297 lines
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297 lines
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package gate
import (
type UserConn struct {
w *sync.Mutex
type WServer struct {
wsAddr string
wsMaxConnNum int
wsUpGrader *websocket.Upgrader
wsConnToUser map[*UserConn]map[string]string
wsUserToConn map[string]map[string]*UserConn
func (ws *WServer) onInit(wsPort int) {
ws.wsAddr = ":" + utils.IntToString(wsPort)
ws.wsMaxConnNum = config.Config.LongConnSvr.WebsocketMaxConnNum
ws.wsConnToUser = make(map[*UserConn]map[string]string)
ws.wsUserToConn = make(map[string]map[string]*UserConn)
ws.wsUpGrader = &websocket.Upgrader{
HandshakeTimeout: time.Duration(config.Config.LongConnSvr.WebsocketTimeOut) * time.Second,
ReadBufferSize: config.Config.LongConnSvr.WebsocketMaxMsgLen,
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true },
func (ws *WServer) run() {
http.HandleFunc("/", ws.wsHandler) //Get request from client to handle by wsHandler
err := http.ListenAndServe(ws.wsAddr, nil) //Start listening
if err != nil {
panic("Ws listening err:" + err.Error())
func (ws *WServer) wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if ws.headerCheck(w, r) {
query := r.URL.Query()
conn, err := ws.wsUpGrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) //Conn is obtained through the upgraded escalator
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "upgrade http conn err", err, query)
} else {
//Connection mapping relationship,
//userID+" "+platformID->conn
//Initialize a lock for each user
newConn := &UserConn{conn, new(sync.Mutex)}
ws.addUserConn(query["sendID"][0], int32(utils.StringToInt64(query["platformID"][0])), newConn, query["token"][0])
go ws.readMsg(newConn)
func (ws *WServer) readMsg(conn *UserConn) {
for {
messageType, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if messageType == websocket.PingMessage {
log.NewInfo("", "this is a pingMessage")
if err != nil {
uid, platform := ws.getUserUid(conn)
log.Error("", "WS ReadMsg error", "userIP", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), "userUid", uid, "platform", platform, "error", err.Error())
} else {
//log.ErrorByKv("test", "", "msgType", msgType, "userIP", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), "userUid", ws.getUserUid(conn))
ws.msgParse(conn, msg)
//ws.writeMsg(conn, 1, chat)
func (ws *WServer) writeMsg(conn *UserConn, a int, msg []byte) error {
defer conn.w.Unlock()
return conn.WriteMessage(a, msg)
func (ws *WServer) MultiTerminalLoginChecker(uid string, platformID int32, newConn *UserConn, token string, operationID string) {
switch config.Config.MultiLoginPolicy {
case constant.AllLoginButSameTermKick:
if oldConnMap, ok := ws.wsUserToConn[uid]; ok { // user->map[platform->conn]
if oldConn, ok := oldConnMap[constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)]; ok {
log.NewDebug(operationID, uid, platformID, "kick old conn")
ws.sendKickMsg(oldConn, newConn)
m, err := db.DB.GetTokenMapByUidPid(uid, constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID))
if err != nil && err != redis.ErrNil {
log.NewError(operationID, "get token from redis err", err.Error())
if m == nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "get token from redis err", "m is nil")
for k, _ := range m {
if k != token {
m[k] = constant.KickedToken
log.NewDebug(operationID, "get map is ", m)
err = db.DB.SetTokenMapByUidPid(uid, platformID, m)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "SetTokenMapByUidPid err", err.Error())
err = oldConn.Close()
delete(oldConnMap, constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID))
ws.wsUserToConn[uid] = oldConnMap
if len(oldConnMap) == 0 {
delete(ws.wsUserToConn, uid)
delete(ws.wsConnToUser, oldConn)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "conn close err", err.Error(), uid, platformID)
} else {
log.NewWarn(operationID, "abnormal uid-conn ", uid, platformID, oldConnMap[constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)])
} else {
log.NewDebug(operationID, "no other conn", ws.wsUserToConn, uid, platformID)
case constant.SingleTerminalLogin:
case constant.WebAndOther:
func (ws *WServer) sendKickMsg(oldConn, newConn *UserConn) {
mReply := Resp{
ReqIdentifier: constant.WSKickOnlineMsg,
ErrCode: constant.ErrTokenInvalid.ErrCode,
ErrMsg: constant.ErrTokenInvalid.ErrMsg,
var b bytes.Buffer
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&b)
err := enc.Encode(mReply)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(mReply.OperationID, mReply.ReqIdentifier, mReply.ErrCode, mReply.ErrMsg, "Encode Msg error", oldConn.RemoteAddr().String(), newConn.RemoteAddr().String(), err.Error())
err = ws.writeMsg(oldConn, websocket.BinaryMessage, b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.NewError(mReply.OperationID, mReply.ReqIdentifier, mReply.ErrCode, mReply.ErrMsg, "WS WriteMsg error", oldConn.RemoteAddr().String(), newConn.RemoteAddr().String(), err.Error())
