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// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package controller
import (
type FriendDatabase interface {
// CheckIn checks if user2 is in user1's friend list (inUser1Friends==true) and if user1 is in user2's friend list (inUser2Friends==true)
CheckIn(ctx context.Context, user1, user2 string) (inUser1Friends bool, inUser2Friends bool, err error)
// AddFriendRequest adds or updates a friend request
AddFriendRequest(ctx context.Context, fromUserID, toUserID string, reqMsg string, ex string) (err error)
// BecomeFriends first checks if the users are already in the friends model; if not, it inserts them as friends
BecomeFriends(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string, addSource int32) (err error)
// RefuseFriendRequest refuses a friend request
RefuseFriendRequest(ctx context.Context, friendRequest *model.FriendRequest) (err error)
// AgreeFriendRequest accepts a friend request
AgreeFriendRequest(ctx context.Context, friendRequest *model.FriendRequest) (err error)
// Delete removes a friend or friends from the owner's friend list
Delete(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string) (err error)
// UpdateRemark updates the remark for a friend
UpdateRemark(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID, friendUserID, remark string) (err error)
// PageOwnerFriends retrieves the friend list of ownerUserID with pagination
PageOwnerFriends(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.Friend, err error)
// PageInWhoseFriends finds the users who have friendUserID in their friend list with pagination
PageInWhoseFriends(ctx context.Context, friendUserID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.Friend, err error)
// PageFriendRequestFromMe retrieves the friend requests sent by the user with pagination
PageFriendRequestFromMe(ctx context.Context, userID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.FriendRequest, err error)
// PageFriendRequestToMe retrieves the friend requests received by the user with pagination
PageFriendRequestToMe(ctx context.Context, userID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.FriendRequest, err error)
// FindFriendsWithError fetches specified friends of a user and returns an error if any do not exist
FindFriendsWithError(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string) (friends []*model.Friend, err error)
// FindFriendUserIDs retrieves the friend IDs of a user
FindFriendUserIDs(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) (friendUserIDs []string, err error)
// FindBothFriendRequests finds friend requests sent and received
FindBothFriendRequests(ctx context.Context, fromUserID, toUserID string) (friends []*model.FriendRequest, err error)
// UpdateFriends updates fields for friends
UpdateFriends(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string, val map[string]any) (err error)
//FindSortFriendUserIDs(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) ([]string, error)
FindFriendIncrVersion(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, version uint, limit int) (*model.VersionLog, error)
FindMaxFriendVersionCache(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) (*model.VersionLog, error)
FindFriendUserID(ctx context.Context, friendUserID string) ([]string, error)
OwnerIncrVersion(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string, state int32) error
type friendDatabase struct {
friend database.Friend
friendRequest database.FriendRequest
tx tx.Tx
cache cache.FriendCache
func NewFriendDatabase(friend database.Friend, friendRequest database.FriendRequest, cache cache.FriendCache, tx tx.Tx) FriendDatabase {
return &friendDatabase{friend: friend, friendRequest: friendRequest, cache: cache, tx: tx}
// CheckIn verifies if user2 is in user1's friend list (inUser1Friends returns true) and
// if user1 is in user2's friend list (inUser2Friends returns true).
func (f *friendDatabase) CheckIn(ctx context.Context, userID1, userID2 string) (inUser1Friends bool, inUser2Friends bool, err error) {
// Retrieve friend IDs of userID1 from the cache
userID1FriendIDs, err := f.cache.GetFriendIDs(ctx, userID1)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving friend IDs for user %s: %w", userID1, err)
// Retrieve friend IDs of userID2 from the cache
userID2FriendIDs, err := f.cache.GetFriendIDs(ctx, userID2)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving friend IDs for user %s: %w", userID2, err)
// Check if userID2 is in userID1's friend list and vice versa
inUser1Friends = datautil.Contain(userID2, userID1FriendIDs...)
inUser2Friends = datautil.Contain(userID1, userID2FriendIDs...)
return inUser1Friends, inUser2Friends, nil
// AddFriendRequest adds or updates a friend request.
func (f *friendDatabase) AddFriendRequest(ctx context.Context, fromUserID, toUserID string, reqMsg string, ex string) (err error) {
return f.tx.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := f.friendRequest.Take(ctx, fromUserID, toUserID)
switch {
case err == nil:
m := make(map[string]any, 1)
m["handle_result"] = 0
m["handle_msg"] = ""
m["req_msg"] = reqMsg
m["ex"] = ex
m["create_time"] = time.Now()
return f.friendRequest.UpdateByMap(ctx, fromUserID, toUserID, m)
case mgo.IsNotFound(err):
return f.friendRequest.Create(
[]*model.FriendRequest{{FromUserID: fromUserID, ToUserID: toUserID, ReqMsg: reqMsg, Ex: ex, CreateTime: time.Now(), HandleTime: time.Unix(0, 0)}},
return err
// (1) First determine whether it is in the friends list (in or out does not return an error) (2) for not in the friends list can be inserted.
