#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # this script is used to check whether the code is formatted by gofmt or not # # Usage: source scripts/lib/util.sh ################################################################################ # TODO Debug: Just for testing, please comment out # OPENIM_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/../.. && pwd -P) # source "${OPENIM_ROOT}/scripts/lib/logging.sh" #1、将IP写在一个文件里,比如文件名为hosts_file,一行一个IP地址。 #2、修改ssh-mutual-trust.sh里面的用户名及密码,默认为root用户及密码123。 # hosts_file_path="path/to/your/hosts/file" # openim:util::setup_ssh_key_copy "$hosts_file_path" "root" "123" function openim:util::setup_ssh_key_copy() { local hosts_file="$1" local username="${2:-root}" local password="${3:-123}" local sshkey_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # check sshkey file if [[ ! -e $sshkey_file ]]; then expect -c " spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa expect \"Enter*\" { send \"\n\"; exp_continue; } " fi # get hosts list local hosts=$(awk '/^[^#]/ {print $1}' "${hosts_file}") ssh_key_copy() { local target=$1 # delete history sed -i "/$target/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts # copy key expect -c " set timeout 100 spawn ssh-copy-id $username@$target expect { \"yes/no\" { send \"yes\n\"; exp_continue; } \"*assword\" { send \"$password\n\"; } \"already exist on the remote system\" { exit 1; } } expect eof " } # auto sshkey pair for host in $hosts; do if ! ping -i 0.2 -c 3 -W 1 "$host" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "[ERROR]: Can't connect $host" continue fi local host_entry=$(awk "/$host/"'{print $1, $2}' /etc/hosts) if [[ $host_entry ]]; then local hostaddr=$(echo "$host_entry" | awk '{print $1}') local hostname=$(echo "$host_entry" | awk '{print $2}') ssh_key_copy "$hostaddr" ssh_key_copy "$hostname" else ssh_key_copy "$host" fi done } function openim::util::sourced_variable { # Call this function to tell shellcheck that a variable is supposed to # be used from other calling context. This helps quiet an "unused # variable" warning from shellcheck and also document your code. true } openim::util::sortable_date() { date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" } # arguments: target, item1, item2, item3, ... # returns 0 if target is in the given items, 1 otherwise. openim::util::array_contains() { local search="$1" local element shift for element; do if [[ "${element}" == "${search}" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } openim::util::wait_for_url() { local url=$1 local prefix=${2:-} local wait=${3:-1} local times=${4:-30} local maxtime=${5:-1} command -v curl >/dev/null || { openim::log::usage "curl must be installed" exit 1 } local i for i in $(seq 1 "${times}"); do local out if out=$(curl --max-time "${maxtime}" -gkfs "${url}" 2>/dev/null); then openim::log::status "On try ${i}, ${prefix}: ${out}" return 0 fi sleep "${wait}" done openim::log::error "Timed out waiting for ${prefix} to answer at ${url}; tried ${times} waiting ${wait} between each" return 1 } # Example: openim::util::wait_for_success 120 5 "openimctl get nodes|grep localhost" # arguments: wait time, sleep time, shell command # returns 0 if the shell command get output, 1 otherwise. openim::util::wait_for_success(){ local wait_time="$1" local sleep_time="$2" local cmd="$3" while [ "$wait_time" -gt 0 ]; do if eval "$cmd"; then return 0 else sleep "$sleep_time" wait_time=$((wait_time-sleep_time)) fi done return 1 } # Example: openim::util::trap_add 'echo "in trap DEBUG"' DEBUG # See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3338030/multiple-bash-traps-for-the-same-signal openim::util::trap_add() { local trap_add_cmd trap_add_cmd=$1 shift for trap_add_name in "$@"; do local existing_cmd local new_cmd # Grab the currently defined trap commands for this trap existing_cmd=$(trap -p "${trap_add_name}" | awk -F"'" '{print $2}') if [[ -z "${existing_cmd}" ]]; then new_cmd="${trap_add_cmd}" else new_cmd="${trap_add_cmd};${existing_cmd}" fi # Assign the test. Disable the shellcheck warning telling that trap # commands should be single quoted to avoid evaluating them at this # point instead evaluating them at run time. The logic of adding new # commands to a single trap requires them to be evaluated right away. # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "${new_cmd}" "${trap_add_name}" done } # Opposite of openim::util::ensure-temp-dir() openim::util::cleanup-temp-dir() { rm -rf "${OPENIM_TEMP}" } # Create a temp dir that'll be deleted at the end of this bash session. # # Vars set: # OPENIM_TEMP openim::util::ensure-temp-dir() { if [[ -z ${OPENIM_TEMP-} ]]; then OPENIM_TEMP=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t openimrnetes.XXXXXX) openim::util::trap_add openim::util::cleanup-temp-dir EXIT fi } openim::util::host_os() { local host_os case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) host_os=darwin ;; Linux) host_os=linux ;; *) openim::log::error "Unsupported host OS. Must be Linux or Mac OS X." exit 1 ;; esac echo "${host_os}" } openim::util::host_arch() { local host_arch case "$(uname -m)" in x86_64*) host_arch=amd64 ;; i?86_64*) host_arch=amd64 ;; amd64*) host_arch=amd64 ;; aarch64*) host_arch=arm64 ;; arm64*) host_arch=arm64 ;; arm*) host_arch=arm ;; i?86*) host_arch=x86 ;; s390x*) host_arch=s390x ;; ppc64le*) host_arch=ppc64le ;; *) openim::log::error "Unsupported host arch. Must be x86_64, 386, arm, arm64, s390x or ppc64le." exit 1 ;; esac echo "${host_arch}" } # Define a bash function to check the versions of Docker and Docker Compose openim::util::check_docker_and_compose_versions() { # Define the required versions of Docker and Docker Compose required_docker_version="20.10.0" required_compose_version="2.0" # Get the currently installed Docker version installed_docker_version=$(docker --version | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/,//') # Check if the installed Docker version matches the required version if [[ "$installed_docker_version" < "$required_docker_version" ]]; then echo "Docker version mismatch. Installed: $installed_docker_version, Required: $required_docker_version" return 1 fi # Check if the docker compose sub-command is available if ! docker compose version &> /dev/null; then echo "Docker does not support the docker compose sub-command" echo "You need to upgrade Docker to the right version" return 1 fi # Get the currently installed Docker Compose version installed_compose_version=$(docker compose version --short) # Check if the installed Docker Compose version matches the required version if [[ "$installed_compose_version" < "$required_compose_version" ]]; then echo "Docker Compose version mismatch. Installed: $installed_compose_version, Required: $required_compose_version" return 1 fi } # The `openim::util::check_ports` function analyzes the state of processes based on given ports. # It accepts multiple ports as arguments and prints: # 1. The state of the process (whether it's running or not). # 2. The start time of the process if it's running. # User: # openim::util::check_ports 8080 8081 8082 # The function returns a status of 1 if any of the processes is not running. openim::util::check_ports() { # An array to collect ports of processes that are not running. local not_started=() # An array to collect information about processes that are running. local started=() openim::log::info "Checking ports: $*" # Iterate over each given port. for port in "$@"; do # Use the `ss` command to find process information related to the given port. local info=$(ss -ltnp | grep ":$port" || true) # If there's no process information, it means the process associated with the port is not running. if [[ -z $info ]]; then not_started+=($port) else # Extract relevant details: Process Name, PID, and FD. local details=$(echo $info | sed -n 's/.*users:(("\([^"]*\)",pid=\([^,]*\),fd=\([^)]*\))).*/\1 \2 \3/p') local command=$(echo $details | awk '{print $1}') local pid=$(echo $details | awk '{print $2}') local fd=$(echo $details | awk '{print $3}') # Get the start time of the process using the PID if [[ -z $pid ]]; then local start_time="N/A" else # Get the start time of the process using the PID local start_time=$(ps -p $pid -o lstart=) fi started+=("Port $port - Command: $command, PID: $pid, FD: $fd, Started: $start_time") fi done # Print information about ports whose processes are not running. if [[ ${#not_started[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then openim::log::info "\n### Not started ports:" for port in "${not_started[@]}"; do openim::log::error "Port $port is not started." done fi # Print information about ports whose processes are running. if [[ ${#started[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then openim::log::info "\n### Started ports:" for info in "${started[@]}"; do openim::log::info "$info" done fi # If any of the processes is not running, return a status of 1. if [[ ${#not_started[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo "++++ OpenIM Log >> cat ${LOG_FILE}" return 1 else openim::log::success "All specified processes are running." return 0 fi } # set +o errexit # Sample call for testing: # openim::util::check_ports 10002 1004 12345 13306 # set -o errexit # The `openim::util::check_process_names` function analyzes the state of processes based on given names. # It accepts multiple process names as arguments and prints: # 1. The state of the process (whether it's running or not). # 2. The start time of the process if it's running. # User: # openim::util::check_process_names nginx mysql redis # The function returns a status of 1 if any of the processes is not running. openim::util::check_process_names() { # Arrays to collect details of processes local not_started=() local started=() openim::log::info "Checking processes: $*" # Iterate over each given process name for process_name in "$@"; do # Use `pgrep` to find process IDs related to the given process name local pids=($(pgrep -f $process_name)) # Check if any process IDs were found if [[ ${#pids[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then not_started+=($process_name) else # If there are PIDs, loop through each one for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do local