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170 lines
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170 lines
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package gate
import (
pbRelay "Open_IM/pkg/proto/relay"
open_im_sdk "Open_IM/pkg/proto/sdk_ws"
type RPCServer struct {
rpcPort int
rpcRegisterName string
etcdSchema string
etcdAddr []string
func (r *RPCServer) onInit(rpcPort int) {
r.rpcPort = rpcPort
r.rpcRegisterName = config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImOnlineMessageRelayName
r.etcdSchema = config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema
r.etcdAddr = config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr
func (r *RPCServer) run() {
ip := utils.ServerIP
registerAddress := ip + ":" + utils.IntToString(r.rpcPort)
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", registerAddress)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByArgs(fmt.Sprintf("fail to listening consumer, err:%v\n", err))
defer listener.Close()
srv := grpc.NewServer()
defer srv.GracefulStop()
pbRelay.RegisterOnlineMessageRelayServiceServer(srv, r)
err = getcdv3.RegisterEtcd4Unique(r.etcdSchema, strings.Join(r.etcdAddr, ","), ip, r.rpcPort, r.rpcRegisterName, 10)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("register push message rpc to etcd err", "", "err", err.Error())
err = srv.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("push message rpc listening err", "", "err", err.Error())
func (r *RPCServer) MsgToUser(_ context.Context, in *pbRelay.MsgToUserReq) (*pbRelay.MsgToUserResp, error) {
log.InfoByKv("PushMsgToUser is arriving", in.OperationID, "args", in.String())
var resp []*pbRelay.SingleMsgToUser
var RecvID string
msg := open_im_sdk.MsgData{
SendID: in.SendID,
RecvID: in.RecvID,
MsgFrom: in.MsgFrom,
ContentType: in.ContentType,
SessionType: in.SessionType,
SenderNickName: in.SenderNickName,
SenderFaceURL: in.SenderFaceURL,
ClientMsgID: in.ClientMsgID,
ServerMsgID: in.ServerMsgID,
Content: in.Content,
Seq: in.RecvSeq,
SendTime: in.SendTime,
SenderPlatformID: in.PlatformID,
msgBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&msg)
mReply := Resp{
ReqIdentifier: constant.WSPushMsg,
OperationID: in.OperationID,
Data: msgBytes,
var replyBytes bytes.Buffer
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&replyBytes)
err := enc.Encode(mReply)
if err != nil {
log.NewError(in.OperationID, "data encode err", err.Error())
switch in.GetSessionType() {
case constant.SingleChatType:
RecvID = in.GetRecvID()
case constant.GroupChatType:
RecvID = strings.Split(in.GetRecvID(), " ")[0]
var tag bool
var UIDAndPID []string
userIDList := genUidPlatformArray(RecvID)
for _, v := range userIDList {
UIDAndPID = strings.Split(v, " ")
if conn := ws.getUserConn(v); conn != nil {
tag = true
resultCode := sendMsgToUser(conn, replyBytes.Bytes(), in, UIDAndPID[1], UIDAndPID[0])
temp := &pbRelay.SingleMsgToUser{
ResultCode: resultCode,
RecvID: UIDAndPID[0],
RecvPlatFormID: constant.PlatformNameToID(UIDAndPID[1]),
resp = append(resp, temp)
} else {
temp := &pbRelay.SingleMsgToUser{
ResultCode: -1,
RecvID: UIDAndPID[0],
RecvPlatFormID: constant.PlatformNameToID(UIDAndPID[1]),
resp = append(resp, temp)
if !tag {
log.NewError(in.OperationID, "push err ,no matched ws conn not in map", in.String())
return &pbRelay.MsgToUserResp{
Resp: resp,
}, nil
func (r *RPCServer) GetUsersOnlineStatus(_ context.Context, req *pbRelay.GetUsersOnlineStatusReq) (*pbRelay.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp, error) {
log.NewDebug(req.OperationID, "rpc GetUsersOnlineStatus arrived server", req.String())
var UIDAndPID []string
var resp pbRelay.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp
for _, v1 := range req.UserIDList {
userIDList := genUidPlatformArray(v1)
temp := new(pbRelay.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp_SuccessResult)
temp.UserID = v1
for _, v2 := range userIDList {
UIDAndPID = strings.Split(v2, " ")
if conn := ws.getUserConn(v2); conn != nil {
ps := new(pbRelay.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp_SuccessDetail)
ps.Platform = UIDAndPID[1]
ps.Status = constant.OnlineStatus
temp.Status = constant.OnlineStatus
temp.DetailPlatformStatus = append(temp.DetailPlatformStatus, ps)
if temp.Status == constant.OnlineStatus {
resp.SuccessResult = append(resp.SuccessResult, temp)
return &resp, nil
func sendMsgToUser(conn *UserConn, bMsg []byte, in *pbRelay.MsgToUserReq, RecvPlatForm, RecvID string) (ResultCode int64) {
err := ws.writeMsg(conn, websocket.BinaryMessage, bMsg)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("PushMsgToUser is failed By Ws", "", "Addr", conn.RemoteAddr().String(),
"error", err, "senderPlatform", constant.PlatformIDToName(in.PlatformID), "recvPlatform", RecvPlatForm, "args", in.String(), "recvID", RecvID)
ResultCode = -2
return ResultCode
} else {
log.InfoByKv("PushMsgToUser is success By Ws", in.OperationID, "args", in.String(), "recvPlatForm", RecvPlatForm, "recvID", RecvID)
ResultCode = 0
return ResultCode
func genUidPlatformArray(uid string) (array []string) {
for i := 1; i <= constant.LinuxPlatformID; i++ {
array = append(array, uid+" "+constant.PlatformIDToName(int32(i)))
return array