// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package msgtransfer import ( "context" "errors" "github.com/IBM/sarama" "github.com/go-redis/redis" "github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/v3/pkg/common/config" "github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/v3/pkg/common/storage/controller" "github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/v3/pkg/msgprocessor" "github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/v3/pkg/rpcclient" "github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/v3/pkg/tools/batcher" "github.com/openimsdk/protocol/constant" "github.com/openimsdk/protocol/sdkws" "github.com/openimsdk/tools/errs" "github.com/openimsdk/tools/log" "github.com/openimsdk/tools/mcontext" "github.com/openimsdk/tools/mq/kafka" "github.com/openimsdk/tools/utils/stringutil" "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const ( size = 500 mainDataBuffer = 500 subChanBuffer = 50 worker = 50 interval = 100 * time.Millisecond ) type ContextMsg struct { message *sdkws.MsgData ctx context.Context } type OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler struct { historyConsumerGroup *kafka.MConsumerGroup redisMessageBatches *batcher.Batcher[sarama.ConsumerMessage] msgDatabase controller.CommonMsgDatabase conversationRpcClient *rpcclient.ConversationRpcClient groupRpcClient *rpcclient.GroupRpcClient } func NewOnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler(kafkaConf *config.Kafka, database controller.CommonMsgDatabase, conversationRpcClient *rpcclient.ConversationRpcClient, groupRpcClient *rpcclient.GroupRpcClient) (*OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler, error) { historyConsumerGroup, err := kafka.NewMConsumerGroup(kafkaConf.Build(), kafkaConf.ToRedisGroupID, []string{kafkaConf.ToRedisTopic}, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } var och OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler och.msgDatabase = database b := batcher.New[sarama.ConsumerMessage]( batcher.WithSize(size), batcher.WithWorker(worker), batcher.WithInterval(interval), batcher.WithDataBuffer(mainDataBuffer), batcher.WithSyncWait(true), batcher.WithBuffer(subChanBuffer), ) b.Sharding = func(key string) int { hashCode := stringutil.GetHashCode(key) return int(hashCode) % och.redisMessageBatches.Worker() } b.Key = func(consumerMessage *sarama.ConsumerMessage) string { return string(consumerMessage.Key) } b.Do = och.do och.redisMessageBatches = b och.conversationRpcClient = conversationRpcClient och.groupRpcClient = groupRpcClient och.historyConsumerGroup = historyConsumerGroup return &och, err } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) do(ctx context.Context, channelID int, val *batcher.Msg[sarama.ConsumerMessage]) { ctx = mcontext.WithTriggerIDContext(ctx, val.TriggerID()) ctxMessages := och.parseConsumerMessages(ctx, val.Val()) ctx = withAggregationCtx(ctx, ctxMessages) log.ZInfo(ctx, "msg arrived channel", "channel id", channelID, "msgList length", len(ctxMessages), "key", val.Key()) storageMsgList, notStorageMsgList, storageNotificationList, notStorageNotificationList := och.categorizeMessageLists(ctxMessages) log.ZDebug(ctx, "number of categorized messages", "storageMsgList", len(storageMsgList), "notStorageMsgList", len(notStorageMsgList), "storageNotificationList", len(storageNotificationList), "notStorageNotificationList", len(notStorageNotificationList)) conversationIDMsg := msgprocessor.GetChatConversationIDByMsg(ctxMessages[0].message) conversationIDNotification := msgprocessor.GetNotificationConversationIDByMsg(ctxMessages[0].message) och.handleMsg(ctx, val.Key(), conversationIDMsg, storageMsgList, notStorageMsgList) och.handleNotification(ctx, val.Key(), conversationIDNotification, storageNotificationList, notStorageNotificationList) } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) parseConsumerMessages(ctx context.Context, consumerMessages []*sarama.ConsumerMessage) []*ContextMsg { var ctxMessages []*ContextMsg for i := 0; i < len(consumerMessages); i++ { ctxMsg := &ContextMsg{} msgFromMQ := &sdkws.MsgData{} err := proto.Unmarshal(consumerMessages[i].Value, msgFromMQ) if err != nil { log.ZWarn(ctx, "msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", err, string(consumerMessages[i].Value)) continue } var arr []string for i, header := range consumerMessages[i].Headers { arr = append(arr, strconv.Itoa(i), string(header.Key), string(header.Value)) } log.ZDebug(ctx, "consumer.kafka.GetContextWithMQHeader", "len", len(consumerMessages[i].Headers), "header", strings.Join(arr, ", ")) ctxMsg.ctx = kafka.GetContextWithMQHeader(consumerMessages[i].Headers) ctxMsg.message = msgFromMQ log.ZDebug(ctx, "message parse finish", "message", msgFromMQ, "key", string(consumerMessages[i].Key)) ctxMessages = append(ctxMessages, ctxMsg) } return ctxMessages } // Get messages/notifications stored message list, not stored and pushed message list. func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) categorizeMessageLists(totalMsgs []*ContextMsg) (storageMsgList, notStorageMsgList, storageNotificationList, notStorageNotificationList []*ContextMsg) { for _, v := range totalMsgs { options := msgprocessor.Options(v.message.Options) if !options.IsNotNotification() { // clone msg from notificationMsg if options.IsSendMsg() { msg := proto.Clone(v.message).