#!/usr/bin/env bash #Include shell font styles and some basic information source ./style_info.cfg source ./path_info.cfg source ./function.sh list1=$(cat $config_path | grep openImOnlineRelayPort | awk -F '[:]' '{print $NF}') list2=$(cat $config_path | grep websocketPort | awk -F '[:]' '{print $NF}') list_to_string $list1 rpc_ports=($ports_array) list_to_string $list2 ws_ports=($ports_array) if [ ${#rpc_ports[@]} -ne ${#ws_ports[@]} ]; then echo -e ${RED_PREFIX}"ws_ports does not match push_rpc_ports in quantity!!!"${COLOR_SUFFIX} exit 0 fi #Check if the service exists #If it is exists,kill this process check=$(ps aux | grep -w ./${msg_gateway_name} | grep -v grep | wc -l) if [ $check -ge 1 ]; then oldPid=$(ps aux | grep -w ./${msg_gateway_name} | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') kill -9 ${oldPid} fi #Waiting port recycling sleep 1 cd ${msg_gateway_binary_root} for ((i = 0; i < ${#ws_ports[@]}; i++)); do nohup ./${msg_gateway_name} -rpc_port ${rpc_ports[$i]} -ws_port ${ws_ports[$i]} >>../logs/${msg_gateway_name}.log 2>&1 & done #Check launched service process sleep 3 check=$(ps aux | grep -w ./${msg_gateway_name} | grep -v grep | wc -l) allPorts="" if [ $check -ge 1 ]; then allNewPid=$(ps aux | grep -w ./${msg_gateway_name} | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') for i in $allNewPid; do ports=$(netstat -netulp | grep -w ${i} | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F '[:]' '{print $NF}') allPorts=${allPorts}"$ports " done echo -e ${SKY_BLUE_PREFIX}"SERVICE START SUCCESS !!!"${COLOR_SUFFIX} echo -e ${SKY_BLUE_PREFIX}"SERVICE_NAME: "${COLOR_SUFFIX}${YELLOW_PREFIX}${msg_gateway_name}${COLOR_SUFFIX} echo -e ${SKY_BLUE_PREFIX}"PID: "${COLOR_SUFFIX}${YELLOW_PREFIX}${allNewPid}${COLOR_SUFFIX} echo -e ${SKY_BLUE_PREFIX}"LISTENING_PORT: "${COLOR_SUFFIX}${YELLOW_PREFIX}${allPorts}${COLOR_SUFFIX} else echo -e ${YELLOW_PREFIX}${msg_gateway_name}${COLOR_SUFFIX}${RED_PREFIX}"SERVICE START ERROR !!! PLEASE CHECK ERROR LOG"${COLOR_SUFFIX} fi