command=$(ps -p $pid -o cmd=) local start_time=$(ps -p $pid -o lstart=) local port=$(ss -ltnp 2>/dev/null | grep $pid | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d ':' -f2) # Check if port information was found for the PID if [[ -z $port ]]; then port="N/A" fi started+=("Process $process_name - Command: $command, PID: $pid, Port: $port, Start time: $start_time") done fi done # Print information if [[ ${#not_started[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then openim::log::info "Not started processes:" for process_name in "${not_started[@]}"; do openim::log::error "Process $process_name is not started." done fi if [[ ${#started[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo openim::log::info "Started processes:" for info in "${started[@]}"; do openim::log::info "$info" done fi # Return status if [[ ${#not_started[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo "++++ OpenIM Log >> cat ${LOG_FILE}" return 1 else openim::log::success "All processes are running." return 0 fi } # openim::util::check_process_names docker-pr # The `openim::util::stop_services_on_ports` function stops services running on specified ports. # It accepts multiple ports as arguments and performs the following: # 1. Attempts to stop any services running on the specified ports. # 2. Prints details of services successfully stopped and those that failed to stop. # Usage: # openim::util::stop_services_on_ports 8080 8081 8082 # The function returns a status of 1 if any service couldn't be stopped. openim::util::stop_services_on_ports() { # An array to collect ports of processes that couldn't be stopped. local not_stopped=() # An array to collect information about processes that were stopped. local stopped=() openim::log::info "Stopping services on ports: $*" # Iterate over each given port. for port in "$@"; do # Use the `lsof` command to find process information related to the given port. info=$(lsof -i :$port -n -P | grep LISTEN || true) # If there's process information, it means the process associated with the port is running. if [[ -n $info ]]; then # Extract the Process ID. while read -r line; do local pid=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}') # Try to stop the service by killing its process. if kill -TERM $pid; then stopped+=($port) else not_stopped+=($port) fi done <<< "$info" fi done # Print information about ports whose processes couldn't be stopped. if [[ ${#not_stopped[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then openim::log::info "Ports that couldn't be stopped:" for port in "${not_stopped[@]}"; do openim::log::status "Failed to stop service on port $port." done fi # Print information about ports whose processes were successfully stopped. if [[ ${#stopped[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo openim::log::info "Stopped services on ports:" for port in "${stopped[@]}"; do openim::log::info "Successfully stopped service on port $port." done fi # If any of the processes couldn't be stopped, return a status of 1. if [[ ${#not_stopped[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else openim::log::success "All specified services were stopped." return 0 fi } # nc -l -p 12345 # nc -l -p 123456 # ps -ef | grep "nc -l" # openim::util::stop_services_on_ports 1234 12345 # The `openim::util::stop_services_with_name` function stops services with specified names. # It accepts multiple service names as arguments and performs the following: # 1. Attempts to stop any services with the specified names. # 2. Prints details of services successfully stopped and those that failed to stop. # Usage: # openim::util::stop_services_with_name nginx apache # The function returns a status of 1 if any service couldn't be stopped. openim::util::stop_services_with_name() { # An array to collect names of processes that couldn't be stopped. local not_stopped=() # An array to collect information about processes that were stopped. local stopped=() openim::log::info "Stopping services with names: $*" # Iterate over each given service name. for server_name in "$@"; do # Use the `pgrep` command to find process IDs related to the given service name. local pids=$(pgrep -f "$server_name") # If no process was found with the name, add it to the not_stopped list if [[ -z $pids ]]; then not_stopped+=("$server_name") continue fi local stopped_this_time=false for pid in $pids; do # Exclude the PID of the current script if [[ "$pid" == "$$" ]]; then continue fi # If there's a Process ID, it means the service with the name is running. if [[ -n $pid ]]; then # Try to stop the service by killing its process. if kill -TERM $pid 2>/dev/null; then stopped_this_time=true fi fi done if $stopped_this_time; then stopped+=("$server_name") else not_stopped+=("$server_name") fi done # Print information about services whose processes couldn't be stopped. if [[ ${#not_stopped[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then openim::log::info "Services that couldn't be stopped:" for name in "${not_stopped[@]}"; do openim::log::status "Failed to stop the $name service." done fi # Print information about services whose processes