#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #Include shell font styles and some basic information SCRIPTS_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) OPENIM_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.. #Include shell font styles and some basic information source $SCRIPTS_ROOT/style_info.sh source $SCRIPTS_ROOT/path_info.sh source $SCRIPTS_ROOT/function.sh cd $SCRIPTS_ROOT echo -e "${BACKGROUND_GREEN}${CYAN_PREFIX}=======>SCRIPTS_ROOT=$SCRIPTS_ROOT${COLOR_SUFFIX}" echo -e "${BACKGROUND_GREEN}${CYAN_PREFIX}=======>OPENIM_ROOT=$OPENIM_ROOT${COLOR_SUFFIX}" echo -e "${BACKGROUND_GREEN}${CYAN_PREFIX}=======>pwd=$PWD${COLOR_SUFFIX}" bin_dir="$BIN_DIR" logs_dir="$OPENIM_ROOT/logs" sdk_db_dir="$OPENIM_ROOT/sdk/db/" #service filename service_filename=( #api openim-api #rpc openim-rpc-user openim-rpc-friend openim-rpc-group openim-rpc-auth ${msg_name} openim-rpc-conversation openim-rpc-third ) #service config port name service_port_name=( #api port name openImApiPort #rpc port name openImUserPort openImFriendPort openImGroupPort openImAuthPort openImMessagePort openImConversationPort openImThirdPort ) service_prometheus_port_name=( #api port name openImApiPort #rpc port name userPrometheusPort friendPrometheusPort groupPrometheusPort authPrometheusPort messagePrometheusPort conversationPrometheusPort thirdPrometheusPort ) for ((i = 0; i < ${#service_filename[*]}; i++)); do #Check whether the service exists service_name="ps -aux |grep -w ${service_filename[$i]} |grep -v grep" count="${service_name}| wc -l" if [ $(eval ${count}) -gt 0 ]; then pid="${service_name}| awk '{print \$2}'" echo "${service_filename[$i]} service has been started,pid:$(eval $pid)" echo "killing the service ${service_filename[$i]} pid:$(eval $pid)" #kill the service that existed kill -9 $(eval $pid) sleep 0.5 fi cd $OPENIM_ROOT cd $BIN_DIR # Get the rpc port in the configuration file portList=$(cat $config_path | grep ${service_port_name[$i]} | awk -F '[:]' '{print $NF}') list_to_string ${portList} service_ports=($ports_array) portList2=$(cat $config_path | grep ${service_prometheus_port_name[$i]} | awk -F '[:]' '{print $NF}') list_to_string $portList2 echo -e "debug========>cmd=$cmd AAAAA" prome_ports=($ports_array) #Start related rpc services based on the number of ports for ((j = 0; j < ${#service_ports[*]}; j++)); do #Start the service in the background if [ -z "${prome_ports[$j]}" ]; then cmd="./${service_filename[$i]} --port ${service_ports[$j]} --config_folder_path ${configfile_path}" else cmd="./${service_filename[$i]} --port ${service_ports[$j]} --prometheus_port ${prome_ports[$j]} --config_folder_path ${configfile_path}" fi if [ $i -eq 0 -o $i -eq 1 ]; then cmd="./${service_filename[$i]} --port ${service_ports[$j]}" fi echo $cmd echo -e "debug========>cmd=$cmd" echo "=====================start ${service_filename[$i]}======================">>$OPENIM_ROOT/logs/openIM.log nohup $cmd >>$OPENIM_ROOT/logs/openIM.log 2>&1 & echo -e "debug========>OpenIMROOT=$OPENIM_ROOT" sleep 1 pid="netstat -ntlp|grep $j |awk '{printf \$7}'|cut -d/ -f1" echo -e "${GREEN_PREFIX}${service_filename[$i]} start success,port number:${service_ports[$j]} pid:$(eval $pid)$COLOR_SUFFIX" done done