#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # this script is used to install the dependencies of the project # # Usage: `scripts/color.sh`. ################################################################################ # shellcheck disable=SC2034 if [ -z "${COLOR_OPEN+x}" ]; then COLOR_OPEN=1 fi # Function for colored echo openim::color::echo() { COLOR=$1 [ $COLOR_OPEN -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${COLOR} $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $@ ${COLOR_SUFFIX}" shift } # Define color variables # --- Feature --- COLOR_NORMAL='\033[0m';COLOR_BOLD='\033[1m';COLOR_DIM='\033[2m';COLOR_UNDER='\033[4m'; COLOR_ITALIC='\033[3m';COLOR_NOITALIC='\033[23m';COLOR_BLINK='\033[5m'; COLOR_REVERSE='\033[7m';COLOR_CONCEAL='\033[8m';COLOR_NOBOLD='\033[22m'; COLOR_NOUNDER='\033[24m';COLOR_NOBLINK='\033[25m'; # --- Front color --- COLOR_BLACK='\033[30m'; COLOR_RED='\033[31m'; COLOR_GREEN='\033[32m'; COLOR_YELLOW='\033[33m'; COLOR_BLUE='\033[34m'; COLOR_MAGENTA='\033[35m'; COLOR_CYAN='\033[36m'; COLOR_WHITE='\033[37m'; # --- background color --- COLOR_BBLACK='\033[40m';COLOR_BRED='\033[41m'; COLOR_BGREEN='\033[42m';COLOR_BYELLOW='\033[43m'; COLOR_BBLUE='\033[44m';COLOR_BMAGENTA='\033[45m'; COLOR_BCYAN='\033[46m';COLOR_BWHITE='\033[47m'; # --- Color definitions --- # Color definitions COLOR_SUFFIX="\033[0m" # End all colors and special effects BLACK_PREFIX="\033[30m" # Black prefix RED_PREFIX="\033[31m" # Red prefix GREEN_PREFIX="\033[32m" # Green prefix YELLOW_PREFIX="\033[33m" # Yellow prefix BLUE_PREFIX="\033[34m" # Blue prefix SKY_BLUE_PREFIX="\033[36m" # Sky blue prefix WHITE_PREFIX="\033[37m" # White prefix BOLD_PREFIX="\033[1m" # Bold prefix UNDERLINE_PREFIX="\033[4m" # Underline prefix ITALIC_PREFIX="\033[3m" # Italic prefix CYAN_PREFIX="\033[0;36m" # Cyan prefix # Print colors you can use openim::color::print_color() { echo echo -e ${bmagenta}--back-color:${normal} echo "bblack; bgreen; bblue; bcyan; bred; byellow; bmagenta; bwhite" echo echo -e ${red}--font-color:${normal} echo "black; red; green; yellow; blue; magenta; cyan; white" echo echo -e ${bold}--font:${normal} echo "normal; italic; reverse; nounder; bold; noitalic; conceal; noblink; dim; blink; nobold; under" echo } # test functions openim::color::test() { echo "Starting the color tests..." echo "Testing normal echo without color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_NORMAL "This is a normal text" echo "Testing bold echo" openim::color::echo $COLOR_BOLD "This is bold text" echo "Testing dim echo" openim::color::echo $COLOR_DIM "This is dim text" echo "Testing underlined echo" openim::color::echo $COLOR_UNDER "This is underlined text" echo "Testing italic echo" openim::color::echo $COLOR_ITALIC "This is italic text" echo "Testing red color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_RED "This is red text" echo "Testing green color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_GREEN "This is green text" echo "Testing yellow color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_YELLOW "This is yellow text" echo "Testing blue color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_BLUE "This is blue text" echo "Testing magenta color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_MAGENTA "This is magenta text" echo "Testing cyan color" openim::color::echo $COLOR_CYAN "This is cyan text" echo "Testing black background" openim::color::echo $COLOR_BBLACK "This is text with black background" echo "Testing red background" openim::color::echo $COLOR_BRED "This is text with red background" echo "Testing green background" openim::color::echo $COLOR_BGREEN "This is text with green background" echo "Testing blue background" openim::color::echo $COLOR_BBLUE "This is text with blue background" echo "All tests completed!" } # openim::color::test