
109 lines
2.7 KiB

syntax = "proto3";
import "Open_IM/pkg/proto/sdk_ws/ws.proto";
package pbChat;//The package name to which the proto file belongs
option go_package = "./chat;pbChat";//The generated go pb file is in the current directory, and the package name is pbChat
message MsgDataToMQ{
string token =1;
string operationID = 2;
server_api_params.MsgData msgData = 3;
message MsgDataToDB {
server_api_params.MsgData msgData = 1;
string operationID = 2;
message PushMsgDataToMQ{
string OperationID = 1;
server_api_params.MsgData msgData = 2;
//message PullMessageReq {
// string UserID = 1;
// int64 SeqBegin = 2;
// int64 SeqEnd = 3;
// string OperationID = 4;
//message PullMessageResp {
// int32 ErrCode = 1;
// string ErrMsg = 2;
// int64 MaxSeq = 3;
// int64 MinSeq = 4;
// repeated GatherFormat SingleUserMsg = 5;
// repeated GatherFormat GroupUserMsg = 6;
//message PullMessageBySeqListReq{
// string UserID = 1;
// string OperationID = 2;
// repeated int64 seqList =3;
message GetMaxAndMinSeqReq {
string UserID = 1;
string OperationID = 2;
message GetMaxAndMinSeqResp {
int32 ErrCode = 1;
string ErrMsg = 2;
int64 MaxSeq = 3;
int64 MinSeq = 4;
//message GatherFormat{
// // @inject_tag: json:"id"
// string ID = 1;
// // @inject_tag: json:"list"
// repeated MsgFormat List = 2;//detail msg
//message MsgFormat{
// // @inject_tag: json:"sendID"
// string SendID = 1;
// // @inject_tag: json:"recvID"
// string RecvID = 2;
// // @inject_tag: json:"msgFrom"
// int32 MsgFrom = 3;
// // @inject_tag: json:"contentType"
// int32 ContentType = 4;
// // @inject_tag: json:"serverMsgID"
// string ServerMsgID = 5;
// // @inject_tag: json:"content"
// string Content = 6;
// // @inject_tag: json:"seq"
// int64 Seq = 7;
// // @inject_tag: json:"sendTime"
// int64 SendTime = 8;
// // @inject_tag: json:"senderPlatformID"
// int32 SenderPlatformID = 9;
// // @inject_tag: json:"senderNickName"
// string SenderNickName = 10;
// // @inject_tag: json:"senderFaceUrl"
// string SenderFaceURL = 11;
// // @inject_tag: json:"clientMsgID"
// string ClientMsgID = 12;
message SendMsgReq {
string token =1;
string operationID = 2;
server_api_params.MsgData msgData = 3;
message SendMsgResp {
int32 errCode = 1;
string errMsg = 2;
string serverMsgID = 4;
string clientMsgID = 5;
int64 sendTime = 6;
service Chat {
rpc GetMaxAndMinSeq(GetMaxAndMinSeqReq) returns(GetMaxAndMinSeqResp);
rpc PullMessage(server_api_params.PullMessageReq) returns(server_api_params.PullMessageResp);
rpc PullMessageBySeqList(server_api_params.PullMessageBySeqListReq) returns(server_api_params.PullMessageBySeqListResp);
rpc SendMsg(SendMsgReq) returns(SendMsgResp);