// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package mw import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "io" "net/http" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/apiresp" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/config" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/constant" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/db/cache" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/db/controller" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/log" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/tokenverify" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/errs" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/redis/go-redis/v9" ) type GinMwOptions func(*gin.RouterGroup) func WithRecovery() GinMwOptions { return func(group *gin.RouterGroup) { group.Use(gin.Recovery()) } } func WithCorsHandler() GinMwOptions { return func(group *gin.RouterGroup) { group.Use(CorsHandler()) } } func WithGinParseOperationID() GinMwOptions { return func(group *gin.RouterGroup) { group.Use(GinParseOperationID()) } } func WithGinParseToken(rdb redis.UniversalClient) GinMwOptions { return func(group *gin.RouterGroup) { group.Use(GinParseToken(rdb)) } } func NewRouterGroup(routerGroup *gin.RouterGroup, route string, options ...GinMwOptions) *gin.RouterGroup { routerGroup = routerGroup.Group(route) for _, option := range options { option(routerGroup) } return routerGroup } func CorsHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(context *gin.Context) { context.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") context.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*") context.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*") context.Header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Length, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Headers,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Content-Type,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma,FooBar") // 跨域关键设置 让浏览器可以解析 context.Header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "172800") // 缓存请求信息 单位为秒 context.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "false") // 跨域请求是否需要带cookie信息 默认设置为true context.Header("content-type", "application/json") // 设置返回格式是json //Release all option pre-requests if context.Request.Method == http.MethodOptions { context.JSON(http.StatusOK, "Options Request!") } context.Next() } } func GinParseOperationID() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPost { operationID := c.Request.Header.Get(constant.OperationID) if operationID == "" { body, err := io.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) if err != nil { log.ZWarn(c, "read request body error", errs.ErrArgs.Wrap("read request body error: "+err.Error())) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrArgs.Wrap("read request body error: "+err.Error())) c.Abort() return } req := struct { OperationID string `json:"operationID"` }{} if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &req); err != nil { log.ZWarn(c, "json unmarshal error", errs.ErrArgs.Wrap(err.Error())) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrArgs.Wrap("json unmarshal error"+err.Error())) c.Abort() return } if req.OperationID == "" { err := errors.New("header must have operationID") log.ZWarn(c, "header must have operationID", err) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrArgs.Wrap(err.Error())) c.Abort() return } c.Request.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body)) operationID = req.OperationID c.Request.Header.Set(constant.OperationID, operationID) } c.Set(constant.OperationID, operationID) c.Next() return } c.Next() } } func GinParseToken(rdb redis.UniversalClient) gin.HandlerFunc { dataBase := controller.NewAuthDatabase(cache.NewMsgCacheModel(rdb), config.Config.TokenPolicy.AccessSecret, config.Config.TokenPolicy.AccessExpire) return func(c *gin.Context) { switch c.Request.Method { case http.MethodPost: token := c.Request.Header.Get(constant.Token) if token == "" { log.ZWarn(c, "header get token error", errs.ErrArgs.Wrap("header must have token")) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrArgs.Wrap("header must have token")) c.Abort() return } claims, err := tokenverify.GetClaimFromToken(token) if err != nil { log.ZWarn(c, "jwt get token error", errs.ErrTokenUnknown.Wrap()) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrTokenUnknown.Wrap()) c.Abort() return } m, err := dataBase.GetTokensWithoutError(c, claims.UserID, claims.PlatformID) if err != nil { log.ZWarn(c, "cache get token error", errs.ErrTokenNotExist.Wrap()) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrTokenNotExist.Wrap()) c.Abort() return } if len(m) == 0 { log.ZWarn(c, "cache do not exist token error", errs.ErrTokenNotExist.Wrap()) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrTokenNotExist.Wrap()) c.Abort() return } if v, ok := m[token]; ok { switch v { case constant.NormalToken: case constant.KickedToken: log.ZWarn(c, "cache kicked token error", errs.ErrTokenKicked.Wrap()) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrTokenKicked.Wrap()) c.Abort() return default: log.ZWarn(c, "cache unknown token error", errs.ErrTokenUnknown.Wrap()) apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrTokenUnknown.Wrap()) c.Abort() return } } else { apiresp.GinError(c, errs.ErrTokenNotExist.Wrap()) return } c.Set(constant.OpUserPlatform, constant.PlatformIDToName(claims.PlatformID)) c.Set(constant.OpUserID, claims.UserID) c.Next() } } }