func (f *friendDatabase) BecomeFriends(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string, addSource int32) (err error) {
return f.tx.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
cache := f.cache.CloneFriendCache()
// user find friends
fs1, err := f.friend.FindFriends(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserIDs)
if err != nil {
return err
opUserID := mcontext.GetOperationID(ctx)
for _, v := range friendUserIDs {
fs1 = append(fs1, &model.Friend{OwnerUserID: ownerUserID, FriendUserID: v, AddSource: addSource, OperatorUserID: opUserID})
fs11 := datautil.DistinctAny(fs1, func(e *model.Friend) string {
return e.FriendUserID
err = f.friend.Create(ctx, fs11)
if err != nil {
return err
fs2, err := f.friend.FindReversalFriends(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserIDs)
if err != nil {
return err
var newFriendIDs []string
for _, v := range friendUserIDs {
fs2 = append(fs2, &model.Friend{OwnerUserID: v, FriendUserID: ownerUserID, AddSource: addSource, OperatorUserID: opUserID})
newFriendIDs = append(newFriendIDs, v)
fs22 := datautil.DistinctAny(fs2, func(e *model.Friend) string {
return e.OwnerUserID
err = f.friend.Create(ctx, fs22)
if err != nil {
return err
newFriendIDs = append(newFriendIDs, ownerUserID)
cache = cache.DelFriendIDs(newFriendIDs...).DelMaxFriendVersion(newFriendIDs...)
return cache.ChainExecDel(ctx)
// RefuseFriendRequest rejects a friend request. It first checks for an existing, unprocessed request.
// If no such request exists, it returns an error. Otherwise, it marks the request as refused.
func (f *friendDatabase) RefuseFriendRequest(ctx context.Context, friendRequest *model.FriendRequest) error {
// Attempt to retrieve the friend request from the database.
fr, err := f.friendRequest.Take(ctx, friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve friend request from %s to %s: %w", friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID, err)
// Check if the friend request has already been handled.
if fr.HandleResult != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("friend request from %s to %s has already been processed", friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID)
// Log the action of refusing the friend request for debugging and auditing purposes.
log.ZDebug(ctx, "Refusing friend request", map[string]interface{}{
"DB_FriendRequest": fr,
"Arg_FriendRequest": friendRequest,
// Mark the friend request as refused and update the handle time.
friendRequest.HandleResult = constant.FriendResponseRefuse
friendRequest.HandleTime = time.Now()
if err := f.friendRequest.Update(ctx, friendRequest); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update friend request from %s to %s as refused: %w", friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID, err)
return nil
// AgreeFriendRequest accepts a friend request. It first checks for an existing, unprocessed request.
func (f *friendDatabase) AgreeFriendRequest(ctx context.Context, friendRequest *model.FriendRequest) (err error) {
return f.tx.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
now := time.Now()
fr, err := f.friendRequest.Take(ctx, friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID)
if err != nil {
return err
if fr.HandleResult != 0 {
return errs.ErrArgs.WrapMsg("the friend request has been processed")
friendRequest.HandlerUserID = mcontext.GetOpUserID(ctx)
friendRequest.HandleResult = constant.FriendResponseAgree
friendRequest.HandleTime = now
err = f.friendRequest.Update(ctx, friendRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
fr2, err := f.friendRequest.Take(ctx, friendRequest.ToUserID, friendRequest.FromUserID)
if err == nil && fr2.HandleResult == constant.FriendResponseNotHandle {
fr2.HandlerUserID = mcontext.GetOpUserID(ctx)
fr2.HandleResult = constant.FriendResponseAgree
fr2.HandleTime = now
err = f.friendRequest.Update(ctx, fr2)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if err != nil && (!mgo.IsNotFound(err)) {
return err
exists, err := f.friend.FindUserState(ctx, friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID)
if err != nil {
return err
existsMap := datautil.SliceSet(datautil.Slice(exists, func(friend *model.Friend) [2]string {
return [...]string{friend.OwnerUserID, friend.FriendUserID} // My - Friend
var adds []*model.Friend
if _, ok := existsMap[[...]string{friendRequest.ToUserID, friendRequest.FromUserID}]; !ok { // My - Friend
adds = append(
OwnerUserID: friendRequest.ToUserID,
FriendUserID: friendRequest.FromUserID,
AddSource: int32(constant.BecomeFriendByApply),
OperatorUserID: friendRequest.FromUserID,
if _, ok := existsMap[[...]string{friendRequest.FromUserID, friendRequest.ToUserID}]; !ok { // My - Friend
adds = append(
OwnerUserID: friendRequest.FromUserID,
FriendUserID: friendRequest.ToUserID,
AddSource: int32(constant.BecomeFriendByApply),
OperatorUserID: friendRequest.FromUserID,
if len(adds) > 0 {
if err := f.friend.Create(ctx, adds); err != nil {
return err
return f.cache.DelFriendIDs(friendRequest.ToUserID, friendRequest.FromUserID).DelMaxFriendVersion(friendRequest.ToUserID, friendRequest.FromUserID).ChainExecDel(ctx)
// Delete removes a friend relationship. It is assumed that the external caller has verified the friendship status.
