**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/{{ .Env.USERNAME }}/{{ .ProjectName }}/compare/{{ .PreviousTag }}...{{ .Tag }} ## Get Involved with OpenIM! Your patronage towards OpenIM is greatly appreciated 🎉🎉. If you encounter any problems during its usage, please create an issue in the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/{{ .Env.USERNAME }}/{{ .ProjectName }}/), we're committed to resolving your problem as soon as possible. **Here are some ways to get involved with the OpenIM community:** 📢 **Slack Channel**: Join our Slack channels for discussions, communication, and support. Click [here](https://join.slack.com/t/openimsdk/shared_invite/zt-1tmoj26uf-_FDy3dowVHBiGvLk9e5Xkg) to join the Open-IM-Server Slack team channel. 📧 **Gmail Contact**: If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback for our open-source projects, please feel free to [contact us via email](https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=winxu81@gmail.com). 📖 **Blog**: Stay up-to-date with OpenIM-Server projects and trends by reading our [blog](https://doc.rentsoft.cn/). We share the latest developments, tech trends, and other interesting information related to OpenIM. 📱 **WeChat**: Add us on WeChat (QR Code) and indicate that you are a user or developer of Open-IM-Server. We'll process your request as soon as possible. Remember, your contributions play a vital role in making OpenIM successful, and we look forward to your active participation in our community! 🙌