You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
299 lines
12 KiB
299 lines
12 KiB
package logic
import (
kfk "Open_IM/pkg/common/kafka"
pbMsg "Open_IM/pkg/proto/chat"
type OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler struct {
msgHandle map[string]fcb
historyConsumerGroup *kfk.MConsumerGroup
cmdCh chan Cmd2Value
msgCh chan Cmd2Value
UserAggregationMsgs map[string][]*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ
chArrays [ChannelNum]chan Cmd2Value
msgDistributionCh chan Cmd2Value
func (mc *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) Init(cmdCh chan Cmd2Value) {
mc.msgHandle = make(map[string]fcb)
mc.UserAggregationMsgs = make(map[string][]*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, ChannelNum)
mc.msgDistributionCh = make(chan Cmd2Value) //no buffer channel
go mc.MessagesDistributionHandle()
mc.cmdCh = cmdCh
mc.msgCh = make(chan Cmd2Value, 1000)
if config.Config.ReliableStorage {
mc.msgHandle[config.Config.Kafka.Ws2mschat.Topic] = mc.handleChatWs2Mongo
} else {
mc.msgHandle[config.Config.Kafka.Ws2mschat.Topic] = mc.handleChatWs2MongoLowReliability
for i := 0; i < ChannelNum; i++ {
mc.chArrays[i] = make(chan Cmd2Value, 1000)
go mc.Run(i)
mc.historyConsumerGroup = kfk.NewMConsumerGroup(&kfk.MConsumerGroupConfig{KafkaVersion: sarama.V0_10_2_0,
OffsetsInitial: sarama.OffsetNewest, IsReturnErr: false}, []string{config.Config.Kafka.Ws2mschatOffline.Topic},
config.Config.Kafka.Ws2mschatOffline.Addr, config.Config.Kafka.ConsumerGroupID.MsgToMongoOffline)
func (och *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) Run(channelID int) {
for {
select {
case cmd := <-och.chArrays[channelID]:
switch cmd.Cmd {
case UserMessages:
msgChannelValue := cmd.Value.(MsgChannelValue)
msgList := msgChannelValue.msgList
storageMsgList := make([]*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, 80)
pushMsgList := make([]*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, 80)
latestMsgOperationID := msgList[len(msgList)-1].OperationID
log.Debug(latestMsgOperationID, "msg arrived channel", "channel id", channelID, msgList)
for _, v := range msgList {
isHistory := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(v.MsgData.Options, constant.IsHistory)
isSenderSync := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(v.MsgData.Options, constant.IsSenderSync)
if isHistory {
storageMsgList = append(storageMsgList, v)
if !(!isSenderSync && msgChannelValue.userID == v.MsgData.SendID) {
pushMsgList = append(pushMsgList, v)
//switch msgChannelValue.msg.MsgData.SessionType {
//case constant.SingleChatType:
//case constant.GroupChatType:
//case constant.NotificationChatType:
// log.NewError(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "SessionType error", msgFromMQ.String())
// return
err := saveUserChatList(msgChannelValue.userID, storageMsgList, latestMsgOperationID)
if err != nil {
singleMsgFailedCount += uint64(len(storageMsgList))
log.NewError(latestMsgOperationID, "single data insert to mongo err", err.Error(), storageMsgList)
} else {
singleMsgSuccessCount += uint64(len(storageMsgList))
for _, v := range pushMsgList {
sendMessageToPush(v, msgChannelValue.userID)
func (och *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) MessagesDistributionHandle() {
for {
select {
case cmd := <-och.msgDistributionCh:
switch cmd.Cmd {
case ConsumerMsgs:
consumerMessages := cmd.Value.([]*sarama.ConsumerMessage)
//Aggregation map[userid]message list
for i := 0; i < len(consumerMessages); i++ {
msgFromMQ := pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(consumerMessages[i].Value, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.Error("msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", "", "msg", string(consumerMessages[i].Value), "err", err.Error())
if oldM, ok := och.UserAggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)]; ok {
oldM = append(oldM, &msgFromMQ)
och.UserAggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)] = oldM
} else {
m := make([]*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, 100)
m = append(m, &msgFromMQ)
och.UserAggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)] = m
for userID, v := range och.UserAggregationMsgs {
if len(v) >= 0 {
channelID := getHashCode(userID) % ChannelNum
go func(cID uint32, userID string, messages []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ) {
och.chArrays[cID] <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: UserMessages, Value: MsgChannelValue{userID: userID, msgList: messages}}
}(channelID, userID, v)
func (mc *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) handleChatWs2Mongo(cMsg *sarama.ConsumerMessage, msgKey string, sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) {
msg := cMsg.Value
now := time.Now()
msgFromMQ := pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(msg, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.Error("msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", "", "msg", string(msg), "err", err.Error())
operationID := msgFromMQ.OperationID
log.NewInfo(operationID, "msg come mongo!!!", "", "msg", string(msg))
//Control whether to store offline messages (mongo)
isHistory := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msgFromMQ.MsgData.Options, constant.IsHistory)
//Control whether to store history messages (mysql)
isPersist := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msgFromMQ.MsgData.Options, constant.IsPersistent)
isSenderSync := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msgFromMQ.MsgData.Options, constant.IsSenderSync)
switch msgFromMQ.MsgData.SessionType {
case constant.SingleChatType:
log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "msg_transfer msg type = SingleChatType", isHistory, isPersist)
if isHistory {
err := saveUserChat(msgKey, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "single data insert to mongo err", err.Error(), msgFromMQ.String())