func (f *friendDatabase) Delete(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string) (err error) {
if err := f.friend.Delete(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserIDs); err != nil {
return err
userIds := append(friendUserIDs, ownerUserID)
return f.cache.DelFriendIDs(userIds...).DelMaxFriendVersion(userIds...).ChainExecDel(ctx)
// UpdateRemark updates the remark for a friend. Zero value for remark is also supported.
func (f *friendDatabase) UpdateRemark(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID, friendUserID, remark string) (err error) {
if err := f.friend.UpdateRemark(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserID, remark); err != nil {
return err
return f.cache.DelFriend(ownerUserID, friendUserID).DelMaxFriendVersion(ownerUserID).ChainExecDel(ctx)
// PageOwnerFriends retrieves the list of friends for the ownerUserID. It does not return an error if the result is empty.
func (f *friendDatabase) PageOwnerFriends(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.Friend, err error) {
return f.friend.FindOwnerFriends(ctx, ownerUserID, pagination)
// PageInWhoseFriends identifies in whose friend lists the friendUserID appears.
func (f *friendDatabase) PageInWhoseFriends(ctx context.Context, friendUserID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.Friend, err error) {
return f.friend.FindInWhoseFriends(ctx, friendUserID, pagination)
// PageFriendRequestFromMe retrieves friend requests sent by me. It does not return an error if the result is empty.
func (f *friendDatabase) PageFriendRequestFromMe(ctx context.Context, userID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.FriendRequest, err error) {
return f.friendRequest.FindFromUserID(ctx, userID, pagination)
// PageFriendRequestToMe retrieves friend requests received by me. It does not return an error if the result is empty.
func (f *friendDatabase) PageFriendRequestToMe(ctx context.Context, userID string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (total int64, friends []*model.FriendRequest, err error) {
return f.friendRequest.FindToUserID(ctx, userID, pagination)
// FindFriendsWithError retrieves specified friends' information for ownerUserID. Returns an error if any friend does not exist.
func (f *friendDatabase) FindFriendsWithError(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string) (friends []*model.Friend, err error) {
friends, err = f.friend.FindFriends(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserIDs)
if err != nil {
func (f *friendDatabase) FindFriendUserIDs(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) (friendUserIDs []string, err error) {
return f.cache.GetFriendIDs(ctx, ownerUserID)
func (f *friendDatabase) FindBothFriendRequests(ctx context.Context, fromUserID, toUserID string) (friends []*model.FriendRequest, err error) {
return f.friendRequest.FindBothFriendRequests(ctx, fromUserID, toUserID)
func (f *friendDatabase) UpdateFriends(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string, val map[string]any) (err error) {
if len(val) == 0 {
return nil
return f.tx.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := f.friend.UpdateFriends(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserIDs, val); err != nil {
return err
return f.cache.DelFriends(ownerUserID, friendUserIDs).DelMaxFriendVersion(ownerUserID).ChainExecDel(ctx)
//func (f *friendDatabase) FindSortFriendUserIDs(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) ([]string, error) {
// return f.cache.FindSortFriendUserIDs(ctx, ownerUserID)
func (f *friendDatabase) FindFriendIncrVersion(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, version uint, limit int) (*model.VersionLog, error) {
return f.friend.FindIncrVersion(ctx, ownerUserID, version, limit)
func (f *friendDatabase) FindMaxFriendVersionCache(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) (*model.VersionLog, error) {
return f.cache.FindMaxFriendVersion(ctx, ownerUserID)
func (f *friendDatabase) FindFriendUserID(ctx context.Context, friendUserID string) ([]string, error) {
return f.friend.FindFriendUserID(ctx, friendUserID)
//func (f *friendDatabase) SearchFriend(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID, keyword string, pagination pagination.Pagination) (int64, []*model.Friend, error) {
// return f.friend.SearchFriend(ctx, ownerUserID, keyword, pagination)
func (f *friendDatabase) OwnerIncrVersion(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string, friendUserIDs []string, state int32) error {
if err := f.friend.IncrVersion(ctx, ownerUserID, friendUserIDs, state); err != nil {
return err
return f.cache.DelMaxFriendVersion(ownerUserID).ChainExecDel(ctx)