apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: openim-config data: discovery.yml: | enable: "kubernetes" # "kubernetes" or "etcd" kubernetes: namespace: default etcd: rootDirectory: openim address: [ localhost:12379 ] username: '' password: '' rpcService: user: user-rpc-service friend: friend-rpc-service msg: msg-rpc-service push: push-rpc-service messageGateway: messagegateway-rpc-service group: group-rpc-service auth: auth-rpc-service conversation: conversation-rpc-service third: third-rpc-service log.yml: | # Log storage path, default is acceptable, change to a full path if modification is needed storageLocation: ./logs/ # Log rotation period (in hours), default is acceptable rotationTime: 24 # Number of log files to retain, default is acceptable remainRotationCount: 2 # Log level settings: 3 for production environment; 6 for more verbose logging in debugging environments remainLogLevel: 6 # Whether to output to standard output, default is acceptable isStdout: true # Whether to log in JSON format, default is acceptable isJson: false # output simplify log when KeyAndValues's value len is bigger than 50 in rpc method log isSimplify: true mongodb.yml: | # URI for database connection, leave empty if using address and credential settings directly uri: '' # List of MongoDB server addresses address: [ mongo-service:37017 ] # Name of the database database: openim_v3 # Username for database authentication username: '' # openIM # Password for database authentication password: '' # openIM123 # Authentication source for database authentication, if use root user, set it to admin authSource: openim_v3 # Maximum number of connections in the connection pool maxPoolSize: 100 # Maximum number of retry attempts for a failed database connection maxRetry: 10 local-cache.yml: | user: topic: DELETE_CACHE_USER slotNum: 100 slotSize: 2000 successExpire: 300 failedExpire: 5 group: topic: DELETE_CACHE_GROUP slotNum: 100 slotSize: 2000 successExpire: 300 failedExpire: 5 friend: topic: DELETE_CACHE_FRIEND slotNum: 100 slotSize: 2000 successExpire: 300 failedExpire: 5 conversation: topic: DELETE_CACHE_CONVERSATION slotNum: 100 slotSize: 2000 successExpire: 300 failedExpire: 5 openim-api.yml: | api: # Listening IP; means both internal and external IPs are listened to, default is recommended listenIP: # Listening ports; if multiple are configured, multiple instances will be launched, must be consistent with the number of prometheus.ports ports: [ 10002 ] # API compression level; 0: default compression, 1: best compression, 2: best speed, -1: no compression compressionLevel: 0 prometheus: # Whether to enable prometheus enable: true # Prometheus listening ports, must match the number of api.ports ports: [ 12002 ] # This address can be accessed via a browser grafanaURL: openim-rpc-user.yml: | rpc: # API or other RPCs can access this RPC through this IP; if left blank, the internal network IP is obtained by default registerIP: # Listening IP; means both internal and external IPs are listened to, if blank, the internal network IP is automatically obtained by default listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10320 ] prometheus: # Whether to enable prometheus enable: true # Prometheus listening ports, must be consistent with the number of rpc.ports ports: [ 12320 ] openim-crontask.yml: | cronExecuteTime: 0 2 * * * retainChatRecords: 365 fileExpireTime: 180 deleteObjectType: ["msg-picture","msg-file", "msg-voice","msg-video","msg-video-snapshot","sdklog"] openim-msggateway.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10140 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12140 ] # IP address that the RPC/WebSocket service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: longConnSvr: # WebSocket listening ports, must match the number of rpc.ports ports: [ 10001 ] # Maximum number of WebSocket connections websocketMaxConnNum: 100000 # Maximum length of the entire WebSocket message packet websocketMaxMsgLen: 4096 # WebSocket connection handshake timeout in seconds websocketTimeout: 10 openim-msgtransfer.yml: | prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; each port corresponds to an instance of monitoring. Ensure these are managed accordingly # Because four instances have been launched, four ports need to be specified ports: [ 12020 ] openim-push.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10170 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12170 ] maxConcurrentWorkers: 3 #Use geTui for offline push notifications, or choose fcm or jpns; corresponding configuration settings must be specified. enable: geTui: pushUrl: https://restapi.getui.com/v2/$appId masterSecret: appKey: intent: channelID: channelName: fcm: # Prioritize using file paths. If the file path is empty, use URL filePath: # File path is concatenated with the parameters passed in through - c(`mage` default pass in `config/`) and filePath. authURL: # Must start with https or http. jpush: appKey: masterSecret: pushURL: pushIntent: # iOS system push sound and badge count iosPush: pushSound: xxx badgeCount: true production: false fullUserCache: true openim-rpc-auth.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10200 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [12200] tokenPolicy: # Token validity period, in days expire: 90 openim-rpc-conversation.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10220 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12200 ] tokenPolicy: # Token validity period, in days expire: 90 openim-rpc-friend.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10240 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12240 ] openim-rpc-group.