#!/usr/bin/env bash # Get the public internet IP address internet_ip=$(curl ifconfig.me -s) echo $internet_ip # Load environment variables from .env file source .env echo $MINIO_ENDPOINT # Replace local IP address with the public IP address in .env file if [ $API_URL == "" ]; then sed -i "s/${internet_ip}/" .env fi if [ $MINIO_ENDPOINT == "" ]; then sed -i "s/${internet_ip}/" .env fi # Change directory to scripts folder cd scripts chmod +x *.sh # Execute necessary scripts ./init_pwd.sh ./env_check.sh # Go back to the previous directory cd .. # Check if docker-compose command is available if command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null then docker-compose up -d else docker compose up -d fi # Change directory to scripts folder again cd scripts # Check docker services ./docker_check_service.sh