package ginprometheus import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" ) var defaultMetricPath = "/metrics" // counter, counter_vec, gauge, gauge_vec, // histogram, histogram_vec, summary, summary_vec. var ( reqCounter = &Metric{ ID: "reqCnt", Name: "requests_total", Description: "How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method.", Type: "counter_vec", Args: []string{"code", "method", "handler", "host", "url"}} reqDuration = &Metric{ ID: "reqDur", Name: "request_duration_seconds", Description: "The HTTP request latencies in seconds.", Type: "histogram_vec", Args: []string{"code", "method", "url"}, } resSize = &Metric{ ID: "resSz", Name: "response_size_bytes", Description: "The HTTP response sizes in bytes.", Type: "summary"} reqSize = &Metric{ ID: "reqSz", Name: "request_size_bytes", Description: "The HTTP request sizes in bytes.", Type: "summary"} standardMetrics = []*Metric{ reqCounter, reqDuration, resSize, reqSize, } ) /* RequestCounterURLLabelMappingFn is a function which can be supplied to the middleware to control the cardinality of the request counter's "url" label, which might be required in some contexts. For instance, if for a "/customer/:name" route you don't want to generate a time series for every possible customer name, you could use this function: func(c *gin.Context) string { url := c.Request.URL.Path for _, p := range c.Params { if p.Key == "name" { url = strings.Replace(url, p.Value, ":name", 1) break } } return url } which would map "/customer/alice" and "/customer/bob" to their template "/customer/:name". */ type RequestCounterURLLabelMappingFn func(c *gin.Context) string // Metric is a definition for the name, description, type, ID, and // prometheus.Collector type (i.e. CounterVec, Summary, etc) of each metric. type Metric struct { MetricCollector prometheus.Collector ID string Name string Description string Type string Args []string } // Prometheus contains the metrics gathered by the instance and its path. type Prometheus struct { reqCnt *prometheus.CounterVec reqDur *prometheus.HistogramVec reqSz, resSz prometheus.Summary router *gin.Engine listenAddress string Ppg PrometheusPushGateway MetricsList []*Metric MetricsPath string ReqCntURLLabelMappingFn RequestCounterURLLabelMappingFn // gin.Context string to use as a prometheus URL label URLLabelFromContext string } // PrometheusPushGateway contains the configuration for pushing to a Prometheus pushgateway (optional). type PrometheusPushGateway struct { // Push interval in seconds PushIntervalSeconds time.Duration // Push Gateway URL in format http://domain:port // where JOBNAME can be any string of your choice PushGatewayURL string // Local metrics URL where metrics are fetched from, this could be omitted in the future // if implemented using prometheus common/expfmt instead MetricsURL string // pushgateway job name, defaults to "gin" Job string } // NewPrometheus generates a new set of metrics with a certain subsystem name. func NewPrometheus(subsystem string, customMetricsList ...[]*Metric) *Prometheus { if subsystem == "" { subsystem = "app" } var metricsList []*Metric if len(customMetricsList) > 1 { panic("Too many args. NewPrometheus( string, ).") } else if len(customMetricsList) == 1 { metricsList = customMetricsList[0] } metricsList = append(metricsList, standardMetrics...) p := &Prometheus{ MetricsList: metricsList, MetricsPath: defaultMetricPath, ReqCntURLLabelMappingFn: func(c *gin.Context) string { return c.FullPath() // e.g. /user/:id , /user/:id/info }, } p.registerMetrics(subsystem) return p } // SetPushGateway sends metrics to a remote pushgateway exposed on pushGatewayURL // every pushIntervalSeconds. Metrics are fetched from metricsURL. func (p *Prometheus) SetPushGateway(pushGatewayURL, metricsURL string, pushIntervalSeconds time.Duration) { p.Ppg.PushGatewayURL = pushGatewayURL p.Ppg.MetricsURL = metricsURL p.Ppg.PushIntervalSeconds = pushIntervalSeconds p.startPushTicker() } // SetPushGatewayJob job name, defaults to "gin". func (p *Prometheus) SetPushGatewayJob(j string) { p.Ppg.Job = j } // SetListenAddress for exposing metrics on address. If not set, it will be exposed at the // same address of the gin engine that is being used. func (p *Prometheus) SetListenAddress(address string) { p.listenAddress = address if p.listenAddress != "" { p.router = gin.Default() } } // SetListenAddressWithRouter for using a separate router to expose metrics. (this keeps things like GET /metrics out of // your content's access log). func (p *Prometheus) SetListenAddressWithRouter(listenAddress string, r *gin.Engine) { p.listenAddress = listenAddress if len(p.listenAddress) > 0 { p.router = r } } // SetMetricsPath set metrics paths. func (p *Prometheus) SetMetricsPath(e *gin.Engine) { if p.listenAddress != "" { p.router.GET(p.MetricsPath, prometheusHandler()) p.runServer() } else { e.GET(p.MetricsPath, prometheusHandler()) } } // SetMetricsPathWithAuth set metrics paths with authentication. func (p *Prometheus) SetMetricsPathWithAuth(e *gin.Engine, accounts gin.Accounts) { if p.listenAddress != "" { p.router.GET(p.MetricsPath, gin.BasicAuth(accounts), prometheusHandler()) p.runServer() } else { e.GET(p.MetricsPath, gin.BasicAuth(accounts), prometheusHandler()) } } func (p *Prometheus) runServer() { go p.router.Run(p.listenAddress) } func (p *Prometheus) getMetrics() []byte { response, err := http.Get(p.Ppg.MetricsURL) if err != nil { return nil } defer response.Body.Close() body, _ := io.ReadAll(response.Body) return body } var hostname, _ = os.Hostname() func (p *Prometheus) getPushGatewayURL() string { if p.Ppg.Job == "" { p.Ppg.Job = "gin" } return p.Ppg.PushGatewayURL + "/metrics/job/" + p.Ppg.Job + "/instance/" + hostname } func (p *Prometheus) sendMetricsToPushGateway(metrics []byte) { req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", p.getPushGatewayURL(), bytes.NewBuffer(metrics)) if err != nil { return } client := &http.Client{} resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error sending to push gateway error:", err.Error()) } resp.Body.Close() } func (p *Prometheus) startPushTicker() { ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * p.Ppg.PushIntervalSeconds) go func() { for range ticker.C { p.sendMetricsToPushGateway(p.getMetrics()) } }() } // NewMetric associates prometheus.Collector based on Metric.Type. func NewMetric(m *Metric, subsystem string) prometheus.Collector { var metric prometheus.Collector switch m.Type { case "counter_vec": metric = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, m.Args, ) case "counter": metric = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, ) case "gauge_vec": metric = prometheus.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, m.Args, ) case "gauge": metric = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, ) case "histogram_vec": metric = prometheus.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, m.Args, ) case "histogram": metric = prometheus.NewHistogram( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, ) case "summary_vec": metric = prometheus.NewSummaryVec( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, m.Args, ) case "summary": metric = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Subsystem: subsystem, Name: m.Name, Help: m.Description, }, ) } return metric } func (p *Prometheus) registerMetrics(subsystem string) { for _, metricDef := range p.MetricsList { metric := NewMetric(metricDef, subsystem) if err := prometheus.Register(metric); err != nil { fmt.Println("could not be registered in Prometheus,metricDef.Name:", metricDef.Name, " error:", err.Error()) } switch metricDef { case reqCounter: p.reqCnt = metric.(*prometheus.CounterVec) case reqDuration: p.reqDur = metric.(*prometheus.HistogramVec) case resSize: p.resSz = metric.(prometheus.Summary) case reqSize: p.reqSz = metric.(prometheus.Summary) } metricDef.MetricCollector = metric } } // Use adds the middleware to a gin engine. func (p *Prometheus) Use(e *gin.Engine) { e.Use(p.HandlerFunc()) p.SetMetricsPath(e) } // UseWithAuth adds the middleware to a gin engine with BasicAuth. func (p *Prometheus) UseWithAuth(e *gin.Engine, accounts gin.Accounts) { e.Use(p.HandlerFunc()) p.SetMetricsPathWithAuth(e, accounts) } // HandlerFunc defines handler function for middleware. func (p *Prometheus) HandlerFunc() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { if c.Request.URL.Path == p.MetricsPath { c.Next() return } start := time.Now() reqSz := computeApproximateRequestSize(c.Request) c.Next() status := strconv.Itoa(c.Writer.Status()) elapsed := float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Second) resSz := float64(c.Writer.Size()) url := p.ReqCntURLLabelMappingFn(c) if len(p.URLLabelFromContext) > 0 { u, found := c.Get(p.URLLabelFromContext) if !found { u = "unknown" } url = u.(string) } p.reqDur.WithLabelValues(status, c.Request.Method, url).Observe(elapsed) p.reqCnt.WithLabelValues(status, c.Request.Method, c.HandlerName(), c.Request.Host, url).Inc() p.reqSz.Observe(float64(reqSz)) p.resSz.Observe(resSz) } } func prometheusHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { h := promhttp.Handler() return func(c *gin.Context) { h.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request) } } func computeApproximateRequestSize(r *http.Request) int { var s int if r.URL != nil { s = len(r.URL.Path) } s += len(r.Method) s += len(r.Proto) for name, values := range r.Header { s += len(name) for _, value := range values { s += len(value) } } s += len(r.Host) // r.Form and r.MultipartForm are assumed to be included in r.URL. if r.ContentLength != -1 { s += int(r.ContentLength) } return s }