErrMsg = errMsg
ws.pullMsgResp(conn, m, reply)
func (ws *WServer) sendMsgResp(conn *websocket.Conn, m *Req, pb *pbChat.UserSendMsgResp) {
mReply := make(map[string]interface{})
mReplyData := make(map[string]interface{})
mReply["reqIdentifier"] = m.ReqIdentifier
mReply["msgIncr"] = m.MsgIncr
mReply["errCode"] = pb.GetErrCode()
mReply["errMsg"] = pb.GetErrMsg()
mReplyData["clientMsgID"] = pb.GetClientMsgID()
mReplyData["serverMsgID"] = pb.GetServerMsgID()
mReply["data"] = mReplyData
ws.sendMsg(conn, mReply)
func (ws *WServer) sendMsgReq(conn *websocket.Conn, m *Req) {
log.InfoByKv("Ws call success to sendMsgReq", m.OperationID, "Parameters", m)
reply := new(pbChat.UserSendMsgResp)
isPass, errCode, errMsg, pData := ws.argsValidate(m, constant.WSSendMsg)
if isPass {
data := pData.(MsgData)
pbData := pbChat.UserSendMsgReq{
ReqIdentifier: m.ReqIdentifier,
Token: m.Token,
SendID: m.SendID,
OperationID: m.OperationID,
PlatformID: data.PlatformID,
SessionType: data.SessionType,
MsgFrom: data.MsgFrom,
ContentType: data.ContentType,
RecvID: data.RecvID,
ForceList: data.ForceList,
Content: data.Content,
Options: utils.MapToJsonString(data.Options),
ClientMsgID: data.ClientMsgID,
OffLineInfo: utils.MapToJsonString(data.OfflineInfo),
log.InfoByKv("Ws call success to sendMsgReq", m.OperationID, "Parameters", m)
etcdConn := getcdv3.GetConn(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImOfflineMessageName)
client := pbChat.NewChatClient(etcdConn)
log.Info("", "", "api UserSendMsg call, api call rpc...")
reply, _ := client.UserSendMsg(context.Background(), &pbData)
log.Info("", "", "api UserSendMsg call end..., [data: %s] [reply: %s]", pbData.String(), reply.String())
ws.sendMsgResp(conn, m, reply)
} else {
reply.ErrCode = errCode
reply.ErrMsg = errMsg
ws.sendMsgResp(conn, m, reply)
func (ws *WServer) sendMsg(conn *websocket.Conn, mReply map[string]interface{}) {
bMsg, _ := json.Marshal(mReply)
err := ws.writeMsg(conn, websocket.TextMessage, bMsg)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("WS WriteMsg error", "", "userIP", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), "userUid", ws.getUserUid(conn), "error", err, "mReply", mReply)
func (ws *WServer) sendErrMsg(conn *websocket.Conn, errCode int32, errMsg string) {
mReply := make(map[string]interface{})
mReply["errCode"] = errCode
mReply["errMsg"] = errMsg
ws.sendMsg(conn, mReply)