log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "sendMessageToPush cost time ", time.Since(now))
if !isSenderSync && msgKey == msgFromMQ.MsgData.SendID {
} else {
go sendMessageToPush(&msgFromMQ, msgKey)
log.NewDebug(operationID, "saveSingleMsg cost time ", time.Since(now))
case constant.GroupChatType:
log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "msg_transfer msg type = GroupChatType", isHistory, isPersist)
if isHistory {
err := saveUserChat(msgFromMQ.MsgData.RecvID, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "group data insert to mongo err", msgFromMQ.String(), msgFromMQ.MsgData.RecvID, err.Error())
go sendMessageToPush(&msgFromMQ, msgFromMQ.MsgData.RecvID)
log.NewDebug(operationID, "saveGroupMsg cost time ", time.Since(now))
case constant.NotificationChatType:
log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "msg_transfer msg type = NotificationChatType", isHistory, isPersist)
if isHistory {
err := saveUserChat(msgKey, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "single data insert to mongo err", err.Error(), msgFromMQ.String())
log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "sendMessageToPush cost time ", time.Since(now))
if !isSenderSync && msgKey == msgFromMQ.MsgData.SendID {
} else {
go sendMessageToPush(&msgFromMQ, msgKey)
log.NewDebug(operationID, "saveUserChat cost time ", time.Since(now))
log.NewError(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "SessionType error", msgFromMQ.String())
sess.MarkMessage(cMsg, "")
log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "msg_transfer handle topic data to database success...", msgFromMQ.String())
func (mc *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) handleChatWs2MongoLowReliability(cMsg *sarama.ConsumerMessage, msgKey string, sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) {
msg := cMsg.Value
msgFromMQ := pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(msg, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.Error("msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", "", "msg", string(msg), "err", err.Error())
operationID := msgFromMQ.OperationID
log.NewInfo(operationID, "msg come mongo!!!", "", "msg", string(msg))
//Control whether to store offline messages (mongo)
isHistory := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msgFromMQ.MsgData.Options, constant.IsHistory)
isSenderSync := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msgFromMQ.MsgData.Options, constant.IsSenderSync)
if isHistory {
seq, err := db.DB.IncrUserSeq(msgKey)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "data insert to redis err", err.Error(), string(msg))
sess.MarkMessage(cMsg, "")
msgFromMQ.MsgData.Seq = uint32(seq)
log.Debug(operationID, "send ch msg is ", msgFromMQ.String())
//mc.msgCh <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: Msg, Value: MsgChannelValue{msgKey, msgFromMQ}}
//err := saveUserChat(msgKey, &msgFromMQ)
//if err != nil {
// singleMsgFailedCount++
// log.NewError(operationID, "single data insert to mongo err", err.Error(), msgFromMQ.String())
// return
//log.NewDebug(msgFromMQ.OperationID, "sendMessageToPush cost time ", time.Since(now))
} else {
if !(!isSenderSync && msgKey == msgFromMQ.MsgData.SendID) {
go sendMessageToPush(&msgFromMQ, msgKey)
func (OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) Setup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) Cleanup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
//func (mc *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession,
// claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error { // a instance in the consumer group
// //log.NewDebug("", "offline new session msg come", claim.HighWaterMarkOffset(), claim.Topic(), claim.Partition())
// //for msg := range claim.Messages() {
// // log.NewDebug("", "kafka get info to delay mongo", "msgTopic", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "offline")
// // //mc.msgHandle[msg.Topic](msg.Value, string(msg.Key))
// //}
// for msg := range claim.Messages() {
// if GetOnlineTopicStatus() == OnlineTopicVacancy {
// log.NewDebug("", "vacancy offline kafka get info to mongo", "msgTopic", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "msg", string(msg.Value))
// mc.msgHandle[msg.Topic](msg, string(msg.Key), sess)
// } else {
// select {
// case <-mc.cmdCh:
// log.NewDebug("", "cmd offline kafka get info to mongo", "msgTopic", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "msg", string(msg.Value))
// case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(100)):
// log.NewDebug("", "timeout offline kafka get info to mongo", "msgTopic", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "msg", string(msg.Value))
// }
// mc.msgHandle[msg.Topic](msg, string(msg.Key), sess)
// }
// }
// return nil
func (och *OfflineHistoryConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession,
claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error { // a instance in the consumer group
log.NewDebug("", "online new session msg come", claim.HighWaterMarkOffset(), claim.Topic(), claim.Partition())
cMsg := make([]*sarama.ConsumerMessage, 500)
t := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(500) * time.Millisecond)
for msg := range claim.Messages() {
cMsg = append(cMsg, msg)
select {
case <-t.C:
if len(cMsg) >= 0 {
och.msgDistributionCh <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: ConsumerMsgs, Value: cMsg}
sess.MarkMessage(msg, "")
cMsg = cMsg[0:0]
if len(cMsg) >= 500 {
och.msgDistributionCh <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: ConsumerMsgs, Value: cMsg}
sess.MarkMessage(msg, "")
cMsg = cMsg[0:0]
log.NewDebug("", "online kafka get info to mongo", "msgTopic", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "online", msg.Offset, claim.HighWaterMarkOffset())
return nil