func (ws *WServer) addUserConn(uid string, platformID int32, conn *UserConn, token string) {
defer rwLock.Unlock()
operationID := utils.OperationIDGenerator()
callbackResp := callbackUserOnline(operationID, uid, platformID, token)
if callbackResp.ErrCode != 0 {
log.NewError(operationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "callbackUserOnline resp:", callbackResp)
ws.MultiTerminalLoginChecker(uid, platformID, conn, token, operationID)
if oldConnMap, ok := ws.wsUserToConn[uid]; ok {
oldConnMap[constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)] = conn
ws.wsUserToConn[uid] = oldConnMap
log.Debug(operationID, "user not first come in, add conn ", uid, platformID, conn, oldConnMap)
} else {
i := make(map[string]*UserConn)
i[constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)] = conn
ws.wsUserToConn[uid] = i
log.Debug(operationID, "user first come in, new user, conn", uid, platformID, conn, ws.wsUserToConn[uid])
if oldStringMap, ok := ws.wsConnToUser[conn]; ok {
oldStringMap[constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)] = uid
ws.wsConnToUser[conn] = oldStringMap
} else {
i := make(map[string]string)
i[constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)] = uid
ws.wsConnToUser[conn] = i
count := 0
for _, v := range ws.wsUserToConn {
count = count + len(v)
log.Debug(operationID, "WS Add operation", "", "wsUser added", ws.wsUserToConn, "connection_uid", uid, "connection_platform", constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID), "online_user_num", len(ws.wsUserToConn), "online_conn_num", count)
func (ws *WServer) delUserConn(conn *UserConn) {
defer rwLock.Unlock()
operationID := utils.OperationIDGenerator()
var platform, uid string
if oldStringMap, ok := ws.wsConnToUser[conn]; ok {
for k, v := range oldStringMap {
platform = k
uid = v
if oldConnMap, ok := ws.wsUserToConn[uid]; ok {
delete(oldConnMap, platform)
ws.wsUserToConn[uid] = oldConnMap
if len(oldConnMap) == 0 {
delete(ws.wsUserToConn, uid)
count := 0
for _, v := range ws.wsUserToConn {
count = count + len(v)
log.Debug(operationID, "WS delete operation", "", "wsUser deleted", ws.wsUserToConn, "disconnection_uid", uid, "disconnection_platform", platform, "online_user_num", len(ws.wsUserToConn), "online_conn_num", count)
} else {
log.Debug(operationID, "WS delete operation", "", "wsUser deleted", ws.wsUserToConn, "disconnection_uid", uid, "disconnection_platform", platform, "online_user_num", len(ws.wsUserToConn))
delete(ws.wsConnToUser, conn)
err := conn.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Error(operationID, " close err", "", "uid", uid, "platform", platform)
callbackResp := callbackUserOffline(operationID, uid, platform)
if callbackResp.ErrCode != 0 {
log.NewError(operationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "callbackUserOffline failed", callbackResp)
func (ws *WServer) getUserConn(uid string, platform string) *UserConn {
defer rwLock.RUnlock()
if connMap, ok := ws.wsUserToConn[uid]; ok {
if conn, flag := connMap[platform]; flag {
return conn
return nil
func (ws *WServer) getSingleUserAllConn(uid string) map[string]*UserConn {
defer rwLock.RUnlock()
if connMap, ok := ws.wsUserToConn[uid]; ok {
return connMap
return nil
func (ws *WServer) getUserUid(conn *UserConn) (uid, platform string) {
defer rwLock.RUnlock()
if stringMap, ok := ws.wsConnToUser[conn]; ok {
for k, v := range stringMap {
platform = k
uid = v
return uid, platform
return "", ""
func (ws *WServer) headerCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
status := http.StatusUnauthorized
query := r.URL.Query()
operationID := ""
if len(query["operationID"]) != 0 {
operationID = query["operationID"][0]
if len(query["token"]) != 0 && len(query["sendID"]) != 0 && len(query["platformID"]) != 0 {
if ok, err, msg := token_verify.WsVerifyToken(query["token"][0], query["sendID"][0], query["platformID"][0], operationID); !ok {
// e := err.(*constant.ErrInfo)
log.Error(operationID, "Token verify failed ", "query ", query, msg, err.Error())
w.Header().Set("Sec-Websocket-Version", "13")
w.Header().Set("ws_err_msg", err.Error())
http.Error(w, err.Error(), status)
return false
} else {
log.Info(operationID, "Connection Authentication Success", "", "token", query["token"][0], "userID", query["sendID"][0])
return true
} else {
log.Error(operationID, "Args err", "query", query)
w.Header().Set("Sec-Websocket-Version", "13")
w.Header().Set("ws_err_msg", "args err, need token, sendID, platformID")
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(status), status)
return false
func genMapKey(uid string, platformID int32) string {
return uid + " " + constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID)