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234 lines
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syntax = "proto3";
import "Open_IM/pkg/proto/sdk_ws/ws.proto";
import "Open_IM/pkg/proto/conversation/conversation.proto";
option go_package = "./user;user";
package user;
message CommonResp{
int32 errCode = 1;
string errMsg = 2;
message GetAllUserIDReq{
string opUserID = 1;
string operationID = 2;
message GetAllUserIDResp{
CommonResp CommonResp = 1;
repeated string UserIDList = 2;
message AccountCheckReq{
repeated string CheckUserIDList = 1;
string OpUserID = 2;
string OperationID = 3;
message AccountCheckResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
message SingleUserStatus {
string userID = 1;
string accountStatus = 2;
repeated SingleUserStatus ResultList = 2;
message GetUserInfoReq{
repeated string userIDList = 1;
string OpUserID = 2;
string OperationID = 3;
message GetUserInfoResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
repeated server_api_params.UserInfo UserInfoList = 3;
message UpdateUserInfoReq{
server_api_params.UserInfo UserInfo = 1;
string OpUserID = 2;
string operationID = 3;
message UpdateUserInfoResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
message SetGlobalRecvMessageOptReq{
string userID = 1;
string operationID = 2;
int32 globalRecvMsgOpt = 3;
message SetGlobalRecvMessageOptResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
message SetConversationReq{
conversation.Conversation Conversation = 1;
int32 notificationType = 2;
string OperationID = 3;
message SetConversationResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
message SetRecvMsgOptReq {
string OwnerUserID = 1;
string ConversationID = 2;
int32 RecvMsgOpt = 3;
int32 notificationType = 4;
string OperationID = 5;
message SetRecvMsgOptResp {
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
message GetConversationReq{
string ConversationID = 1;
string OwnerUserID = 2;
string OperationID = 3;
message GetConversationResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
conversation.Conversation Conversation = 2;
message GetConversationsReq{
string OwnerUserID = 1;
repeated string ConversationIDs = 2;
string OperationID = 3;
message GetConversationsResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
repeated conversation.Conversation Conversations = 2;
message GetAllConversationsReq{
string OwnerUserID = 1;
string OperationID = 2;
message GetAllConversationsResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
repeated conversation.Conversation Conversations = 2;
message BatchSetConversationsReq{
repeated conversation.Conversation Conversations = 1;
string OwnerUserID = 2;
int32 notificationType = 3;
string OperationID = 4;
message BatchSetConversationsResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
repeated string Success = 2;
repeated string Failed = 3;
message GetUsersReq {
string operationID = 1;
server_api_params.RequestPagination pagination = 2;
string userName = 3;
string userID = 4;
message CmsUser {
server_api_params.UserInfo user = 1;
bool isBlock = 2;
message GetUsersResp{
CommonResp commonResp = 1;
repeated CmsUser userList = 2;
server_api_params.ResponsePagination Pagination = 3;
int32 totalNums = 4;
message AddUserReq{
server_api_params.UserInfo userInfo = 1;
string operationID = 2;
message AddUserResp{
CommonResp CommonResp = 1;
message BlockUserReq{
string userID = 1;
string endDisableTime = 2;
string operationID = 3;
string opUserID = 4;
message BlockUserResp{
CommonResp CommonResp = 1;
message UnBlockUserReq{
string userID = 1;
string operationID = 2;
string opUserID = 3;
message UnBlockUserResp{
CommonResp CommonResp = 1;
message GetBlockUsersReq{
server_api_params.RequestPagination pagination = 1;
string operationID = 2;
string userID = 3;
int32 totalBlockUserNum = 4;
message BlockUser {
server_api_params.UserInfo UserInfo = 1;
string BeginDisableTime = 2;
string EndDisableTime = 3;
message GetBlockUsersResp{
CommonResp CommonResp = 1;
repeated BlockUser BlockUsers = 2;
server_api_params.ResponsePagination Pagination = 3;
int32 UserNums = 4;
service user {
rpc GetUserInfo(GetUserInfoReq) returns(GetUserInfoResp);
rpc UpdateUserInfo(UpdateUserInfoReq) returns(UpdateUserInfoResp);
rpc SetGlobalRecvMessageOpt(SetGlobalRecvMessageOptReq) returns(SetGlobalRecvMessageOptResp);
rpc GetAllUserID(GetAllUserIDReq)returns(GetAllUserIDResp);
rpc AccountCheck(AccountCheckReq)returns(AccountCheckResp);
rpc GetConversation(GetConversationReq)returns(GetConversationResp);
rpc GetAllConversations(GetAllConversationsReq)returns(GetAllConversationsResp);
rpc GetConversations(GetConversationsReq)returns(GetConversationsResp);
rpc BatchSetConversations(BatchSetConversationsReq)returns(BatchSetConversationsResp);
rpc SetConversation(SetConversationReq)returns(SetConversationResp);
rpc SetRecvMsgOpt(SetRecvMsgOptReq)returns(SetRecvMsgOptResp);
rpc GetUsers(GetUsersReq) returns (GetUsersResp);
rpc AddUser(AddUserReq) returns (AddUserResp);
rpc BlockUser(BlockUserReq) returns (BlockUserResp);
rpc UnBlockUser(UnBlockUserReq) returns (UnBlockUserResp);
rpc GetBlockUsers(GetBlockUsersReq) returns (GetBlockUsersResp);