You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

90 lines
4.3 KiB

package group
//import (
// jsonData "Open_IM/internal/utils"
// api "Open_IM/pkg/api_struct"
// "Open_IM/pkg/common/config"
// "Open_IM/pkg/common/log"
// "Open_IM/pkg/common/token_verify"
// "Open_IM/pkg/getcdv3"
// rpc "Open_IM/pkg/proto/group"
// "Open_IM/pkg/utils"
// "context"
// ""
// "net/http"
// "strings"
//func GetJoinedSuperGroupList(c *gin.Context) {
// req := api.GetJoinedSuperGroupListReq{}
// if err := c.BindJSON(&req); err != nil {
// log.NewError("0", "BindJSON failed ", err.Error())
// c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errCode": 400, "errMsg": err.Error()})
// return
// }
// log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "req: ", req)
// ok, opUserID, errInfo := token_verify.GetUserIDFromToken(c.Request.Header.Get("token"), req.OperationID)
// if !ok {
// errMsg := req.OperationID + " " + "GetUserIDFromToken failed " + errInfo + " token:" + c.Request.Header.Get("token")
// log.NewError(req.OperationID, errMsg)
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errCode": 500, "errMsg": errMsg})
// return
// }
// reqPb := rpc.GetJoinedSuperGroupListReq{OperationID: req.OperationID, OpUserID: opUserID, UserID: req.FromUserID}
// etcdConn := rpc.GetDefaultConn(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImGroupName, req.OperationID)
// if etcdConn == nil {
// errMsg := req.OperationID + "getcdv3.GetDefaultConn == nil"
// log.NewError(req.OperationID, errMsg)
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errCode": 500, "errMsg": errMsg})
// return
// }
// client := rpc.NewGroupClient(etcdConn)
// rpcResp, err := client.GetJoinedSuperGroupList(context.Background(), &reqPb)
// if err != nil {
// log.NewError(req.OperationID, "InviteUserToGroup failed ", err.Error(), reqPb.String())
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errCode": 500, "errMsg": err.Error()})
// return
// }
// GroupListResp := api.GetJoinedSuperGroupListResp{GetJoinedGroupListResp: api.GetJoinedGroupListResp{CommResp: api.CommResp{ErrCode: rpcResp.CommonResp.ErrCode, ErrMsg: rpcResp.CommonResp.ErrMsg}, GroupInfoList: rpcResp.GroupList}}
// GroupListResp.Map = jsonData.JsonDataList(GroupListResp.GroupInfoList)
// log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, "GetJoinedSuperGroupList api return ", GroupListResp)
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, GroupListResp)
//func GetSuperGroupsInfo(c *gin.Context) {
// req := api.GetSuperGroupsInfoReq{}
// if err := c.BindJSON(&req); err != nil {
// log.NewError("0", "BindJSON failed ", err.Error())
// c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errCode": 400, "errMsg": err.Error()})
// return
// }
// log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "req: ", req)
// ok, opUserID, errInfo := token_verify.GetUserIDFromToken(c.Request.Header.Get("token"), req.OperationID)
// if !ok {
// errMsg := req.OperationID + " " + "GetUserIDFromToken failed " + errInfo + " token:" + c.Request.Header.Get("token")
// log.NewError(req.OperationID, errMsg)
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errCode": 500, "errMsg": errMsg})
// return
// }
// reqPb := rpc.GetSuperGroupsInfoReq{OperationID: req.OperationID, OpUserID: opUserID, GroupIDList: req.GroupIDList}
// etcdConn := rpc.GetDefaultConn(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImGroupName, req.OperationID)
// if etcdConn == nil {
// errMsg := req.OperationID + "getcdv3.GetDefaultConn == nil"
// log.NewError(req.OperationID, errMsg)
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errCode": 500, "errMsg": errMsg})
// return
// }
// client := rpc.NewGroupClient(etcdConn)
// rpcResp, err := client.GetSuperGroupsInfo(context.Background(), &reqPb)
// if err != nil {
// log.NewError(req.OperationID, "InviteUserToGroup failed ", err.Error(), reqPb.String())
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errCode": 500, "errMsg": err.Error()})
// return
// }
// resp := api.GetSuperGroupsInfoResp{GetGroupInfoResp: api.GetGroupInfoResp{CommResp: api.CommResp{ErrCode: rpcResp.CommonResp.ErrCode, ErrMsg: rpcResp.CommonResp.ErrMsg}, GroupInfoList: rpcResp.GroupInfoList}}
// resp.Map = jsonData.JsonDataList(resp.GroupInfoList)
// log.NewInfo(req.OperationID, "GetGroupsInfo api return ", resp)
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)