were successfully stopped. if [[ ${#stopped[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo openim::log::info "Stopped services:" for name in "${stopped[@]}"; do openim::log::info "Successfully stopped the $name service." done fi openim::log::success "All specified services were stopped." } # sleep 333333& # sleep 444444& # ps -ef | grep "sleep" # openim::util::stop_services_with_name "sleep 333333" "sleep 444444" # This figures out the host platform without relying on golang. We need this as # we don't want a golang install to be a prerequisite to building yet we need # this info to figure out where the final binaries are placed. openim::util::host_platform() { echo "$(openim::util::host_os)/$(openim::util::host_arch)" } # looks for $1 in well-known output locations for the platform ($2) # $OPENIM_ROOT must be set openim::util::find-binary-for-platform() { local -r lookfor="$1" local -r platform="$2" local locations=( ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/_output/bin/${lookfor}" ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/_output/${platform}/${lookfor}" ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/_output/local/bin/${platform}/${lookfor}" ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/_output/platforms/${platform}/${lookfor}" ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/_output/platforms/bin/${platform}/${lookfor}" ) # List most recently-updated location. local -r bin=$( (ls -t "${locations[@]}" 2>/dev/null || true) | head -1 ) echo -n "${bin}" } # looks for $1 in well-known output locations for the host platform # $OPENIM_ROOT must be set openim::util::find-binary() { openim::util::find-binary-for-platform "$1" "$(openim::util::host_platform)" } # Run all known doc generators (today gendocs and genman for openimctl) # $1 is the directory to put those generated documents openim::util::gen-docs() { local dest="$1" # Find binary gendocs=$(openim::util::find-binary "gendocs") genopenimdocs=$(openim::util::find-binary "genopenimdocs") genman=$(openim::util::find-binary "genman") genyaml=$(openim::util::find-binary "genyaml") genfeddocs=$(openim::util::find-binary "genfeddocs") # TODO: If ${genfeddocs} is not used from anywhere (it isn't used at # least from k/k tree), remove it completely. openim::util::sourced_variable "${genfeddocs}" mkdir -p "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/openimctl/" "${gendocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/openimctl/" mkdir -p "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-api" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-cmdutils" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-crontask" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-msggateway" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-msgtransfer" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-push" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-auth" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-conversation" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-friend" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-group" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-msg" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-third" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/" "openim-rpc-user" "${genopenimdocs}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/cmd/openimctl" "openimctl" mkdir -p "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-api" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-cmdutils" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-crontask" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-msggateway" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-msgtransfer" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-push" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-auth" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-conversation" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-friend" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-group" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-msg" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-third" "${genman}" "${dest}/docs/man/man1/" "openim-rpc-user" mkdir -p "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/yaml/openimctl/" "${genyaml}" "${dest}/docs/guide/en-US/yaml/openimctl/" # create the list of generated files pushd "${dest}" > /dev/null || return 1 touch docs/.generated_docs find . -type f | cut -sd / -f 2- | LC_ALL=C sort > docs/.generated_docs popd > /dev/null || return 1 } # Removes previously generated docs-- we don't want to check them in. $OPENIM_ROOT # must be set. openim::util::remove-gen-docs() { if [ -e ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/docs/.generated_docs" ]; then # remove all of the old docs; we don't want to check them in. while read -r file; do rm ""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/${file}" 2>/dev/null || true done <""${OPENIM_ROOT}"/docs/.generated_docs" # The docs/.generated_docs file lists itself, so we don't need to explicitly # delete it. fi } # Returns the name of the upstream