# The class cannot be named by Pascal or camel case. # If it is not used, the corresponding structure will not be set, # and it will not be read naturally. serverversion: 1.0.3 #---------------Infrastructure configuration---------------------# etcd: etcdSchema: openIM etcdAddr: [ ] mysql: dbMysqlAddress: [ ] dbMysqlUserName: root dbMysqlPassword: openIM dbMysqlDatabaseName: openIM dbTableName: eMsg dbMsgTableNum: 1 dbMaxOpenConns: 20 dbMaxIdleConns: 10 dbMaxLifeTime: 120 mongo: dbAddress: [ ] dbDirect: false dbTimeout: 10 dbDatabase: openIM dbSource: admin dbUserName: dbPassword: dbMaxPoolSize: 20 dbRetainChatRecords: 7 redis: dbAddress: dbMaxIdle: 128 dbMaxActive: 0 dbIdleTimeout: 120 dbPassWord: openIM kafka: ws2mschat: addr: [ ] topic: "ws2ms_chat" ms2pschat: addr: [ ] topic: "ms2ps_chat" consumergroupid: msgToMongo: mongo msgToMySql: mysql msgToPush: push #---------------Internal service configuration---------------------# # The service ip default is empty, # automatically obtain the machine's valid network card ip as the service ip, # otherwise the configuration ip is preferred serverip: # endpoints 内部组件间访问的端点host名称,访问时,可以内部直接访问 host:port 来访问 endpoints: api: openim_api cmsapi: openim_cms_api push: openim_push msg_gateway: openim_msg_gateway rpc_auth: openim_rpc_auth rpc_friend: openim_rpc_friend rpc_group: openim_rpc_group rpc_msg: openim_rpc_msg rpc_user: openim_rpc_user rpc_statistic: openim_rpc_statistic rpc_admin_cms: openim_rpc_admin_cms rpc_message_cms: openim_rpc_admin_cms api: openImApiPort: [ 10000 ] cmsapi: openImCmsApiPort: [ 8000 ] sdk: openImSdkWsPort: [ 30000 ] credential: tencent: appID: 1302656840 region: ap-chengdu bucket: echat-1302656840 secretID: AKIDGNYVChzIQinu7QEgtNp0hnNgqcV8vZTC secretKey: kz15vW83qM6dBUWIq681eBZA0c0vlIbe minio: bucket: openim location: us-east-1 endpoint: accessKeyID: minioadmin secretAccessKey: minioadmin rpcport: openImUserPort: [ 10100 ] openImFriendPort: [ 10200 ] openImOfflineMessagePort: [ 10300 ] openImOnlineRelayPort: [ 10400 ] openImGroupPort: [ 10500 ] openImAuthPort: [ 10600 ] openImPushPort: [ 10700 ] openImStatisticsPort: [ 10800 ] openImMessageCmsPort: [ 10900 ] openImAdminCmsPort: [ 11000 ] c2c: callbackBeforeSendMsg: switch: false timeoutStrategy: 1 #1:send callbackAfterSendMsg: switch: false state: stateChange: switch: false rpcregistername: openImUserName: User openImFriendName: Friend openImOfflineMessageName: OfflineMessage openImPushName: Push openImOnlineMessageRelayName: OnlineMessageRelay openImGroupName: Group openImAuthName: Auth OpenImStatisticsName: Statistics OpenImMessageCMSName: MessageCMS openImAdminCMSName: AdminCMS log: storageLocation: ../logs/ rotationTime: 24 remainRotationCount: 5 remainLogLevel: 6 elasticSearchSwitch: false elasticSearchAddr: [ ] elasticSearchUser: "" elasticSearchPassword: "" modulename: longConnSvrName: msg_gateway msgTransferName: msg_transfer pushName: push longconnsvr: openImWsPort: [ 17778 ] websocketMaxConnNum: 10000 websocketMaxMsgLen: 4096 websocketTimeOut: 10 push: tpns: ios: accessID: 1600018281 secretKey: 3cd68a77a95b89e5089a1aca523f318f android: accessID: 111 secretKey: 111 jpns: appKey: cf47465a368f24c659608e7e masterSecret: 02204efe3f3832947a236ee5 pushUrl: "https://api.jpush.cn/v3/push" pushIntent: "intent:#Intent;component=io.openim.app.enterprisechat/io.openim.app.enterprisechat.MainActivity;end" manager: appManagerUid: [ "openIM123456","openIM654321", "openIM333", "openIMAdmin"] secrets: [ "openIM1","openIM2", "openIM333", "openIMAdmin"] secret: tuoyun multiloginpolicy: 1 #token config tokenpolicy: accessSecret: "open_im_server" # Token effective time day as a unit accessExpire: 7 messagecallback: callbackUrl: "http://www.xxx.com/msg/judge" #TimeOut use second as unit callbackTimeOut: 10 messagejudge: isJudgeFriend: true # c2c: # callbackBeforeSendMsg: # switch: false # timeoutStrategy: 1 #1:send # callbackAfterSendMsg: # switch: false # state: # stateChange: # switch: false iospush: pushSound: "xxx" badgeCount: true notification: groupCreated: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: true title: "create group title" # xx create the group desc: "create group desc" ext: "create group ext" defaultTips: tips: "create the group" # xx create the group groupInfoSet: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "groupInfoSet title" desc: "groupInfoSet desc" ext: "groupInfoSet ext" defaultTips: tips: "modified the group profile" # group info changed by xx joinGroupApplication: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: false title: "joinGroupApplication title" desc: "joinGroupApplication desc" ext: "joinGroupApplication