(*sdkws.MsgData) // message if v.message.Options != nil { msg.Options = msgprocessor.NewMsgOptions() } msg.Options = msgprocessor.WithOptions(msg.Options, msgprocessor.WithOfflinePush(options.IsOfflinePush()), msgprocessor.WithUnreadCount(options.IsUnreadCount()), ) v.message.Options = msgprocessor.WithOptions( v.message.Options, msgprocessor.WithOfflinePush(false), msgprocessor.WithUnreadCount(false), ) ctxMsg := &ContextMsg{ message: msg, ctx: v.ctx, } storageMsgList = append(storageMsgList, ctxMsg) } if options.IsHistory() { storageNotificationList = append(storageNotificationList, v) } else { notStorageNotificationList = append(notStorageNotificationList, v) } } else { if options.IsHistory() { storageMsgList = append(storageMsgList, v) } else { notStorageMsgList = append(notStorageMsgList, v) } } } return } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) handleMsg(ctx context.Context, key, conversationID string, storageList, notStorageList []*ContextMsg) { och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, notStorageList) var storageMessageList []*sdkws.MsgData for _, msg := range storageList { storageMessageList = append(storageMessageList, msg.message) } if len(storageMessageList) > 0 { msg := storageMessageList[0] lastSeq, isNewConversation, err := och.msgDatabase.BatchInsertChat2Cache(ctx, conversationID, storageMessageList) if err != nil && !errors.Is(errs.Unwrap(err), redis.Nil) { log.ZError(ctx, "batch data insert to redis err", err, "storageMsgList", storageMessageList) return } if isNewConversation { switch msg.SessionType { case constant.ReadGroupChatType: log.ZInfo(ctx, "group chat first create conversation", "conversationID", conversationID) userIDs, err := och.groupRpcClient.GetGroupMemberIDs(ctx, msg.GroupID) if err != nil { log.ZWarn(ctx, "get group member ids error", err, "conversationID", conversationID) } else { if err := och.conversationRpcClient.GroupChatFirstCreateConversation(ctx, msg.GroupID, userIDs); err != nil { log.ZWarn(ctx, "single chat first create conversation error", err, "conversationID", conversationID) } } case constant.SingleChatType, constant.NotificationChatType: if err := och.conversationRpcClient.SingleChatFirstCreateConversation(ctx, msg.RecvID, msg.SendID, conversationID, msg.SessionType); err != nil { log.ZWarn(ctx, "single chat or notification first create conversation error", err, "conversationID", conversationID, "sessionType", msg.SessionType) } default: log.ZWarn(ctx, "unknown session type", nil, "sessionType", msg.SessionType) } } log.ZDebug(ctx, "success incr to next topic") err = och.msgDatabase.MsgToMongoMQ(ctx, key, conversationID, storageMessageList, lastSeq) if err != nil { log.ZError(ctx, "Msg To MongoDB MQ error", err, "conversationID", conversationID, "storageList", storageMessageList, "lastSeq", lastSeq) } och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, storageList) } } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) handleNotification(ctx context.Context, key, conversationID string, storageList, notStorageList []*ContextMsg) { och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, notStorageList) var storageMessageList []*sdkws.MsgData for _, msg := range storageList { storageMessageList = append(storageMessageList, msg.message) } if len(storageMessageList) > 0 { lastSeq, _, err := och.msgDatabase.BatchInsertChat2Cache(ctx, conversationID, storageMessageList) if err != nil { log.ZError(ctx, "notification batch insert to redis error", err, "conversationID", conversationID, "storageList", storageMessageList) return } log.ZDebug(ctx, "success to next topic", "conversationID", conversationID) err = och.msgDatabase.MsgToMongoMQ(ctx, key, conversationID, storageMessageList, lastSeq) if err != nil { log.ZError(ctx, "Msg To MongoDB MQ error", err, "conversationID", conversationID, "storageList", storageMessageList, "lastSeq", lastSeq) } och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, storageList) } } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) toPushTopic(_ context.Context, key, conversationID string, msgs []*ContextMsg) { for _, v := range msgs { och.msgDatabase.MsgToPushMQ(v.ctx, key, conversationID, v.message) } } func withAggregationCtx(ctx context.Context, values []*ContextMsg) context.Context { var allMessageOperationID string for i, v := range values { if opid := mcontext.GetOperationID(v.ctx); opid != "" { if i == 0 { allMessageOperationID += opid } else { allMessageOperationID += "$" + opid } } } return mcontext.SetOperationID(ctx, allMessageOperationID) } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) Setup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) Cleanup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil } func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(session sarama.ConsumerGroupSession, claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error { // a instance in the consumer group log.ZInfo(context.Background(), "online new session msg come", "highWaterMarkOffset", claim.HighWaterMarkOffset(), "topic", claim.Topic(), "partition", claim.Partition()) och.redisMessageBatches.OnComplete = func(lastMessage *sarama.ConsumerMessage, totalCount int) { session.MarkMessage(lastMessage, "") session.Commit() } for { select { case msg, ok := <-claim.Messages(): if !ok { return nil } if len(msg.Value) == 0 { continue } err := och.redisMessageBatches.Put(context.Background(), msg) if err != nil { log.ZWarn(context.Background(), "put msg to error", err, "msg", msg) } case <-session.Context().Done(): return nil } } }