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Monet Lee 4c537321b6
docs: improve deployment docs in kubernetes. (#2973)
2 months ago
deploy docs: improve deployment docs in kubernetes. (#2973) 2 months ago docs: improve deployment docs in kubernetes. (#2973) 2 months ago

Kubernetes Deployment

Resource Requests

  • CPU: 2 cores
  • Memory: 4 GiB
  • Disk usage: 20 GiB (on Node)


ensure that you have already deployed the following components:

  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • Kafka
  • MinIO

Origin Deploy

Enter the target dir

cd ./deployments/deploy/

Deploy configs and dependencies

Upate your configMap openim-config.yml. You can check the official docs for more details.

In openim-config.yml, you need modify the following configurations:


  • kubernetes.namespace: default is default, you can change it to your namespace.


  • address: set to your already mongodb address or mongo Service name and port in your deployed.
  • database: set to your mongodb database name.(Need have a created database.)
  • authSource: set to your mongodb authSource. (authSource is specify the database name associated with the user's credentials, user need create in this database.)


  • address: set to your already kafka address or kafka Service name and port in your deployed.


  • address: set to your already redis address or redis Service name and port in your deployed.


  • internalAddress: set to your minio Service name and port in your deployed.
  • externalAddress: set to your already expose minio external address.

Set the secret

A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data. Such as password and secret. Secret is similar to ConfigMaps.


Update the redis-password value in redis-secret.yml to your Redis password encoded in base64.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: openim-redis-secret
type: Opaque
  redis-password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your redis password encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""


Update the mongo_openim_username, mongo_openim_password value in mongo-secret.yml to your Mongo username and password encoded in base64.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: openim-mongo-secret
type: Opaque
  mongo_openim_username: b3BlbklN # update to your mongo username encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to "" (this user credentials need in authSource database).
  mongo_openim_password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your mongo password encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""


Update the minio-root-user and minio-root-password value in minio-secret.yml to your MinIO accessKeyID and secretAccessKey encoded in base64.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: openim-minio-secret
type: Opaque
  minio-root-user: cm9vdA== # update to your minio accessKeyID encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""
  minio-root-password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your minio secretAccessKey encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""


Update the kafka-password value in kafka-secret.yml to your Kafka password encoded in base64.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: openim-kafka-secret
type: Opaque
  kafka-password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your kafka password encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""

Apply the secret.

kubectl apply -f redis-secret.yml -f minio-secret.yml -f mongo-secret.yml -f kafka-secret.yml

Apply all config

kubectl apply -f ./openim-config.yml

Attation: If you use default namespace, you can excute clusterRile.yml to create a cluster role binding for default service account.

Namespace is modify to discovery.yml in openim-config.yml, you can change kubernetes.namespace to your namespace.

Excute clusterRole.yml

kubectl apply -f ./clusterRole.yml

run all deployments and services

Note: Ensure that infrastructure services like MinIO, Redis, and Kafka are running before deploying the main applications.

kubectl apply \
  -f openim-api-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-api-service.yml \
  -f openim-crontask-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-user-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-user-service.yml \
  -f openim-msggateway-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-msggateway-service.yml \
  -f openim-push-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-push-service.yml \
  -f openim-msgtransfer-service.yml \
  -f openim-msgtransfer-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-conversation-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-conversation-service.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-auth-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-auth-service.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-group-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-group-service.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-friend-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-friend-service.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-msg-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-msg-service.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-third-deployment.yml \
  -f openim-rpc-third-service.yml


After deploying the services, verify that everything is running smoothly:

# Check the status of all pods
kubectl get pods

# Check the status of services
kubectl get svc

# Check the status of deployments
kubectl get deployments

# View all resources
kubectl get all

clean all

kubectl delete -f ./


  • If you use a specific namespace for your deployment, be sure to append the -n flag to your kubectl commands.