ext" defaultTips: tips: "apply to join the group" # group info changed by xx memberQuit: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "memberQuit title" desc: "memberQuit desc" ext: "memberQuit ext" defaultTips: tips: "quit group chat" # group info changed by xx groupApplicationAccepted: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "groupApplicationAccepted title" desc: "groupApplicationAccepted desc" ext: "groupApplicationAccepted ext" defaultTips: tips: "was allowed to join the group" # group info changed by xx groupApplicationRejected: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: false title: " title" desc: " desc" ext: " ext" defaultTips: tips: "was rejected into the group" # group info changed by xx groupOwnerTransferred: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "groupOwnerTransferred title" desc: "groupOwnerTransferred desc" ext: "groupOwnerTransferred ext" defaultTips: tips: "become a new group owner" # group info changed by xx memberKicked: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "memberKicked title" desc: "memberKicked desc" ext: "memberKicked ext" defaultTips: tips: "was kicked out of the group" # group info changed by xx memberInvited: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "memberInvited title" desc: "memberInvited desc" ext: "memberInvited ext" defaultTips: tips: "was invited into the group" # group info changed by xx memberEnter: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: false title: "memberEnter title" desc: "memberEnter desc" ext: "memberEnter ext" defaultTips: tips: "entered the group" # group info changed by xx #############################friend################################# friendApplicationAdded: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Somebody applies to add you as a friend" desc: "Somebody applies to add you as a friend" ext: "Somebody applies to add you as a friend" defaultTips: tips: "I applies to add you as a friend" # friendApplicationApproved: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Someone applies to add your friend application" desc: "Someone applies to add your friend application" ext: "Someone applies to add your friend application" defaultTips: tips: "I applies to add your friend application" # friendApplicationRejected: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Someone rejected your friend application" desc: "Someone rejected your friend application" ext: "Someone rejected your friend application" defaultTips: tips: "I rejected your friend application" # friendAdded: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 3 unreadCount: true offlinePush: switch: true title: "We have become friends" desc: "We have become friends" ext: "We have become friends" defaultTips: tips: "We have become friends" # friendDeleted: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Deleted a friend" desc: "Deleted a friend" ext: "Deleted a friend" defaultTips: tips: "Deleted a friend" # friendRemarkSet: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Your friend's profile has been changed" desc: "Your friend's profile has been changed" ext: "Your friend's profile has been changed" defaultTips: tips: "Your friend's profile has been changed" # blackAdded: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Blocked a user" desc: "Blocked a user" ext: "Blocked a user" defaultTips: tips: "Blocked a user" # blackDeleted: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Remove a blocked user" desc: "Remove a blocked user" ext: "Remove a blocked user" defaultTips: tips: "Remove a blocked user" #####################user######################### userInfoUpdated: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "Remove a blocked user" desc: "Remove a blocked user" ext: "Remove a blocked user" defaultTips: tips: "Remove a blocked user" #####################conversation######################### conversationOptUpdate: conversation: reliabilityLevel: 2 unreadCount: false offlinePush: switch: true title: "conversation opt update" desc: "conversation opt update" ext: "conversation opt update" defaultTips: tips: "conversation opt update" #---------------demo configuration---------------------# #The following configuration items are applied to openIM Demo configuration demoswitch: true demo: openImDemoPort: [ 42233 ] alismsverify: accessKeyId: LTAI5tJPkn4HuuePdiLdGqe71 accessKeySecret: 4n9OJ7ZCVN1U6KeHDAtOyNeVZcjOuV1 signName: OpenIM Corporation verificationCodeTemplateCode: SMS_2268101641 superCode: 666666 # second codeTTL: 60 mail: title: "openIM" senderMail: "1765567899@qq.com" senderAuthorizationCode: "1gxyausfoevlzbfag" smtpAddr: "smtp.qq.com" smtpPort: 25