// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";
package OpenIMServer.friend;
import "sdkws/sdkws.proto";
option go_package = "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/proto/friend";

message getPaginationFriendsReq{
  sdkws.RequestPagination pagination = 1;
  string userID = 2;
message getPaginationFriendsResp{
  repeated sdkws.FriendInfo friendsInfo = 1;
  int32 total = 2;

message applyToAddFriendReq{
  string fromUserID = 1;
  string toUserID = 2;
  string reqMsg = 3;
  string ex = 4;
message applyToAddFriendResp{

message importFriendReq{
  string ownerUserID = 1;
  repeated string friendUserIDs = 2;

message importFriendResp{

message getPaginationFriendsApplyToReq{
  string userID = 1;
  sdkws.RequestPagination pagination = 2;

message getPaginationFriendsApplyToResp{
  repeated sdkws.FriendRequest FriendRequests = 1;
  int32 total = 2;

message getDesignatedFriendsReq{
  string ownerUserID = 1;
  repeated string friendUserIDs = 2;
message getDesignatedFriendsResp{
  repeated sdkws.FriendInfo friendsInfo = 1;

message addBlackReq{
  string ownerUserID = 1;
  string blackUserID = 2;
message addBlackResp{

message removeBlackReq{
  string ownerUserID = 1;
  string blackUserID = 2;
message removeBlackResp{

message getPaginationBlacksReq{
  string userID = 1;
  sdkws.RequestPagination pagination = 2;
message getPaginationBlacksResp{
  repeated sdkws.BlackInfo blacks= 1;
  int32 total = 2;

message isFriendReq{
  string userID1 = 1;
  string userID2 = 2;
message isFriendResp{
  bool inUser1Friends = 1; //如果userID2在userID1的好友列表中 true
  bool inUser2Friends = 2; //如果userID1在userID2的好友列表中 true

message isBlackReq{
  string userID1 = 1;
  string userID2 = 2;
message isBlackResp{
  bool inUser1Blacks = 1; //如果userID2在userID1的黑名单列表中 true
  bool inUser2Blacks = 2; //如果userID1在userID2的黑名单列表中 true

message deleteFriendReq{
  string ownerUserID = 1;
  string friendUserID = 2;
message deleteFriendResp{

message respondFriendApplyReq{
  string fromUserID = 1; //主动发起的申请者
  string toUserID = 2;   //被动添加者
  int32  handleResult = 3;
  string handleMsg = 4;
message respondFriendApplyResp{

message setFriendRemarkReq{
  string ownerUserID = 1;
  string friendUserID = 2;
  string remark = 3;
message setFriendRemarkResp{

message getPaginationFriendsApplyFromReq{
  string userID = 1;
  sdkws.RequestPagination pagination = 2;
message getPaginationFriendsApplyFromResp{
  repeated sdkws.FriendRequest friendRequests = 1;
  int32 total = 2;

message getFriendIDsReq {
  string userID = 1;

message getFriendIDsResp {
  repeated string friendIDs = 1;

service friend{
  rpc applyToAddFriend(applyToAddFriendReq) returns(applyToAddFriendResp);
  rpc getPaginationFriendsApplyTo(getPaginationFriendsApplyToReq) returns(getPaginationFriendsApplyToResp);
  rpc getPaginationFriendsApplyFrom(getPaginationFriendsApplyFromReq) returns(getPaginationFriendsApplyFromResp);
  rpc addBlack(addBlackReq) returns(addBlackResp);
  rpc removeBlack(removeBlackReq) returns(removeBlackResp);
  rpc isFriend(isFriendReq) returns(isFriendResp);
  rpc isBlack(isBlackReq) returns(isBlackResp);
  rpc getPaginationBlacks(getPaginationBlacksReq) returns(getPaginationBlacksResp);
  rpc deleteFriend(deleteFriendReq) returns(deleteFriendResp);
  rpc respondFriendApply(respondFriendApplyReq) returns(respondFriendApplyResp);
  rpc setFriendRemark(setFriendRemarkReq) returns(setFriendRemarkResp);
  rpc importFriends(importFriendReq)  returns(importFriendResp);
  //翻页获取好友列表 无结果不返回错误
  rpc getDesignatedFriends(getDesignatedFriendsReq) returns(getDesignatedFriendsResp);
  //获取指定好友信息 有id不存在也返回错误
  rpc getPaginationFriends(getPaginationFriendsReq) returns (getPaginationFriendsResp);
  // 获取好友ID列表
  rpc getFriendIDs(getFriendIDsReq) returns (getFriendIDsResp);