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10260 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12260 ] enableHistoryForNewMembers: true openim-rpc-msg.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports ports: [ 10280 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12280 ] # Does sending messages require friend verification friendVerify: false openim-rpc-third.yml: | rpc: # The IP address where this RPC service registers itself; if left blank, it defaults to the internal network IP registerIP: # IP address that the RPC service listens on; setting to listens on both internal and external IPs. If left blank, it automatically uses the internal network IP listenIP: # autoSetPorts indicates whether to automatically set the ports # if you use in kubernetes, set it to false autoSetPorts: false # List of ports that the RPC service listens on; configuring multiple ports will launch multiple instances. These must match the number of configured prometheus ports # It will only take effect when autoSetPorts is set to false. ports: [ 10300 ] prometheus: # Enable or disable Prometheus monitoring enable: true # List of ports that Prometheus listens on; these must match the number of rpc.ports to ensure correct monitoring setup ports: [ 12300 ] object: # Use MinIO as object storage, or set to "cos", "oss", "kodo", "aws", while also configuring the corresponding settings enable: minio cos: bucketURL: https://temp-1252357374.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com secretID: secretKey: sessionToken: publicRead: false oss: endpoint: https://oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com bucket: demo-9999999 bucketURL: https://demo-9999999.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com accessKeyID: accessKeySecret: sessionToken: publicRead: false kodo: endpoint: http://s3.cn-south-1.qiniucs.com bucket: kodo-bucket-test bucketURL: http://kodo-bucket-test-oetobfb.qiniudns.com accessKeyID: accessKeySecret: sessionToken: publicRead: false aws: region: ap-southeast-2 bucket: testdemo832234 accessKeyID: secretAccessKey: sessionToken: publicRead: false share.yml: | secret: openIM123 imAdminUserID: ["imAdmin"] # 1: For Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and web platforms, only one instance can be online at a time multiLogin: policy: 1 maxNumOneEnd: 30 kafka.yml: | # Username for authentication username: '' # Password for authentication password: '' # Producer acknowledgment settings producerAck: # Compression type to use (e.g., none, gzip, snappy) compressType: none # List of Kafka broker addresses address: [ "kafka-service:19094" ] # Kafka topic for Redis integration toRedisTopic: toRedis # Kafka topic for MongoDB integration toMongoTopic: toMongo # Kafka topic for push notifications toPushTopic: toPush # Kafka topic for offline push notifications toOfflinePushTopic: toOfflinePush # Consumer group ID for Redis topic toRedisGroupID: redis # Consumer group ID for MongoDB topic toMongoGroupID: mongo # Consumer group ID for push notifications topic toPushGroupID: push # Consumer group ID for offline push notifications topic toOfflinePushGroupID: offlinePush # TLS (Transport Layer Security) configuration tls: # Enable or disable TLS enableTLS: false # CA certificate file path caCrt: # Client certificate file path clientCrt: # Client key file path clientKey: # Client key password clientKeyPwd: # Whether to skip TLS verification (not recommended for production) insecureSkipVerify: false redis.yml: | address: [ "redis-service:16379" ] username: password: # openIM123 clusterMode: false db: 0 maxRetry: 10 poolSize: 100 minio.yml: | # Name of the bucket in MinIO bucket: openim # Access key ID for MinIO authentication accessKeyID: root # Secret access key for MinIO authentication secretAccessKey: # openIM123 # Session token for MinIO authentication (optional) sessionToken: # Internal address of the MinIO server internalAddress: minio-service:10005 # External address of the MinIO server, accessible from outside. Supports both HTTP and HTTPS using a domain name externalAddress: http://minio-service:10005 # Flag to enable or disable public read access to the bucket publicRead: "false" notification.yml: | groupCreated: isSendMsg: true # Reliability level of the message sending. # Set to 1 to send only when online, 2 for guaranteed delivery. reliabilityLevel: 1 # This setting is effective only when 'isSendMsg' is true. # It controls whether to count unread messages. unreadCount: false # Configuration for offline push notifications. offlinePush: # Enables or disables offline push notifications. enable: false # Title for the notification when a group is created. title: create group title # Description for the notification. desc: create group desc # Additional information for the notification. ext: create group ext groupInfoSet: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupInfoSet title desc: groupInfoSet desc ext: groupInfoSet ext joinGroupApplication: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: joinGroupApplication title desc: joinGroupApplication desc ext: joinGroupApplication ext memberQuit: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: memberQuit title desc: memberQuit desc ext: memberQuit ext groupApplicationAccepted: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupApplicationAccepted title desc: groupApplicationAccepted desc ext: groupApplicationAccepted ext groupApplicationRejected: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupApplicationRejected title desc: groupApplicationRejected desc ext: groupApplicationRejected ext groupOwnerTransferred: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupOwnerTransferred title desc: groupOwnerTransferred desc ext: groupOwnerTransferred ext memberKicked: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: memberKicked title desc: memberKicked desc ext: memberKicked ext memberInvited: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: memberInvited title desc: memberInvited desc ext: memberInvited ext memberEnter: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: memberEnter title desc: memberEnter desc ext: memberEnter ext groupDismissed: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupDismissed title desc: groupDismissed desc ext: groupDismissed ext groupMuted: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupMuted title desc: groupMuted desc ext: groupMuted ext groupCancelMuted: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupCancelMuted title desc: groupCancelMuted desc ext: groupCancelMuted ext defaultTips: tips: group Cancel Muted groupMemberMuted: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupMemberMuted title desc: groupMemberMuted desc ext: groupMemberMuted ext groupMemberCancelMuted: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupMemberCancelMuted title desc: groupMemberCancelMuted desc ext: groupMemberCancelMuted ext groupMemberInfoSet: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupMemberInfoSet title desc: groupMemberInfoSet desc ext: groupMemberInfoSet ext groupInfoSetAnnouncement: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupInfoSetAnnouncement title desc: groupInfoSetAnnouncement desc ext: groupInfoSetAnnouncement ext groupInfoSetName: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: groupInfoSetName title desc: groupInfoSetName desc ext: groupInfoSetName ext #############################friend################################# friendApplicationAdded: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: Somebody applies to add you as a friend desc: Somebody applies to add you as a friend ext: Somebody applies to add you as a friend friendApplicationApproved: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: Someone applies to add your friend application desc: Someone applies to add your friend application ext: Someone applies to add your friend application friendApplicationRejected: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: Someone rejected your friend application desc: Someone rejected your friend application ext: Someone rejected your friend application friendAdded: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: We have become friends desc: We have become friends ext: We have become friends friendDeleted: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: deleted a friend desc: deleted a friend ext: deleted a friend friendRemarkSet: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: Your friend's profile has been changed desc: Your friend's profile has been changed ext: Your friend's profile has been changed blackAdded: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: blocked a user desc: blocked a user ext: blocked a user blackDeleted: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: Remove a blocked user desc: Remove a blocked user ext: Remove a blocked user friendInfoUpdated: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: friend info updated desc: friend info updated ext: friend info updated #####################user######################### userInfoUpdated: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: userInfo updated desc: userInfo updated ext: userInfo updated userStatusChanged: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: false title: user status changed desc: user status changed ext: user status changed #####################conversation######################### conversationChanged: isSendMsg: false reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: conversation changed desc: conversation changed ext: conversation changed conversationSetPrivate: isSendMsg: true reliabilityLevel: 1 unreadCount: false offlinePush: enable: true title: burn after reading desc: burn after reading ext: burn after reading webhooks.yml: | url: beforeSendSingleMsg: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true # Only the contentType in allowedTypes will send the callback. # Supports two formats: a single type or a range. The range is defined by the lower and upper bounds connected with a hyphen ("-"). # e.g. allowedTypes: [1, 100, 200-500, 600-700] means that only contentType within the range # {1, 100} ∪ [200, 500] ∪ [600, 700] will be allowed through the filter. # If not set, all contentType messages will through this filter. allowedTypes: [] # Only the contentType not in deniedTypes will send the callback. # Supports two formats, same as allowedTypes. # If not set, all contentType messages will through this filter. deniedTypes: [] beforeUpdateUserInfoEx: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterUpdateUserInfoEx: enable: false timeout: 5 afterSendSingleMsg: enable: false timeout: 5 # Only the senID/recvID specified in attentionIds will send the callback # if not set, all user messages will be callback attentionIds: [] # See beforeSendSingleMsg comment. allowedTypes: [] deniedTypes: [] beforeSendGroupMsg: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true # See beforeSendSingleMsg comment. allowedTypes: [] deniedTypes: [] beforeMsgModify: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true # See beforeSendSingleMsg comment. allowedTypes: [] deniedTypes: [] afterSendGroupMsg: enable: false timeout: 5 # See beforeSendSingleMsg comment. allowedTypes: [] deniedTypes: [] afterUserOnline: enable: false timeout: 5 afterUserOffline: enable: false timeout: 5 afterUserKickOff: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeOfflinePush: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true beforeOnlinePush: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true