remote repository name for the local git # repo, e.g. "upstream" or "origin". openim::util::git_upstream_remote_name() { git remote -v | grep fetch |\ grep -E 'github.com[/:]openimsdk/open-im-server|openim.cc/server' |\ head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}' } # Exits script if working directory is dirty. If it's run interactively in the terminal # the user can commit changes in a second terminal. This script will wait. openim::util::ensure_clean_working_dir() { while ! git diff HEAD --exit-code &>/dev/null; do echo -e "\nUnexpected dirty working directory:\n" if tty -s; then git status -s else git diff -a # be more verbose in log files without tty exit 1 fi | sed 's/^/ /' echo -e "\nCommit your changes in another terminal and then continue here by pressing enter." read -r done 1>&2 } # Find the base commit using: # $PULL_BASE_SHA if set (from Prow) # current ref from the remote upstream branch openim::util::base_ref() { local -r git_branch=$1 if [[ -n ${PULL_BASE_SHA:-} ]]; then echo "${PULL_BASE_SHA}" return fi full_branch="$(openim::util::git_upstream_remote_name)/${git_branch}" # make sure the branch is valid, otherwise the check will pass erroneously. if ! git describe "${full_branch}" >/dev/null; then # abort! exit 1 fi echo "${full_branch}" } # Checks whether there are any files matching pattern $2 changed between the # current branch and upstream branch named by $1. # Returns 1 (false) if there are no changes # 0 (true) if there are changes detected. openim::util::has_changes() { local -r git_branch=$1 local -r pattern=$2 local -r not_pattern=${3:-totallyimpossiblepattern} local base_ref base_ref=$(openim::util::base_ref "${git_branch}") echo "Checking for '${pattern}' changes against '${base_ref}'" # notice this uses ... to find the first shared ancestor if git diff --name-only "${base_ref}...HEAD" | grep -v -E "${not_pattern}" | grep "${pattern}" > /dev/null; then return 0 fi # also check for pending changes if git status --porcelain | grep -v -E "${not_pattern}" | grep "${pattern}" > /dev/null; then echo "Detected '${pattern}' uncommitted changes." return 0 fi echo "No '${pattern}' changes detected." return 1 } openim::util::download_file() { local -r url=$1 local -r destination_file=$2 rm "${destination_file}" 2&> /dev/null || true for i in $(seq 5) do if ! curl -fsSL --retry 3 --keepalive-time 2 "${url}" -o "${destination_file}"; then echo "Downloading ${url} failed. $((5-i)) retries left." sleep 1 else echo "Downloading ${url} succeed" return 0 fi done return 1 } # Test whether openssl is installed. # Sets: # OPENSSL_BIN: The path to the openssl binary to use function openim::util::test_openssl_installed { if ! openssl version >& /dev/null; then echo "Failed to run openssl. Please ensure openssl is installed" exit 1 fi OPENSSL_BIN=$(command -v openssl) } # creates a client CA, args are sudo, dest-dir, ca-id, purpose # purpose is dropped in after "key encipherment", you usually want # '"client auth"' # '"server auth"' # '"client auth","server auth"' function openim::util::create_signing_certkey { local sudo=$1 local dest_dir=$2 local id=$3 local purpose=$4 # Create client ca ${sudo} /usr/bin/env bash -e < "${dest_dir}/${id}-ca-config.json" EOF } # signs a client certificate: args are sudo, dest-dir, CA, filename (roughly), username, groups... function openim::util::create_client_certkey { local sudo=$1 local dest_dir=$2 local ca=$3 local id=$4 local cn=${5:-$4} local groups="" local SEP="" shift 5 while [ -n "${1:-}" ]; do groups+="${SEP}{\"O\":\"$1\"}" SEP="," shift 1 done ${sudo} /usr/bin/env bash -e < /dev/null apiVersion: v1 kind: Config clusters: - cluster: certificate-authority: ${ca_file} server: https://${api_host}:${api_port}/ name: local-up-cluster users: - user: token: ${token} client-certificate: ${dest_dir}/client-${client_id}.crt client-key: ${dest_dir}/client-${client_id}.key name: local-up-cluster contexts: - context: cluster: local-up-cluster user: local-up-cluster name: local-up-cluster current-context: local-up-cluster EOF # flatten the openimconfig files to make them self contained username=$(whoami) ${sudo} /usr/bin/env bash -e < "/tmp/${client_id}.openimconfig" mv -f "/tmp/${client_id}.openimconfig" "${dest_dir}/${client_id}.openimconfig" chown ${username} "${dest_dir}/${client_id}.openimconfig" EOF } # Determines if docker can be run, failures may simply require that the user be added to the docker group. function openim::util::ensure_docker_daemon_connectivity { IFS=" " read -ra DOCKER <<< "${DOCKER_OPTS}" # Expand ${DOCKER[@]} only if it's not unset. This is to work around # Bash 3 issue with unbound variable. DOCKER=(docker ${DOCKER[@]:+"${DOCKER[@]}"}) if ! "${DOCKER[@]}" info > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then cat <<'EOF' >&2 Can't connect to 'docker' daemon. please fix and retry. Possible causes: - Docker Daemon not started - Linux: confirm via your init system - macOS w/ docker-machine: run `docker-machine ls` and `docker-machine start ` - macOS w/ Docker for Mac: Check the menu bar and start the Docker application - DOCKER_HOST hasn't been set or is set incorrectly - Linux: domain socket is used, DOCKER_* should be unset. In Bash run `unset ${!DOCKER_*}` - macOS w/ docker-machine: run `eval "$(docker-machine env )"` - macOS w/ Docker for Mac: domain socket is used, DOCKER_* should be unset. In Bash run `unset ${!DOCKER_*}` - Other things to check: - Linux: User isn't in 'docker' group. Add and relogin. - Something like 'sudo usermod -a -G docker ${USER}' - RHEL7 bug and workaround: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1119282#c8 EOF return 1 fi } # Wait for background jobs to finish. Return with # an error status if any of the jobs failed. openim::util::wait-for-jobs() { local fail=0 local job for job in $(jobs -p); do wait "${job}" || fail=$((fail + 1)) done return ${fail} } # openim::util::join # Concatenates the list elements with the delimiter passed as first parameter # # Ex: openim::util::join , a b c # -> a,b,c function openim::util::join { local IFS="$1" shift echo "$*" } # Function: openim::util::list-to-string # Description: Converts a list to a string, removing spaces, brackets, and commas. # Example input: [1002 3 , 2 32 3 , 3 434 ,] # Example output: 10023 2323 3434 # Example usage: # result=$(openim::util::list-to-string "[10023, 2323, 3434]") # echo $result function openim::util::list-to-string() { # Capture all arguments into a single string ports_list="$*" # Use sed for transformations: # 1. Remove spaces # 2. Replace commas with spaces # 3. Remove opening and closing brackets ports_array=$(echo "$ports_list" | sed 's/ //g; s/,/ /g; s/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/') # For external use, we might want to echo the result so that it can be captured by callers echo "$ports_array" } # MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS=$(openim::util::list-to-string "10023, 2323, 34 34") # read -a MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS <<< $(openim::util::list-to-string "10023, 2323, 34 34") # echo ${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS} # echo "${#MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS[@]}" # Downloads cfssl/cfssljson/cfssl-certinfo into $1 directory if they do not already exist in PATH # # Assumed vars: # $1 (cfssl directory) (optional) # # Sets: # CFSSL_BIN: The path of the installed cfssl binary # CFSSLJSON_BIN: The path of the installed cfssljson binary # CFSSLCERTINFO_BIN: The path of the installed cfssl-certinfo binary # function openim::util::ensure-cfssl { if command -v cfssl &>/dev/null && command -v cfssljson &>/dev/null && command -v cfssl-certinfo &>/dev/null; then CFSSL_BIN=$(command -v cfssl) CFSSLJSON_BIN=$(command -v cfssljson) CFSSLCERTINFO_BIN=$(command -v cfssl-certinfo) return 0 fi host_arch=$(openim::util::host_arch) if [[ "${host_arch}" != "amd64" ]]; then echo "Cannot download cfssl on non-amd64 hosts and cfssl does not appear to be installed." echo "Please install cfssl, cfssljson and cfssl-certinfo and verify they are in \$PATH." echo "Hint: export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin; go get -u github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/cmd/..." exit 1 fi # Create a temp dir for cfssl if no directory was given local cfssldir=${1:-} if [[ -z "${cfssldir}" ]]; then cfssldir="$HOME/bin" fi mkdir -p "${cfssldir}" pushd "${cfssldir}" > /dev/null || return 1 echo "Unable to successfully run 'cfssl' from ${PATH}; downloading instead..." kernel=$(uname -s) case "${kernel}" in Linux) curl --retry 10 -L -o cfssl https://pkg.cfssl.org/R1.2/cfssl_linux-amd64 curl --retry 10 -L -o cfssljson https://pkg.cfssl.org/R1.2/cfssljson_linux-amd64 curl --retry 10 -L -o cfssl-certinfo https://pkg.cfssl.org/R1.2/cfssl-certinfo_linux-amd64 ;; Darwin) curl --retry 10 -L -o cfssl https://pkg.cfssl.org/R1.2/cfssl_darwin-amd64 curl --retry 10 -L -o cfssljson https://pkg.cfssl.org/R1.2/cfssljson_darwin-amd64 curl --retry 10 -L -o cfssl-certinfo https://pkg.cfssl.org/R1.2/cfssl-certinfo_darwin-amd64 ;; *) echo "Unknown, unsupported platform: ${kernel}." >&2 echo "Supported platforms: Linux, Darwin." >&2 exit 2 esac chmod +x cfssl || true chmod +x cfssljson || true chmod +x cfssl-certinfo || true CFSSL_BIN="${cfssldir}/cfssl" CFSSLJSON_BIN="${cfssldir}/cfssljson" CFSSLCERTINFO_BIN="${cfssldir}/cfssl-certinfo" if [[ ! -x ${CFSSL_BIN} || ! -x ${CFSSLJSON_BIN} || ! -x ${CFSSLCERTINFO_BIN} ]]; then echo "Failed to download 'cfssl'." echo "Please install cfssl, cfssljson and cfssl-certinfo and verify they are in \$PATH." echo "Hint: export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin; go get -u github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/cmd/..." exit 1 fi popd > /dev/null || return 1 } function openim::util::ensure-docker-buildx { # podman returns 0 on `docker buildx version`, docker on `docker buildx`. One of them must succeed. if docker buildx version >/dev/null 2>&1 || docker buildx >/dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 else echo "ERROR: docker buildx not available. Docker 19.03 or higher is required with experimental features enabled" exit 1 fi } # openim::util::ensure-bash-version # Check if we are using a supported bash version # function openim::util::ensure-bash-version { # shellcheck disable=SC2004 if ((${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}<4)) || ( ((${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}==4)) && ((${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}<2)) ); then echo "ERROR: This script requires a minimum bash version of 4.2, but got version of ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}.