beforeGroupOnlinePush: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true beforeAddFriend: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true beforeUpdateUserInfo: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterUpdateUserInfo: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeCreateGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterCreateGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeMemberJoinGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true beforeSetGroupMemberInfo: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterSetGroupMemberInfo: enable: false timeout: 5 afterQuitGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 afterKickGroupMember: enable: false timeout: 5 afterDismissGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeApplyJoinGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterGroupMsgRead: enable: false timeout: 5 afterSingleMsgRead: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeUserRegister: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterUserRegister: enable: false timeout: 5 afterTransferGroupOwner: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeSetFriendRemark: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterSetFriendRemark: enable: false timeout: 5 afterGroupMsgRevoke: enable: false timeout: 5 afterJoinGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeInviteUserToGroup: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterSetGroupInfo: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeSetGroupInfo: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterSetGroupInfoEx: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeSetGroupInfoEx: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterRevokeMsg: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeAddBlack: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: afterAddFriend: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeAddFriendAgree: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterAddFriendAgree: enable: false timeout: 5 afterDeleteFriend: enable: false timeout: 5 beforeImportFriends: enable: false timeout: 5 failedContinue: true afterImportFriends: enable: false timeout: 5 afterRemoveBlack: enable: false timeout: 5 prometheus.yml: | # my global config global: scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute. evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute. # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). # Alertmanager configuration alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: [internal_ip:19093] # Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global evaluation_interval. rule_files: - instance-down-rules.yml # - first_rules.yml # - second_rules.yml # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape: # Here it's Prometheus itself. scrape_configs: # The job name is added as a label "job=job_name" to any timeseries scraped from this config. # Monitored information captured by prometheus # prometheus fetches application services - job_name: node_exporter static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:20500 ] - job_name: openimserver-openim-api static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12002 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-msggateway static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12140 ] # - targets: [ internal_ip:12140, internal_ip:12141, internal_ip:12142, internal_ip:12143, internal_ip:12144, internal_ip:12145, internal_ip:12146, internal_ip:12147, internal_ip:12148, internal_ip:12149, internal_ip:12150, internal_ip:12151, internal_ip:12152, internal_ip:12153, internal_ip:12154, internal_ip:12155 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-msgtransfer static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12020, internal_ip:12021, internal_ip:12022, internal_ip:12023, internal_ip:12024, internal_ip:12025, internal_ip:12026, internal_ip:12027 ] # - targets: [ internal_ip:12020, internal_ip:12021, internal_ip:12022, internal_ip:12023, internal_ip:12024, internal_ip:12025, internal_ip:12026, internal_ip:12027, internal_ip:12028, internal_ip:12029, internal_ip:12030, internal_ip:12031, internal_ip:12032, internal_ip:12033, internal_ip:12034, internal_ip:12035 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-push static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12170, internal_ip:12171, internal_ip:12172, internal_ip:12173, internal_ip:12174, internal_ip:12175, internal_ip:12176, internal_ip:12177 ] # - targets: [ internal_ip:12170, internal_ip:12171, internal_ip:12172, internal_ip:12173, internal_ip:12174, internal_ip:12175, internal_ip:12176, internal_ip:12177, internal_ip:12178, internal_ip:12179, internal_ip:12180, internal_ip:12182, internal_ip:12183, internal_ip:12184, internal_ip:12185, internal_ip:12186 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-auth static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12200 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-conversation static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12220 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-friend static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12240 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-group static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12260 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-msg static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12280 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-third static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12300 ] labels: namespace: default - job_name: openimserver-openim-rpc-user static_configs: - targets: [ internal_ip:12320 ] labels: namespace: default