${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}" if [ "$(uname)" = 'Darwin' ]; then echo "On macOS with homebrew 'brew install bash' is sufficient." fi exit 1 fi } # openim::util::ensure-install-nginx # Check if nginx is installed # function openim::util::ensure-install-nginx { if ! command -v nginx &>/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: nginx not found. Please install nginx." exit 1 fi for port in 80 do if echo |telnet $port 2>&1|grep refused &>/dev/null;then exit 1 fi done } # openim::util::ensure-gnu-sed # Determines which sed binary is gnu-sed on linux/darwin # # Sets: # SED: The name of the gnu-sed binary # function openim::util::ensure-gnu-sed { # NOTE: the echo below is a workaround to ensure sed is executed before the grep. # see: https://github.com/openimrnetes/openimrnetes/issues/87251 sed_help="$(LANG=C sed --help 2>&1 || true)" if echo "${sed_help}" | grep -q "GNU\|BusyBox"; then SED="sed" elif command -v gsed &>/dev/null; then SED="gsed" else openim::log::error "Failed to find GNU sed as sed or gsed. If you are on Mac: brew install gnu-sed." >&2 return 1 fi openim::util::sourced_variable "${SED}" } # openim::util::ensure-gnu-date # Determines which date binary is gnu-date on linux/darwin # # Sets: # DATE: The name of the gnu-date binary # function openim::util::ensure-gnu-date { # NOTE: the echo below is a workaround to ensure date is executed before the grep. date_help="$(LANG=C date --help 2>&1 || true)" if echo "${date_help}" | grep -q "GNU\|BusyBox"; then DATE="date" elif command -v gdate &>/dev/null; then DATE="gdate" else openim::log::error "Failed to find GNU date as date or gdate. If you are on Mac: brew install coreutils." >&2 return 1 fi openim::util::sourced_variable "${DATE}" } # openim::util::check-file-in-alphabetical-order # Check that the file is in alphabetical order # function openim::util::check-file-in-alphabetical-order { local failure_file="$1" if ! diff -u "${failure_file}" <(LC_ALL=C sort "${failure_file}"); then { echo echo "${failure_file} is not in alphabetical order. Please sort it:" echo echo " LC_ALL=C sort -o ${failure_file} ${failure_file}" echo } >&2 false fi } # openim::util::require-jq # Checks whether jq is installed. function openim::util::require-jq { if ! command -v jq &>/dev/null; then echo "jq not found. Please install." 1>&2 return 1 fi } # openim::util::require-dig # Checks whether dig is installed and provides installation instructions if it is not. function openim::util::require-dig { if ! command -v dig &>/dev/null; then echo "dig command not found." echo "Please install 'dig' to use this feature." echo "Installation instructions:" echo " For Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install dnsutils" echo " For CentOS/RedHat: sudo yum install bind-utils" echo " For macOS: 'dig' should be preinstalled. If missing, try: brew install bind" echo " For Windows: Install BIND9 tools from https://www.isc.org/download/" return 1 fi } # outputs md5 hash of $1, works on macOS and Linux function openim::util::md5() { if which md5 >/dev/null 2>&1; then md5 -q "$1" else md5sum "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }' fi } # openim::util::read-array # Reads in stdin and adds it line by line to the array provided. This can be # used instead of "mapfile -t", and is bash 3 compatible. # # Assumed vars: # $1 (name of array to create/modify) # # Example usage: # openim::util::read-array files < <(ls -1) # function openim::util::read-array { local i=0 unset -v "$1" while IFS= read -r "$1[i++]"; do :; done eval "[[ \${$1[--i]} ]]" || unset "$1[i]" # ensures last element isn't empty } # Some useful colors. if [[ -z "${color_start-}" ]]; then declare -r color_start="\033[" declare -r color_red="${color_start}0;31m" declare -r color_yellow="${color_start}0;33m" declare -r color_green="${color_start}0;32m" declare -r color_blue="${color_start}1;34m" declare -r color_cyan="${color_start}1;36m" declare -r color_norm="${color_start}0m" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_start}" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_red}" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_yellow}" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_green}" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_blue}" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_cyan}" openim::util::sourced_variable "${color_norm}" fi # ex: ts=2 sw=2 et filetype=sh function openim::util::desc() { openim::util:run::maybe_first_prompt rate=25 if [ -n "$DEMO_RUN_FAST" ]; then rate=1000 fi echo "$blue# $@$reset" | pv -qL $rate openim::util:run::prompt } function openim::util:run::prompt() { echo -n "$yellow\$ $reset" } started="" function openim::util:run::maybe_first_prompt() { if [ -z "$started" ]; then openim::util:run::prompt started=true fi } # After a `run` this variable will hold the stdout of the command that was run. # If the command was interactive, this will likely be garbage. DEMO_RUN_STDOUT="" function openim::util::run() { openim::util:run::maybe_first_prompt rate=25 if [ -n "$DEMO_RUN_FAST" ]; then rate=1000 fi echo "$green$1$reset" | pv -qL $rate if [ -n "$DEMO_RUN_FAST" ]; then sleep 0.5 fi OFILE="$(mktemp -t $(basename $0).XXXXXX)" if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then script -q "$OFILE" $1 else script -eq -c "$1" -f "$OFILE" fi r=$? read -d '' -t "${timeout}" -n 10000 # clear stdin openim::util:run::prompt if [ -z "$DEMO_AUTO_RUN" ]; then read -s fi DEMO_RUN_STDOUT="$(tail -n +2 $OFILE | sed 's/\r//g')" return $r } function openim::util::run::relative() { for arg; do echo "$(realpath $(dirname $(which $0)))/$arg" | sed "s|$(realpath $(pwd))|.|" done } # This function retrieves the IP address of the current server. # It primarily uses the `curl` command to fetch the public IP address from ifconfig.me. # If curl or the service is not available, it falls back # to the internal IP address provided by the hostname command. # TODO: If a delay is found, the delay needs to be addressed function openim::util::get_server_ip() { # Check if the 'curl' command is available if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then # Try to retrieve the public IP address using curl and ifconfig.me IP=$(dig TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | sed 's/"//g' | tr -d '\n') # Check if IP retrieval was successful if [[ -z "$IP" ]]; then # If not, get the internal IP address IP=$(ip addr show | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | head -n 1) fi else # If curl is not available, get the internal IP address IP=$(ip addr show | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | head -n 1) fi # Return the fetched IP address echo "$IP" } function openim::util::onCtrlC() { echo -e "\n${t_reset}Ctrl+C Press it. It's exiting openim make init..." exit 1 } # Function Function: Remove Spaces in the string function openim::util::remove_space() { value=$* # 获取传入的参数 result=$(echo $value | sed 's/ //g') # 去除空格 } function openim::util::gencpu() { # Check the system type system_type=$(uname) if [[ "$system_type" == "Darwin" ]]; then # macOS (using sysctl) cpu_count=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) elif [[ "$system_type" == "Linux" ]]; then # Linux (using lscpu) cpu_count=$(lscpu --parse | grep -E '^([^#].*,){3}[^#]' | sort -u | wc -l) else echo "Unsupported operating system: $system_type" exit 1 fi echo $cpu_count } function openim::util::set_max_fd() { local desired_fd=$1 local max_fd_limit # Check if we're not on cygwin or darwin. if [ "$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" != "cygwin" ] && [ "$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" != "darwin" ]; then # Try to get the hard limit. max_fd_limit=$(ulimit -H -n) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # If desired_fd is 'maximum' or 'max', set it to the hard limit. if [ "$desired_fd" = "maximum" ] || [ "$desired_fd" = "max" ]; then desired_fd="$max_fd_limit" fi # Check if desired_fd is less than or equal to max_fd_limit. if [ "$desired_fd" -le "$max_fd_limit" ]; then ulimit -n "$desired_fd" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Warning: Could not set maximum file descriptor limit to $desired_fd" fi else echo "Warning: Desired file descriptor limit ($desired_fd) is greater than the hard limit ($max_fd_limit)" fi else echo "Warning: Could not query the maximum file descriptor hard limit." fi else echo "Warning: Not attempting to modify file descriptor limit on Cygwin or Darwin." fi } function openim::util::gen_os_arch() { # Get the current operating system and architecture OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') ARCH=$(uname -m) # Select the repository home directory based on the operating system and architecture if [[ "$OS" == "darwin" ]]; then if [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then REPO_DIR="darwin/amd64" else REPO_DIR="darwin/386" fi elif [[ "$OS" == "linux" ]]; then if [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then REPO_DIR="linux/amd64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "arm64" ]]; then REPO_DIR="linux/arm64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "mips64" ]]; then REPO_DIR="linux/mips64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "mips64le" ]]; then REPO_DIR="linux/mips64le" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "ppc64le" ]]; then REPO_DIR="linux/ppc64le" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "s390x" ]]; then REPO_DIR="linux/s390x" else REPO_DIR="linux/386" fi elif [[ "$OS" == "windows" ]]; then if [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then REPO_DIR="windows/amd64" else REPO_DIR="windows/386" fi else echo -e "${RED_PREFIX}Unsupported OS: $OS${COLOR_SUFFIX}" exit 1 fi } if [[ "$*" =~ openim::util:: ]];then eval $* fi